-Caveat Lector-

>From NetIran.CoM

blair confesses at last, says daily

<<I think "bad body" was meant to be "bad boy">>

tehran, jan. 13, irna -- while leading policy-makers of the islamic
revolution were busy planning the course of the nation's future, the iraqi
regime waged a full-scale war against iran with direct or indirect
military, financial and political help provided by most of the major
western countries including u.s. and britain, wrote an article in the
opinion column of the english daily 'tehran times.'

u.s. and britain in fact showed quite different attitudes towards iraq's
military aggression against iran in 1980 and its attack on kuwait in 1990
as these two countries were not even ready to admit that iraq was the
aggressor in its war against iran, noted the daily.

however, when the ''bad body'' pointed his gun at west's satellites in the
region in 1990, it apparently became a potential threat to israel, wrote
the paper adding that the same ''bad boy'' has now put western countries in
such a difficult and embarrassing situation that they had no other
alternative but to swallow the bitter pill of confessing that ''iraq was
the initiator of war against iran....''

however, if the confession by british premier tony blair had been made in
the 80's the west and the regional countries would not have fought a very
costly war against iraq in 1991 which still has no end in sight, pointed
out the paper in conclusion. fh/ks end ::irna 13/01/99 11:11

iran's special envoy meets with iraqi foreign minister

<<Remember Iranis are "Persians", as opposed to "Arabs", yet jointly

tehran, jan. 12, irna -- iran's special envoy mohammad sadr met and
conferred on monday night with iraqi foreign minister muhammad saeed
as-sahaf, on peaceful ways of solving the iraqi crisis.

in the meeting, the iraqi foreign minister lauded the efforts made by the
islamic republic of iran as chairman of the organization of the islamic
conference, to peacefully end the iraqi crisis and called for continuation
of these efforts.

sadr underlined the need to put an end to the sufferings of the iraqi
people as the need for abiding by the decisions made by the united nations
by all its member states. mm/rr end ::irna 12/01/99 19:26

iran's special envoy meets iraqi vice-president, deputy premier

tehran, jan. 12, irna -- iran's special envoy seyyed mohammad baqer sadr in
a meeting with iraq's vice-president taha yassin ramadan in baghdad tuesday
briefed on iranian endeavors for halting military strikes against iraq.

he also emphasized on efforts of the chairmanship of organization of the
islamic conference (oic) for finding a peaceful way to resolve the iraqi
crisis and to defuse tension in the region.

the deputy iranian foreign minister then described the goal of his visit to
iraq as in continuation of the visits to some influential member states of
the 55-nation islamic conference aiming at finding a joint resolution and
coordination with the united nations.

sadr then underlined the need to respect charter of the united nations and
refrain from any wilful measure by the member nations.

in the meeting, the iraqi vice-president thanked iran's president and
chairman of the organization of islamic conference hojjatoleslam seyyed
mohammad khatami for dispatching the special envoy to iraq.

referring to the stance of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution
ayatollah seyyed ali khamenei on the recent crisis, ramadan termed it as a
wise, clear and decisive stance.

he added that baghdad is ready to help finding a peaceful way out for his
country from the current crisis.

meanwhile, the iranian special envoy met separately with the iraqi deputy
prime minister tareq aziz to say that the collective efforts needed to made
in the security council to review the resolutions and prevent any
unilateral measure among its member countries.

in the meeting, tareq aziz expressed satisfaction over the chairmanship of
the islamic republic of iran as an independent and powerful nation over the
organization of islamic conference (oic) and hoped that tehran will use its
influence to resolve the crisis. pm/dh end ::irna 13/01/99 00:20

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>From irna.com

thr 011


     hikmet cetin on way to tehran

 ankara, jan. 29, irna -- turkey's parliamentary speaker hikmet

cetin leading a high ranking parliamentary delegation is on the way

to tehran at the invitation of the majlis speaker, hojjatoleslam ali

akbar nateq nouri.

    before his departure, he told the press that he was optimistic

that his talks with top iranian officials would bear constructive

results for the two nations during his four-day visit to the irainian


    cetin is expected to hold talks with president hojjatoleslam

seyyed mohammad khatami, the head of expediency council, ayatollah ali

akbar hashemi rafsanjani besides his exchange of views with the majlis

speaker nateq nouri.

    turkey's parliamentary speaker told the press that he expected to

exchange views on bilateral relations and issues of the region.

    "the delegation also anticipates holding discussions on economic

and business relations between tehran and ankara," cetin said.

    "iran and turkey have coexisted peacefully and maintained

fraternal relations throughout centuries as two pivotal countries in

the maintenance of peace and stability in the region," the speaker


    this is the first visit of turkey's parliamentary leader to iran.



::irna  29/01/99  16:03

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