-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 02/01/99) -- Mainstream news outlets are releasing reports
claiming  that  the  HIV  virus  originated  in "deepest, darkest
Africa," a mysterious, far-away  land with connotations of Joseph
Conrad's  "Heart  of  Darkness"  and  H.  Rider  Haggard's  "King
Solomon's Mines."

In  the  mysterious  continent  of  Africa,  experts  now  claim,
mysterious black men ate chimpanzees.  It is  presumed  that  the
chimpanzees  eaten  were  uncooked.   Or  maybe  the  chimps were
insufficiently cooked, say, medium-rare.   The  story is that the
HIV virus was  transmitted  thereby,  from  the  chimps,  to  the
mysterious  black  chimp eaters.  From there it made a mysterious
and exclusive migration to the  island of Haiti.  From Haiti, the
virus made another selective migration  to  a  few  U.S.  cities,
where it was selectively biased to males of ages 20 through 40.

A few facts worth mentioning:

(1) "We have not been able  to discover any good reasons why most
of the people on earth believe that AIDS is a disease caused by a
virus  called  HIV.   There  is  simply  no  scientific  evidence
demonstrating that this is true."  -- Kary B. Mullis, Nobel Prize
in Chemistry, 1993.  [Qtd. in *Inventing The AIDS Virus* by Peter
H. Duesberg.  Washington, DC:  Regnery  Publishing,  Inc.,  1996.
ISBN: 0-89526-470-6.]

(2)  Professor Peter Duesberg (UC-Berkeley), a virologist, agrees
with Mullis:   No  one  has  ever  proven  that  HIV causes AIDS.
[Source: Duesberg's book, cited above.]

(3) AIDS doesn't "come  from  monkeys  in  Africa; the story gets
more preposterous as we get into it."  --  Dr.  Robert  Strecker,
M.D. and virologist, ca. 1992.

(4)  "A  virus  model  of  causation  does not fit the scientific
facts.  Rather, multifactorial influences  are the *sine qua non*
of AIDS.  [But the] multifactorial  model  is  a  threat  to  the
well-being of the international pharmaceutical giants..."  -- Jon
Rappoport.   [*AIDS,  Inc.:   Scandal  of  the  Century*  by  Jon
Rappoport. Human Energy Press, 1988. ISBN: 0-941523-03-9.]

(5)  "Yet there is still no proof for the now [1990] six year-old
hypothesis that HIV causes  AIDS."   -- John Lauritsen.  [*Poison
By Prescription:  The AZT Story* by John  Lauritsen.   New  York:
Asklepios, 1990. ISBN: 0-943742-06-4.]

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  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
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Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief    | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418----------------
Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

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