-Caveat Lector-

>From Washington (DC) Post

Rest of World Yawns Over Clinton Drama

By Charles Trueheart
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, December 12, 1998; Page A15

PARIS, Dec. 11 – As the first vote on a U.S. presidential impeachment in
nearly a quarter-century loomed in Washington, the rest of the world was
barely stirring from a slumber of indifference and ennui.

"We know how the story is going to come out: Clinton won't lose his job,"
declared Benoit Laporte, news editor of France's all-news television
channel LCI, as he explained why most of the French news media were
devoting only perfunctory coverage to the conclusion of this saga. "If
Americans aren't interested, why should I be interested?"

That elementary grasp of the conventional wisdom in Washington was
reflected in slender to nonexistent coverage of the story around the world
in recent days and weeks. Five of Russia's leading daily newspapers today
ignored the story. None of the major Russian television news broadcasts
this evening even mentioned it.

The tepid public interest suggested that the November midterm elections,
widely regarded as having saved President Clinton's political hide, had
lulled global opinion into thinking the drama was over. And constitutional
procedures and legislative wrangling were, to far-flung spectators,
understandably less titillating than the warm-up of the Monica S. Lewinsky
revelations and the Kenneth W. Starr report.

Kenyans, for instance, were showing far less curiosity about the
impeachment process than they did about the salacious details that prompted

Anne Wambui of Nairobi said she paid pretty close attention to "the trial
on Monica." But, she said, "after that, I lost interest."

In China, too, the autumn fascination with Clinton's troubles has cooled. A
few months ago, the Chinese appeared fascinated that Americans expect their
political leaders to at least try to adhere to the law. Chinese would also
often express amazement that a U.S. political leader might be forced out of
office by a congressional vote, rather than a hidden political struggle.
Chinese magazines ran dozens of stories about Clinton's sex life. Although
officially banned as "pornography," a pirated version of the Starr report
found an avid market.

But those days are over. "Is that case still going on?" said Wang Guoqiang,
a bartender in the southern city of Shenzhen, as he served an American a
draft beer recently. "Didn't the Democrats win something recently and the
whole thing was finished?"

The central European press seems bored, if not exhausted, by the
impeachment proceedings. Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland's leading daily, had no
report or commentary on the matter this morning. And other dailies in
Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary had only brief, straightforward news
reports. The region's one lengthy report today, on Slovak public radio, was
marked by a tone of bewilderment that impeachment was still a possibility.

Elsewhere it was much the same. "For us, it has been little more than
background noise," said Diana Hanna, a teacher in Caracas, Venezuela.
"People know something is going on with President Clinton, but they are not
paying attention to the details. I think most of us think it is silly . . .
and there have been other more important things for us to worry about."

Germans over the past year were amused, mortified and ultimately disgusted
by the Starr inquiry. But now that the case is reaching its conclusion in
Congress, it is evoking a nationwide yawn.

The obscure reports and analyses that are making their way into the public
eye, in Germany as elsewhere in Europe, have been largely critical of the
Republican Party and the major American media for trying to hound a
national leader from office for offenses that are considered routine habits
among politicians in the cynical Old World.

"This process against Clinton has gotten totally out of control," lamented
Ulf Goettges in the Berliner Zeitung, Berlin's leading newspaper. "The
Grand Old Party needs a Grand Old Leader who can guide it through a
therapeutic course until these politicians understand how to do their

"Don't the House Republicans remember what happened to them a month ago in
the election?" asked Sky News anchor Jeremy Thompson in Britain, where the
media have continued daily to follow the case against Clinton.

Britain's national newspapers have struggled to explain why the case has
come to this point, and most have taken the line that the charges against
the president are disturbing but do not warrant removing him from office.
With predictions that the full House, at least, might vote for impeachment,
the media are perplexed.

David Joseph Amukoye, a taxi driver waiting for a fare on Jomo Kenyatta
Avenue, Nairobi's sun-splashed main street, asked: "Why couldn't he just
declare that he's marrying a second wife, so that the case would be between
him and the first wife instead of between him and the public?"

Rueben Ondego concurred. "To me, an African, I don't see what Clinton did
was wrong. He did what a man can do. And the girl was beautiful," he said.

"We regard Clinton as an African," put in Elias Kisia, a third driver.
"Pure African."

Correspondents William Drozdiak in Berlin; Serge F. Kovaleski in Caracas,
Venezuela; David Hoffman in Moscow; John Pomfret in Beijing; Karl Vick in
Nairobi; and T.R. Reid in London contributed to this report.

© Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company

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