More fuel to the fire?

VERY interesting, IF true!!!  Ought to be a way to check!?  This guy is wound
tight, but he's provided a LOT of good info re: CODEX!

Subj:    A Call from Chile:Y2K: Many Government and Hollywood Insiders
Relocating to Patagonia
Date:   98-12-11 12:32:00 EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hammell)

IAHF List:

I just had a call today from Ron Modra of Vitamigos S.A., a small vitamin
manufacturer in Santiago, Chile who is in the midst of a court battle to try
to save health freedom in Chile.  I'll have more on this situation in a
seperate message as I'm waiting for a fax from Ron who is not on the internet.
This message, however is a Y2K Message to Americans and people all over the
world, from Ron in Chile:

Ron knows a former high-level CIA intelligence officer who is currently
looking for land in Patagonia, the vast, largely unpopulated area in southern
Chile, due to concerns about y2k possibly triggering nuclear war as well as
widespread infrastructure collapse.

Ron's friend has been down to Patagonia where a huge building boom is underway
due to massive y2k relocation to the area by Hollywood millionaires, high
level government officials and former government officials, and other wealthy
people who have inside knowledge of whats going on vis a vis y2k and the New
World Order...

Henry Kissinger and Jane Fonda are among the people who have bought huge
tracts of land (100 hectares and even bigger) in Patagonia where bulldozers
are busy building roads and builders are hard at work building elaborate y2k
retreats... The former CIA officer doesn't like a lot of the Hollywood crowd,
so is looking for land far away from where they've been buying it because he
doesn't want them as neighbors.


The November 26th issue of USA Today had this to say about falsified y2k
compliance reports coming from the Pentagon:
     "The Pentagon office respondible for safety and security of U.S. nuclear
stockpiles and emergency response in a nuclear incident acknowledged
falsifying readiness reports on the looming Year 2000 computer problem."

The article notes that Sen.Bennett (R-UT) Chair of the Senates Y2K Committee
of the government says they "all lie to us about Y2K," but he is thankful
that, "there aren't as many people lying to us as there used to be."


Tomorrow, I am traveling to a very remote place somewhere on the N.American
continent to consider it as a place to relocate to away from Miami.  It is
very far from any military targets, it sits atop a huge aquifier so there's
enough water, there's very good mineral rich soil, very low population, lots
of fish and game, and plenty of wood to burn in a wood stove.  I hope to be
relocated before Apri,l because I anticipate that a bank run will begin in
April in Japan, Canada, the UK and NY State at that time, and that a bank run
will be in full swing all over the USA by May.  The fiscal year for 2000 for
Japan, Canada, UK and NY State begins on April 1, of 1999, and the fiscal year
of 46 other states begins on July 1, but once the bank run begins in NY
State... (along with Japan, Canada, UK) it's likely to be triggered world


I've been talking about this problem for a long time.  Some people on the IAHF
list don't want me to discuss it because they are in denial, and feel that it
detracts from my discussing health freedom issues.  What I've been trying to
explain to all of you for a long time now is that there isn't going to be an
FDA much longer, or an America, or a Canada, or a UK, or any other country.
What there IS going to be is chaos, CHAOS on a profound scale, and a lot of
people are going to die -- possibly as many as 2/3rds of the world's

Are you going to be one of the survivors?  Where do you live?  Do you live in
or near a big city?  If so, you'd better either move, or make contingency
plans to have enough food and water on hand and a way to go to the bathroom
when the electricity goes down and sewage treatment plants aren't working.
Some people on this list have accused me of being an "alarmist."  That's fine.
If that's the way you think, you show me the months of research YOU'VE done on
this issue through which you purport to refute what I'm saying...


If anyone on this list hasn't yet downloaded and read either my white paper on
y2k or Will Thomas', you may want to go to the IAHF website at and go
to the millenium bug section.  Will also has an updated version of his paper
which you can get from him for a nominal fee.  I also urge you to follow the
links to additional websites which Will and I provide.  Don't take our word
for ANYTHING.  Do your own research and draw your own conclusions... we have,
and we're taking this very seriously... just as many government and Hollywood
insiders are...

We can't all move down to Patagonia Chile, but we can wake up our neighbors
and churches and we can help each other to prepare.  There isn't much time
left either.  If you haven't started stocking up on food, vitamins and other
supplies, you'd better start now.  This issue is going to be hammered very
deeply into the public conciousness in the next few months and at a certain
point HUGE numbers of people will come alive and realize the threat is real.
When THAT happens, its going to be even HARDER to get the supplies you'll need
than it already is.  Right now, the places selling freeze dried food are
backlogged... their phones are ringing off the hook...

I'm not selling freeze dried food, I'm genuinely trying to help you, so please
don't ignore this message, check it out carefully, then once you see what I've
been saying, please alert more people. You won't succeed right away in waking
people. Some will mock you, others will ignore you, but you'll be planting a
seed in the people's minds, and awareness has to start SOMEWHERE.

International Advocates for Health Freedom
2411 Monroe St. # 3
Hollywood, FL 33020 USA
800-333-2553 / overseas 954-929-2905 / Fax 954-929-0507

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