Exerpts from Bill Cope's article on Treason:

<< Our duty lies before us.  Bright and early Monday
 morning, we must roll up our sleeves and start work on
 the investigation of, followed by the indictment of,
 culminating in the conviction and punishment of, Ken
 Starr, Richard Melon Scaife, Senators Jesse Helms and
 Lauch Faircloth, Judge David Sentelle, along with
 assorted known and as-yet unknown fellow abettors,
 comforters, conspirators, toadies, hatchetguys and
 henchgals for the truly high crime of treason.
     That's right. Treason.
     And if your are forgiving of nature and gentle of
 heart, you probably don't want to know what I believe
 would be appropriate punishment.
     Think I'm kidding?
     Nope.  I'm as serious as a tax audit.  This little
 cabal constitutes the core of a seven-year attempt to
 subvert and overturn the most fundamental principle of
 American democracy, our voting rights.  Crouching in
 their country club lairs, they have dealt a damaging
 blow to the nation's security, relentlessly resisting
 the election and re-election outcomes of our most
 universal office.  They have corrupted the process of
 politics-probably forever-showing no mercy to innocent
 bystanders, using intimidation, threat, bribery,
 extortion and 50 millions of money that wasn't theirs
 to use to accomplish their unholy goal-the usurpation
 of a democratically chosen leader.
     Is "treason" too strong a word?
     Not in this fed-up pissed-off fella's understanding
 of the cosmos. >>
<HTML><PRE>Subj:        article by Bob Cope about Treason
Date:   99-02-12 23:04:22 EST
From:   TOOLGT
To:     Tatum21212, DarkHrse70, Joey XY, LibGal, HRNuts
To:     AJSFan, VQueenBee, Terranova0, Acslaw, Lipsy 818
To:     PollySci2, Zeldacluts, Headychick, JanabeeD
To:     Gabby haye, Pt Magi, JaneGray77, Ivy Shoots
To:     Sammark4, O Uccella, ANXINKS, Mike2000z
To:     Watcher507, TAZHERE370, BAR001, Buds4Fun, Naja7

Bill Cope, not sure if he is widely syndicated, I found
it in local a weekly paper here


    Senator Trent Lott_the sort of southern gentleman
who makes one wonder why the state of Mississippi was
ever allowed to join the union_has been telling America
that the trial of the president should be over by the
12th of February.  It seems a certainty that Bill
Clinton will not be thrown out of office, and it's just
as certain he will be slapped with some form of rebuke,
censure or reprimand.
    Should everything come to pass as expected, it
means that Saturday morning, just in time for
Valentine's day, the country will be back to exactly
where it was on Jan.20, 1998, the day before the
Lewinsky lovemobile collided with the media
steamroller, in that a majority of Americans will be
perfectly happy with the job their president is doing,
while a minority will think he should be dragged from
the White House by his privates and hung from the
nearest light pole.
    Just like before, except that we will have had over
a year stolen from our lives and soiled so thoroughly
as to prelcude any possible redemption.
    So, citizens of America, don't go back to sleep
yet.  We have one more job to do.(I wanted to be the
first to suggest, but having just finished James
Carville's "And the Horse he Rode In On", I've
discovered that Gore Vidal beat me to it.)
    Our duty lies before us.  Bright and early Monday
morning, we must roll up our sleeves and start work on
the investigation of, followed by the indictment of,
culminating in the conviction and punishment of, Ken
Starr, Richard Melon Scaife, Senators Jesse Helms and
Lauch Faircloth, Judge David Sentelle, along with
assorted known and as-yet unknown fellow abettors,
comforters, conspirators, toadies, hatchetguys and
henchgals for the truly high crime of treason.
    That's right. Treason.
    And if your are forgiving of nature and gentle of
heart, you probably don't want to know what I believe
would be appropriate punishment.
    Think I'm kidding?
    Nope.  I'm as serious as a tax audit.  This little
cabal constitutes the core of a seven-year attempt to
subvert and overturn the most fundamental principle of
American democracy, our voting rights.  Crouching in
their country club lairs, they have dealt a damaging
blow to the nation's security, relentlessly resisting
the election and re-election outcomes of our most
universal office.  They have corrupted the process of
politics-probably forever-showing no mercy to innocent
bystanders, using intimidation, threat, bribery,
extortion and 50 millions of money that wasn't theirs
to use to accomplish their unholy goal-the usurpation
of a democratically chosen leader.
    Is "treason" too strong a word?
    Not in this fed-up pissed-off fella's understanding
of the cosmos.
    Do I hold Clinton responsible for any of this?
    Did he besmirch the Office of the Presidency?
    Yes-but it's nothing that a little vinegar in water
and a new coat of paste wax won't heal.
    Does he represent a moral decline into an abyss of
sexual and sensual profligacy?
    Yeah-him and every other man on Earth.  (Not to
mention the women.)
    Has he done irreparable harm to his marriage?
    You go out and pull this crap on your wife, then
you tell me.
    But has he done one, single thing that, had not
Linda Tripp and Lucianne Goldberg played such a mean
game of "show and tell" would have hurt your or me or
the state of the nation?
    No.  Enter the sour hounds of the rabid right for
that particular duty. Pain is their speciality.
    Good people of America, how often have you yearned
to go back and deliver justice upon those smug villains
of history who made the centuries pass so miserably for
so many just-us-folk?  The blood-thirsty priests of the
Inquistion, for instance or the sanctimonious Salem
judges who presided over the witch trials.  How often
have you wished you could have been there to slap Joe
McCarthy's fat ass into jail for violations to basic
decency, or sent an entire Klan lynch mob to a
life-long, one toilet 6'by9' purgatory?  How often have
you wished you could say "Enough" and make it stick?
    Now here's your chance, citizens.  If we allow
these back-room plotters to walk away from this
attempted coup with their smirks intact,no election
will ever again be safe from such shameless meddling.
No electee will feel free to execute the will of the
people without first paying tribute to these princes of
self-interest and their shadowy army.
    Waiting for the next election to send the likes of
Bob Barr and Henry Hyde back to their jobs at the car
wash is fitting retribution upon those complicit in the
conspiracy, but it's not enough punishment for the
black heart of the plot.  Remember these names:
Scaife...Helms...Faircloth...Sentelle...Starr..., and
do not rest until these enemies of democracy pay for
their crime.  Ask_no, demand that your representatives
take action.  (Unless you happen to live in Idaho, then
you might demand that somebody else's representatives
take action.)  Think I'm kidding?</PRE></HTML>

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