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Impeachment Watch

Speaker-Elect Supports Impeachment, Vows to Block Censure

Livingston makes up his mind

WASHINGTON -- The battle lines over allowing the House to censure
President Clinton rather than impeach him hardened sharply Saturday, as
Representative Robert L. Livingston, the Speaker-designate, vowed to
block such a move and White House allies promised to take the fight to
the American public.
Livingston shed his ambiguity on the issue moments after the House
Judiciary Committee rejected censure as an alternative, and the panel's
chairman, Henry J. Hyde, urged House Republican leaders to keep it off
the floor, saying such a move would threaten the separation of powers
between the legislative and executive branches.

In revealing his position, Livingston said that he strongly supported
impeachment and that censure was not envisioned by the Constitution's

"Censure is out of the realm of responsibility of the House of
Representatives," Livingston said before flying back to Washington from
Louisiana Saturday.

"We have a constitutional responsibility to charge or not charge,
impeach or not impeach."

Nonetheless, President Clinton's supporters mounted a full-scale
campaign to force Livingston to reverse course, aiming to build public
support for an alternative to impeachment and to put a glaring spotlight
on Livingston's ability to cope with his newly won leadership duties.

The Democratic challenge, already facing long odds before Saturday, now
confronts a unified House Republican leadership, bolstered by the
arguments offered by Hyde, which are likely to influence many undecided

Only a strong, vocal protest from several moderate Republicans who
oppose impeachment could force Livingston to reverse course at this late
hour, censure supporters say. And up to now, any Republican who has
openly opposed impeachment or supported censure has been hammered
mercilessly by conservative groups and right-wing talk radio.

Representative Tom DeLay, the Republican whip and a fierce critic of
Clinton, fears that allowing a censure vote would siphon votes from

Recognizing this dynamic, the President's allies Saturday tried to begin
gathering the broad public support for censure to give moderate
Republicans the political cover they need to openly challenge their

But White House allies voiced worries that it would be hard to rouse a
public distracted by the holiday season, even though opinion polls are
running hard against impeachment.

Moments after the Judiciary Committee voted out a fourth article of
impeachment, Democrats on the panel gave an impassioned argument for a
censure alternative that condemns the President's "reprehensible
conduct" and leaves open the possibility that Clinton could face
"criminal and civil penalties" after leaving office.

It does not call for a fine.

"If you want to punish the President or brand the President with scarlet
letters or stamp him on the forehead, censure is the way to do it," said
Representative Martin Meehan, a Massachusetts Democrat.

To buttress their case, Democrats underscored the gravity of an
impeachment vote, by arguing that casting such a vote explicitly urges
the President's removal.

"This is not sending to the Senate a questionnaire," said Representative
Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat. "This is a statement the
President should be thrown out."

Several Democrats sought to put pressure on Livingston.

Representative John Conyers Jr. of Michigan, the ranking Democrat on the
committee, conceded that the censure resolution would fail in committee
(it did, 22 to 14), but focused on its chances on the House floor.

"We will practice our arguments Saturday and prepare them for a larger
presentation," Conyers said. "My hope is on the untested Speaker-elect,
Bob Livingston."

Republicans on the panel rejected the censure resolution as
unconstitutional, a bad precedent and feckless.

In a letter to Livingston and Speaker Newt Gingrich released moments
after the committee adjourned, Hyde said "a resolution or amendment
proposing censure of the President in lieu of impeachment violates the
rules of the House, threatens the separation of powers, and fails to
meet constitutional muster."

Representative Bob Goodlatte, a Virginia Republican, said the
President's crimes were too serious for censure. "This President mocks
the Congress, and this censure is exactly what this President wants," he
said in debate Saturday.

"He will take this as a vindication of his mocking and we should not
give it to him."

As committee Democrats began their frontal assault, the House Democratic
leader, Representative Richard A. Gephardt, appealed in a letter to
Livingston to allow a censure vote on the House floor.

Gephardt's aides vowed an intense fight for censure and issued veiled
warnings that Livingston, by blocking a vote on censure, was inviting
protracted battles with House Democrats in the next Congress.

"This first most important decision for you as a leader will mark more
than the fate of impeachment," Gephardt said.

"It will surely mark the kind of leader you will be, and thereby the
kind of Congress we can expect under your Speakership."

But Livingston characterized Gephardt's proposition as flouting the
rules of the House. "An attack on the rules is an attack on the chair,"
Livingston said.

Democrats and Republicans also threw back in Livingston's face his
promise not to whip the impeachment vote, and instead make it a vote of
conscience for each member.

"The Republican leadership cannot say this is a conscience vote, if they
don't allow members of Congress to express their conscience to voice an
alternative," said Representative Peter J. King, a Long Island
Republican who opposes impeachment.

Representative Bob Ney, an Ohio Republican who is undeclared, said, "I'd
rather see censure as an open option."

The fact that Congress is out of session, and that lawmakers are
scattered across the country, has also hurt the censure effort.

But as House members filter back, censure supporters say, they will try
to gather their allies for a final push.

"Between now and Thursday, there has to be on outpouring of public
opinion," King said.

"People are still not focused on this.

The average American thought this ended with the elections on Nov. 3,
and they aren't fully aware we're down this path."

The New York Times, Dec. 13, 1998
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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