-Caveat Lector-

>From SalonMagazine.CoM (NewsReal)

-Tom DeLay,

<Picture: Tom DeLay>


BY JEFF STEIN | In the swirling spotlight that surrounds the presidential
impeachment trial, it's finally Tom DeLay's turn to move into the hot seat.
The slick-haired Texan with a fondness for calling President Clinton a liar
is starting to face questions about his own contradictions.

A former business partner in DeLay's exterminating business in suburban
Dallas popped up in the pages of the New Republic this week with charges
that the Republican whip had lied about his ties to the company in a 1994
lawsuit, and may have illegally siphoned off company funds to pay off
campaign debts.

DeLay has excoriated the president for "trying to use legalese and
lawyerese to do two-steps around the questions," author Ann Louise Bardach
observed in her New Republic piece. But the three experts Bardach asked to
examine DeLay's depositions -- under oath-- in the lawsuit concluded that
he had done exactly the same thing.

DeLay's spokesman Michael Scanlon blew off the allegations as old news:
"Our political enemies have been digging into Mr. DeLay's past for years,"
he said in a prepared statement.

Indeed they have, but they've been getting nowhere. Lacking a lurid enough
angle in sex-obsessed Washington, they've had no success in knocking DeLay
off his pedestal. Now, however, comes the faint cry of virtual slave
laborers far out in the Pacific Ocean, as unlikely a threat as the
nasty-tongued Republican could have ever imagined. But the faceless,
nameless sweatshop garment workers of Saipan suddenly have some legal

The story really begins back in June 1944, when 71,000 U.S. Marines took
Saipan from the Japanese Army at a terrible cost in blood. Planting the
American flag there turned out to be critical. Fourteen months later a B-29
took off from nearby Tinian carrying the atomic bombs that would abruptly
end the war. For the next half century the Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands, as they would become known, generally enjoyed the benign
neglect of Washington. In 1986, the 27,000 islanders were granted American

It was around this time, however, that mandarins from Hong Kong and the
People's Republic of China began setting up textile factories on Saipan and
importing labor from the mainland, as well as from Bangladesh and the
Philippines, to cut and stitch cloth for garment makers including JC
Penney, the Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, Liz Clairborne, Jones New York,
Abercrombie & Fitch, Levi Strauss, Nautica and many others -- a virtual
Who's Who of designer labels. The idea was to slip under the radar of U.S.
quotas and duties, which would cost the manufacturers millions more if the
garments were made outside U.S. territory. Garments from Saipan are made
from foreign cloth, assembled by foreign workers on U.S. soil and labeled
"Made in the USA."

And they are made cheaply. Wages in the factories average about $3 per hour
-- more than $2 less than the U.S. minimum wage of $5.15. No overtime is
paid for a 70-hour work week. But that's hardly the worst of it. Far away
from the swank beachside hotels, luxurious golf courses and the thousands
of Japanese tourists snorkling around sunken U.S. Navy landing craft in the
clear waters, some 31,000 textile workers live penned up like cattle by
armed soldiers and barbed wire, and squeezed head to toe into filthy
sleeping barracks, all of which was documented on film by U.S.
investigators last year.

The unhappy workers cannot just walk away, either: Like Appalachian coal
miners a generation ago, they owe their souls to the company store,
starting with factory recruiters, who charge Chinese peasants as much as
$4,000 to get them out of China and into a "good job" in "America." Their
low salaries make it nearly impossible to buy back their freedom. And so
they stay. The small print in their contracts forbids sex, drinking -- and

"I am very tired," wrote Li Zhen Hua, a 29-year-old Chinese woman in a
letter to a friend obtained by the weekly Dallas Observer. "I want to go
back to my country but I can't because we must keep [sic] two years ...
Very busy. So hard. Every day work up to 1:30. I've to work on Sunday. Too
much to respond to your letters."

Enter Tom DeLay and his Texas Republican sidekick, Dick Armey. When the
Clinton administration sought to yank Saipan's factories into the 20th
century in 1994, requiring the workers be paid a minimum wage, overtime and
their living conditions improved, the island government hired a platoon of
well-connected Washington lobbyists, headed by former DeLay aide Jack
Abramoff, to block the plan. Abramoff, in turn, personally or through his
family, contributed $18,000 to DeLay's campaign coffers. So far, the island
government has paid the firm of Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds $4
million for their efforts, records show. They also treated DeLay and Armey
to trips to the island, where they played golf, snorkled and made whirlwind
visits to factories especially spiffed up for the occasion, according to
several accounts.

"Even though I have only been here for 24 hours, I have witnessed the
economic success of the Marianas," DeLay told a banquet crowd. As for the
critics of the plantation system, DeLay told the dinner crowd darkly, "You
are up against the forces of big labor and the radical left."

The whip was apparently referring to the Clinton administration, whose
official in charge of the Marianas, Insular Affairs Chief Al Stayman,
wanted to change the sweatshop system. In a private e-mail from Abramoff to
island officials, which was made available to Salon, the lobbyist vowed he
would "impeach Stayman and his campaign."

Stayman is still on the job, but the Republicans, led by DeLay, have
blocked every effort by the Democrats to hold hearings on the issue.

Help may be on the way, though, via a California law firm that this month
filed a multimillion dollar suit against the factories in the name of "John
Does 1-23." The suit, filed last week in Saipan and state and federal
courts, accuses the firms of exploiting thousands of indentured foreign
workers in sweatshop conditions on U.S. soil.

"A free market success," DeLay calls Saipan's indentured worker system. If
the Republicans take a drubbing at the polls in 2000, however, DeLay
shouldn't be surprised if vengeance is in the air, even from his fellow
Texas fat cats. Scores of textile plants in cities like El Paso and Dallas
have had to shutter their doors in the face of cutthroat competition from
companies like those in Saipan.

All of which is ironic, considering how DeLay recently stood up for Chinese
dissidents in a different context. On the eve of the president's visit to
China last June, DeLay and 150 other Republicans signed a letter urging
Clinton to call off his trip because of Beijing's treatment of religious
and political dissenters.

Beijing had been cracking down on dissidents since the Tiananmen Square
massacre a decade earlier, of course, but that didn't stop DeLay from
making his own trip, paid for by a private foundation backed by private
corporations with business in China.

"Some might say that gives hypocrisy a bad name," cracked Rep. Maurce
Hinchey, a New York Democrat. But as the records unearthed from DeLay's
extermination company this week showed, he's become an expert in that.
SALON | Feb. 4, 1999

Washington writer Jeff Stein is a frequent contributor to Salon.


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