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: To: LM-commentary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Subject: LM COMMENTARY: Kurdish protests/02-17-99
: Date: Wednesday, February 17, 1999 8:38 AM
: Who's behind the Ocalan witch-hunt?
: Dominic Standish reports from Italy on how the US government has called
: shots over the arrest of Kurdish guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan
: On Tuesday, Europe was unprepared for the protests launched by Kurds.
: embassies were invaded in Britain, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland,
: Russia and Belgium. Two Greek diplomatic missions in Germany were
: as was the Greek consulate in Marseille in France. Forty protestors
: the United Nations building in Geneva, and in Vienna the Kenyan embassy
: set on fire and the Greek ambassador, his wife and three others were
: hostage.
: The protests followed Abdullah Ocalan's extradition to Turkey to face
: charges of treason and possibly the death sentence. Ocalan has been
: an international solution to the war between the Kurds and the Turkish
: state that has killed an estimated 30 000 people. After 14 years of
: fighting for self-determination, Ocalan proposed a peace plan and called
: for UN and EU supervision to facilitate a peace process similar to those
: Northern Ireland and Spain.
: Ocalan has discovered that unless such a peace process fits the agenda of
: Western powers, especially America, it's 'peace off'. He was arrested in
: Kenya's capital Nairobi on 15 February. He had previously been held in a
: Greek diplomatic building for two weeks after requesting asylum with
: Turkey's traditional adversary. But it seems that Ocalan overestimated
: Greece and Turkey's conflict over issues like Cyprus and underestimated
: was really calling the shots: America.
: Last autumn, his requests for asylum in Syria and Russia were rejected
: before he flew to Italy, where he stayed for two months. America demanded
: Ocalan's extradition to Turkey. But the Italian constitution forbids
: extradition to countries where the death penatly exists. Germany quickly
: dropped two warrants for Ocalan's arrest to prevent extradition to
: So the Italians encouraged him to leave. Rome's Court of Appeal set
: free because the German arrest warrants had been dropped. Despite being
: under informal house arrest and holding a false passport, he was allowed
: leave Italy on 16 January.
: During Ocalan's Italian sojourn, Spain, France, Germany and Italy
: the idea of an international trial to launch a peace process. The Council
: of Europe began its investigations on 21 December. But US pressure meant
: this plan was deprioritised.
: Turkey's position as the only Islamic member of NATO means that it has
: traditionally been a key US ally. Turkey has fought against the Kurds
: US acquiescence. Incidents such as last year's invasion of northern Iraq
: 25 000 Turkish troops pursuing Kurds rarely make the headlines. But the
: Ocalan issue has coincided with American and British bombings in Iraq.
: little international support for the attacks, Turkey's help has been
: As this war has continued over the past two months, US and UK forces have
: flown from the Incirlik NATO base in Turkey to bomb within the northern
: Iraq's 'no-fly zone'.
: With Turkey's support so important to America, there was no way a peace
: process would be considered for Turkey's most wanted enemy. Ocalan's
: eventual capture was made inevitable by a proscriptive statement from US
: state department spokesman, James Rubin, on 1 February:
: 'In addition to denying terrorists such as Ocalan safe haven, refuge or
: asylum, countries should take steps consistent with their national legal
: system to assist Turkey's efforts to bring Ocalan to justice.'
: It may have been the Greek government that was last sheltering Ocalan
: before his arrest, which is why Kurds have targeted Greek embassies for
: protests. But it would be more appropriate for them to demonstrate
: the Turkish government which continues to oppress Kurds, and the US
: government which is calling the shots.
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