-Caveat Lector-

Robert Bennett (R-Utah), chair of the Senate's Y2K committee, has asked the
US military of its plans for martial law in the event of Year 2000

Declan McCullagh has temporarily placed the transcript of that June 1998
hearing online.

His article:
The transcript:
"Inter arma silent leges."

'Martial law' rushed for Y2K chaos

Report warns government to be ready to invoke federal Emergencies Act
Saturday 12 December 1998
   David Pugliese

The Ottawa Citizen

The federal government should consider invoking the Emergencies Act,
   the successor to the War Measures Act, if the millennium bug causes
   widespread chaos, according to newly obtained government documents.
   The report, by the Year 2000 contingency planning group of Emergency
   Preparedness Canada, calls for orders and regulations for the
   Emergencies Act to be ready by the end of March. [...]

"Among the activities that must be done to meet the problems resulting
   from Y2000 failures is development of relevant emergency orders and
   regulations required for the invocation of emergency provisions under
   the Emergencies Act." [...]

In the reports, military officials also raise concern that their
   ability to help out if the millennium bug causes widespread problems
   relies heavily on Canada's electrical, transportation, food and water
   and sewage systems having their own Year 2000 problems under control:

"The ability of the (Canadian Forces) to provide civil assistance is
   highly dependent on the state of preparedness of these infrastructure
   items since the CF, like everyone else, is highly dependent on smooth
   delivery of these supplies and services," the documents state.

"Without aggressive action in these industrial and service sectors,
   the (Canadian Forces) may not be able to make a significant impact
   across the nation as a force of last resort."

  Military officials point out that more than 16,000 troops were needed
   to deal with the effects of the ice storm that hit Ontario and Quebec
   this year. But the millennium bug, the report states, "has the
   potential of creating a demand orders of magnitude greater than this,
   which are well beyond the CF's capability to respond." [...]

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