-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> ---
> >> Richard makes some good points as far as it
> goes.
> >> My criticism is that his examples
> >> of fascism are too one dimensional. He
> basically
> >> relates to "bottom up" fascism. What
> >> we are experiencing now in the good ole USA is
> >> "top down" fascism.
> >>
> >> A long term plan through a partnership between
> the
> >> political class (politico-paths) and the
> Corporate
> >> Elite to destroy individual freedom through
> >> Corporate Statism.
> >>
> >> Why? Simply for the economic benefit of the
> Elite
> >> and the sheer joy of power exercised by the
> >> political class.
> >> flw
> >
> >Fascism with power behind it exists where FLW
> points to.
> >It is not the political philosophy of choice by
> the current
> >crop though. They are too liberal. This will
> change with
> >the continued failure of their economic plans for
> the world.
> >
> >They could easily be replaced by corporate
> fascists like the
> >ones that populated the Reagan administration
> during the cold
> >war.
> >
> >We are not there yet. The subject is premature,
> and the paranoia
> >is overblown.
> >
> >Joshua2
> My God man! Look about you! Not there yet? The
> journey of 1000 miles is near its
> end. The locomotive engineer can see the station
> in the distance.
> To make a distinction between the current crop of
> "liberals" and the Reagan "conservatives"is like
> trying to make a distinction between Robert (let
> them eat interest) Rubin, Madeline (bombs away)
> Albright and James Baker and George Schultz. These
> corrupt Statists are all peas from the same pod.

Yes they are. I was referring more to the background groups
like The Committee on the Present Danger and their ilk. Old
george shultz and many others among the conservatives were
about as fascist as they could get away with being, and
that wasn't " fascism " either.

> Do you really mean what you posted or are you a
> victim of MK ULTRA?

I mean what I posted. I spent a brief time in Greece when
the Colonels were running it. That was a fascist state.
Not Nazi fascism mind you, but fascist none the less. What
you have here is nothing like the fear that people conducted
their lives under.

These exaggerations are silly. It's like you guys ( Libertarians
and Paranoids ) have gone off the deep end. There are groups in
this country  which face a fascist government daily in their
lives. You middle class white guys with computers are not among
them yet.

Chill out. Making you crazy fuckers get a license for a gun is
not fascism even if Hitler did it too.


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