From the Offices of:  Rumor Mill News Agency
The Uncensored National Rumor

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Is There Evidence That A Missile Might Shoot Down Air Force One?
Keep Your Friends and Family Off That Plane!!

December 11, 1998

Aptos,CA  (RMnews)-- President Clinton, leaves an uncertain fate behind as he
departs  Saturday morning on a trip to Israel.

The officially stated reason for the trip is to bolster the faltering Wye
River peace accords that were signed by President Netanyahu and Yassar Arafat
last month. The peace talks which were held on the Wye River Plantation, about
an hour out of Washington, DC, were brokered by President Clinton. When the
peace talks ended, it appeared that the President had been successful in
bringing peace to the middle east.

However, the peace accords starting falling apart the moment they were over.
Now President Clinton. In the middle of impeachment hearings, is traveling to
Israeli to try to put the peace accords back in place.

The President is taking about 20 members of Congress with him to Israel,
including 3 Republican moderates who have not yet  decided how they will vote
on impeachment, and will surely be strong armed on the trip to vote against

Back in Washington, the Democrats have issued orders that all of the House of
Representatives MUST be in Washington for the impeachment vote. Travel,
sickness, family emergencies and hospital stays will not matter. All
Democratic members have been ordered by the White House to be on the floor for
the impeachment vote.

A battery of Patriot Missiles has been shipped to Israel and will be in place
before the President arrives. Pentagon Spokesman, Ken Bacon, (the same man who
authorized release of Linda Tripp's private defense personnel file) was vague
on the reason the Patriot missiles were shipped to Israel at this particular

Does the military or our intelligence agencies have information that the
President's plane might be in danger in Israel? Could there be people who
believe that Saddam Hussein might try to shoot down Air Force One?

And if this kind of intelligence has been released, how can the President's
handlers justify his going to Israel at this particular time?

RMNews Conspiracy theories:

1. The President never lets anyone know which plane he is going to fly in. At
one time, when he was afraid that members of the United States military might
sabotage Air force One, he was actually letting a double fly on board AF1 and
he was flying in the back-seat of a Navy fighter. Could the President be
planning to set up the 3 Republican members of the House, and let them be shot
down on Air Force 1?

2. Who else is going to be on board that plane? Are there any potential grand
jury witnesses, like Harold Ickes, who are going to be on board?  would the
crash of the airplane put all the investigations behind him, just like the
crash of the Ron Brown plane in Yugoslavia, put all of the Ron Brown
investigations behind the President. If Ron Brown had lived, he would surely
have provided, according to his own words, evidence that the President had
profited from illegal gas line business deals. Ron Brown was also the head of
the Democratic National Committee at the time the Chinese money was flowing
in. What could Ron Brown have told us about the president's involvement in
this? Who is leaving Saturday morning on board Air Force One with the
President? Whose voice could be silenced if AF1 is shot down by a missile?

3. The impeachment hearings would be forgotten if AF1 was shot down.

4. Could the President be planning to fake his death and disappear so he
doesn't end up in prison or drawn and quartered like the Canadians want to do
to him. If you haven't heard about this angle yet, you need to start reading
about the Arkansas blood scandal. governor Clinton okayed a scheme to sell
tainted prisoner blood to Canada. Now Canadians are contracting Hepatitis C
and HIV. They are ready to draw are quarter our President. I wonder what would
happen to the President if he visited Canada instead of Israel right now? If
the President is afraid that more and more information is about to come out on
him that will destroy his reputation in history forever, maybe he is getting
ready to fake his death.

5. If the President fakes his death, who will be the major winner? Hillary, of
course. The roar of the public will demand that Al Gore appoint her as vice
President. Soon the Gore scandals will force  President Gore to resign, and
then we will have President Hillary. She will be reelected by a landslide in
the year 2000. There is virtually nothing that could stop this landslide vote.

6.  If the real plan for the Israeli  visit is to fake the death of the
President so Hillary can become President, then someone better warn Bill to
put aside some insurance policies to insure that Hillary doesn't see to it
that he death is not faked? In other words, if Hillary is better off with him
dead than alive, do you really think she would want to "fake" his death?

Warnings to the wise.

If someone you love or care about is going to be on this trip, you had better
stop then at all costs.
Arrange to have them kidnapped.
Drug them so they will miss the flight.
Pay someone to mug them so they end up in the hospital.
Tell them to fake a heart attack.
Fake a heart attack yourself and insist they stay with you.

I have attached documents which support what has been written above.

             U.S. Sends Anti-Missiles to Israel
            Thursday, December 10, 1998; 4:56 p.m. EST
            WASHINGTON (AP) -- Three Patriot anti-missile batteries are being
            sent to Israel as part of a U.S.-Israeli military exercise, a
            Pentagon spokesman said Thursday.
            Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon, asked whether the movement of
            anti-missile systems from Europe had anything to do with President
            Clinton's visit this weekend to the region, said only that the
            Patriot batteries ``will be exercising'' in Israel at that time.
            ``There are a small number ... going to Israel as part of a
            deployment exercise,'' Bacon said.
            Each of the three batteries has three missile launchers, Bacon
            They will take part in an exercise dubbed ``Noble Shirley,'' that
            also includes live-fire exercises involving helicopter units, the
            spokesman added.
            He declined to say when the units would return.
            A Pentagon official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the
            units were to come from U.S. forces based in Germany.
            Clinton arrives Saturday during an upsurge in violence between
            Israelis and Palestinians in an effort to prevent the Wye River
            peace accord from collapsing.
            © Copyright 1998 The Associated Press
            Back to the top

DECEMBER 10, 1998 22:59:21 UTC

Three undecided House members, Lazio [R-NY], Forbes [R-NY] and Fox [R-PA] are
scheduled to travel with the president on his trip to the Middle East on  
Saturday, giving Clinton more personal time to make the case.


The White House is expressing growing confidence that it can defeat proposed
articles of impeachment on the House floor and is quietly exploring with
Republican leaders a deal under which President Clinton would accept a
censure to escape impeachment, the NEW YORK TIMES is set to report in fresh
Friday editions.


Clinton himself spoke to a "handful" House members this week to try to answer
their concerns, a White House official told the paper on Thursday night. The
official would not provide the members' names.

[Clinton called outgoing Sen. Alfonse D'Amato late Thursday to thank him for
statement earlier this week opposing impeachment.]

"Presidential aides have contacted 45 potentially persuadable members of
Congress in the past few days to offer further evidence or explanation in the
president's defense and to urge them to vote against impeachment," reports the

Three undecided House members, Lazio [R-NY], Forbes [R-NY] and Fox [R-PA] are
scheduled to travel with the president on his trip to the Middle East on  
Saturday, giving Clinton more personal time to make the case.

"One senior administration official said privately Thursday that the White
was engaged in wishful thinking and predicted that the House would vote to
impeach Clinton next week," says the report.

But at least four moderate Republicans that the White House is actively
will announce on Friday that they will vote to impeach.


People close to President Clinton say they see the toll on him. "I thought I
it in the president's face," one insider tells the DALLAS MORNING NEWS in
being readied for Friday editions.

"He is very focused on it," a high-ranking administration official, who
spoke with Clinton, tells the paper. "But there's not a lot he can do about
That's the problem with this thing... He looks pretty tired. I think this has
got him... This is history. This is history."


12/11/98 -- 2:22 PM
        Albright says Clinton trip designed to buttress Wye accords

        WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton is going to the Middle East to
        Israeli and Palestinian leaders to carry out their pledges in the Wye
        land-for-peace accords, which already has brought the region closer to
        peace, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Friday.
        On the eve of Clinton's departure, Albright urged Palestinian leader
        Yasser Arafat to clamp down on violence and to cease making
        that he intends unilaterally to establish a state on the West Bank and
        She also implicitly asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to
        follow the timetable set out in the Wye accords for a partial pullback
        from 13 percent of the West Bank, which he has put on hold.
        ``We knew when we left Wye that we would be facing a bumpy road, and
        some of those bumps have already been jarring,'' Albright said. ``But
        there can be no question that Wye has moved us further down the road
        towards peace and away from the long and dangerous impasse that
        preceding it.''
        Netanyahu and Arafat negotiated October's land-for-security agreement
        under U.S. supervision at Wye, Md.
        Clinton was due to board Air Force One for his flight to Israel before
        dawn Saturday. On Sunday in Jerusalem, he will meet with Netanyahu,
        address the Israeli people and light a candle for the first night of
        Hanukkah, a Jewish holiday that commemorates freedom.
        He goes to Gaza on Monday to see Arafat and to address the Palestine
        National Council and other Palestinian groups. As specified in the Wye
        agreement, the council is due to reaffirm earlier acts by lesser
        that nullified clauses demanding Israel's destruction contained in the
        1964 covenant of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Netanyahu is
        demanding that it be done by vote of the council's membership.
        Albright would not say whether the council would vote. ``There will be
        set of procedures,'' she told reporters at the White House. ``I'm not
        going to go beyond that.''
        On Tuesday, Clinton will visit the Church of the Nativity and Manger
        Square in Bethlehem, on the West Bank, and light a Christmas tree.
        ``Obviously, on the week before Christmas this is an event and a
        the president very much looks forward to in a personal way,'' Sandy
        Berger, his assistant for national security affairs, said.
        And in a tribute to Israeli resolve, Clinton will go to Masada, a
        hilltop where Jews held out in a first century revolt against the
        Romans. Rather than be killed or taken prisoner, they jumped to their
        deaths. ( RMNews comment: Why did AP include this? Is this code to
insiders? Are they telling people the president will die rather than be taken

         ``We know that there are problems here,'' Albright said of the
        that broke out after the Wye accords were initialed at the White
        But she also voiced confidence.
        ``I believe we can and will overcome the challenges we face,'' she
        in previewing Clinton's trip.
        Many Palestinians see the Wye accords and Clinton's trip as steps
        statehood, but Albright said the president is not trying to encourage
        Palestinian aspirations.
        The visit, she said, ``is not in any way moving that process forward.
        are going there in terms of our own obligations as far as the Wye
        agreement are concerned.''
        Statehood, she said, is a matter for Israel and the Palestinians to
        with in their own negotiations.
        ``The Wye agreement must be implemented as signed, and Palestinian
        security efforts must be comprehensive and sustained,'' Albright said
        a message intended for both Netanyahu and Arafat.
        Touching on another thorny issue, Albright came down squarely on
        Israel's side in a dispute over provisions in the Wye accords for
        to release 750 Palestinian prisoners. So far, 250 have been released,
        but Palestinian leaders have complained they were mostly auto thieves
        and other common criminals, not political prisoners.
        ``The Israelis have done what they said they would,'' Albright said.
        ``Clearly,'' she said, ``this has become a very sensitive issue
        of some misunderstanding'' and should be taken up in discussions
        the two sides.
        In his meetings with the two leaders - a three-way session also is
        possible, Berger said - and in speeches to the Israeli and Palestinian
        people, Clinton hopes to revive the spirit of cooperation that
        the Wye accords.
        ``The thing that we have felt is important throughout the whole peace
        process is for there to be a partnership between the two parties, a
        respect for each other, an understanding that here are two leaders
        coming together to make some decisions,'' Albright said.
        Sen. Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., traveling with Clinton, echoed the
        adminsitration's objectives. He said he too intends to ``call on both
        sides to honor the commitments they made in the Wye River agreement,
        refrain from taking unilateral action that can derail the process and
        end the violence and mutual incriminations of recent days.''
        Wellstone is among about 20 members of Congress accompanying Clinton.
        The House Judiciary Committee was debating four proposed articles of
        impeachment as Albright and Berger briefed reporters about Clinton's
        trip. The full House likely will act next Thursday, after he returns
        But Berger said: ``I don't think the president had second thoughts for
        second about going on this trip.''
        Copyright 1998 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
        not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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