-Caveat Lector-

Regarding the below post and all the posts on Hollywood --- did everyone
miss the Arts and Entertainment special aired about late summer 1998 (name
of the special escapes me) in which it was admitted and bragged about that
Jews founded, built, and run Hollywood. It is correct to say that there is
no conspiracy --- it's out in the open. Liberal Jews don't need to get
together and conspire any more than I need to get together and conspire
which fellow pro-lifers on how to picket an abortion chamber or call in to a
talk show on the subject of abortion. Most of us pro-lifers are Catholics or
fundamentalist Christians (no, Virginia, orthodox Jews are not pro-life in
the same sense, but support abortion in the first trimester under certain
conditions) -- we were raised the same with the same teachings -- part of
the same social organism, if you will (borrowing Lloyd Miller's terminology
here). Likewise, liberal Jews congregating in Hollywood are also of the same
mental background and upbringing -- no need to conspire at all. I'm sorry I
don't remember the name of that A & E special, but it's available to be
bought -- is might even have 'Jewish' or 'Jew' in the title of that A & E
special. Now, comment on why certain groups have been portrayed certain ways
by the Jews that run Hollywood:

1. Latinos - primarily Roman Catholic, the primary target of organized Jewry
(in traditional form, not in the current apostate form following John Paul
II, which some of us Roman Catholics call "The Counterfiet Church."
2. Arabs -- too obvious, Arabs have to be discredited since any
brutalization against them must be able to be justified in order to prevent
them from retaking some or all of the land that was taken from them with
much violence and forced exile in 1948.
3.Asians -- no comment -- no insight.
4. Religion - better to have a backboneless population if you're in the
minority by a long shot. Also, a secret or not so secret antipathy to
traditional Christianity as expressed clearly in the Talmud.
5. South - the south represents the stronghold of those promote white racial
integrity which Jews generally abhor. In fact, as Alan Dershowitz has
recently proven, the top Jews can advocate racial intermixing for everyone
else, while in the next breath advocate racial separatism for themselves
(see Alan Derwshowitz's book, The Vanishing American Jew). Lest I be accused
of being a racist,  let me add that it's not sin to marry across racial
lines, but neither do many of us believe that God made a mistake when he
made the distinct races, which we must now correct by interbreeding. Each
race has a right, within limits, to be justly proud of the good things in
its heritage.
6. Politics -- same as religion -- better to have a muddleheaded liberal
population than a principle-oriented conservative population if you're in
the minority.
7. Whites, Blacks, Italian Americans, etc. -- it has been the habit of the
Jewish controlled media to inculcate guilt-complexes in all other groups
while holding themselves sacrosanct in their propaganda. Notice that NONE of
the bashes on religion in the movies - as far as I know -- ever uses a Rabbi
gone awry as the subject of its "bash" of religion. Always the wayward,
failed priest, or the failed, hypocritical Protestant minister.

Sorry to file such a negative report on the Jews running Hollywood -- but
time and space are precious and this should "cut to the chase" for those
trying to understand Hollywood. Jim Condit Jr.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of Herbert Hershel Henderson
> Sent: Monday, February 22, 1999 12:43 AM
>  -Caveat Lector-
> --
> On Sat, 20 Feb 1999 12:25:24   Kris Millegan wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >Would you feel any different about my original question if I told you
> >that my ten year study of the U.S. film industry has confirmed that
> >(among other things) for the last 30 to 40 years at least, Hollywood
> >films have consistently portrayed Latinos, Christians,
> >Italian-Americans, Asians, Arabs and Whites from the South (including
> >those poor Texans) as the villains (or at least in a negative or
> >stereotypical manner), while simultaneously promoting politically
> >liberal points of view? Aside from the irony in that, some of you may
> >rationalize that these movie patterns of bias are merely coincidental.
> >
> >Latinos
> >
> >
> >The consistency of the record, however, suggests otherwise. My study of
> >thousands of movies and movie reviews indicates that Hollywood,
> >throughout its nearly 90-year history, has specifically portrayed
> >LATINOS in films as mean, macho, scraggly, violent, cynical, racist,
> >tire slashers, drug traffickers, kidnappers, gang members, prison
> >inmates or in despair. Despite a couple of recent exceptions to this
> >general pattern, Hollywood films have traditionally contained very few
> >positive portrayals of Latinos. If the objective is to hold back or
> >create a disadvantage for Latinos in our society, I suppose there is no
> >better way than the historically proven method of using powerful mass
> >communications media to poison people's minds toward one or more
> >designated populations. By the way, the words and phrases used to
> >describe these biased movie portrayals, mostly come right out of the
> >reviews relied on for this research.
> >
> >Arabs
> >
> >
> >My studies also show that ARABS have been portrayed in Hollywood films
> >as evil, barbaric, oversexed, depraved, villainous, shifty, possessed,
> >hostile, fanatical, criminal, mystical, wicked and crazed. Of course,
> >that's not enough to satisfy Hollywood, so Arabs have also been
> >portrayed as thieves, shady, kidnappers, enemies, mysterious, murderers,
> >assassins, terrorists, blood-thirsty, saboteurs, extremists,
> >cult-ridden, curse-stricken, oily, shifty-eyed, violent, and idiots.
> >Seldom have Hollywood movies contained favorable portrayals of Arabs or
> >Arab-Americans. Thus, millions of viewers of Hollywood movies worldwide
> >are being burdened with Hollywood's perspective of what Arabs and
> >Arab-Americans are like, which we all have to admit is prejudiced and
> >extremely unbalanced. In all fairness, this record suggests that some
> >Hollywood movies are being used as a form of private propaganda (paid
> >for by the unsuspecting moviegoers themselves), and in this instance,
> >the propaganda could have consequences for Mid-East and world peace.
> >
> >Asians
> >
> >
> >My studies also reveal that Hollywood's portrayals of ASIANS AND
> >ASIAN-AMERICANS consistently present them as enemies, cold, calculating,
> >ruthless, aggressive, criminals, slave owners and conspiring businessmen
> >(some of whom, of course, bought a couple of the major Hollywood studios
> >a few years ago). Evenso, just as with Latinos and Arabs, it is also
> >accurate to report that Hollywood has seldom portrayed Asians and Asian
> >Americans in a positive light.
> >
> >Politics
> >
> >
> >From a POLITICAL perspective, it's quite apparent that another of these
> >consistent patterns of Hollywood movie bias comes in the form of
> >negative portrayals of characters and positions representing
> >conservative points of view, and positive presentations of characters
> >and positions representing a liberal perspective. While Hollywood movie
> >villains often hold political views of the extreme right, seldom does
> >Hollywood portray its movie villains as political liberals.
> >
> >Religion
> >
> >
> >Another blatant Hollywood movie bias occurs with respect to RELIGION.
> >Most are just overlooked, but some, including Christianity are
> >vigorously attacked in films. In recent decades, Hollywood has portrayed
> >Christians as disturbed, phony, sexually rigid, devil worshipping
> >cultists, manipulative, hypocritical, murder suspects, talking to God,
> >neurotic, fanatical, slick hucksters, Bible quoting Nazis, outlaws,
> >psychotic, fake spiritualists, Catholic schoolboys running amok,
> >dishonest, Bible pushers, Adam & Eve as pawns in a game between God and
> >Satan, unscrupulous, dumb, deranged preachers, an unbalanced nun accused
> >of killing her newborn infant, obsessed, mentally unbalanced,
> >destructive, foul mouthed, fraudulent and miracle fabricators. That
> >pretty much describes your Christian neighbors, doesn't it? Of course,
> >I'm not even a religious person, but regardless of how you feel about
> >religion and Christianity in particular, the use of a powerful
> >communications medium by anyone to consistently portray Christians or
> >any other religious characters in this manner is a national disgrace.
> >
> >South
> >
> >
> >Still another little recognized Hollywood movie bias regularly appears
> >in the form of negative or stereotypical portrayals of WHITES FROM THE
> >SOUTH. My studies reveal that during the 1970's, 80s and early '90s
> >Hollywood continued a long-established and consistent pattern of
> >negative or stereotypical portrayals of Southerners that began as early
> >as the 1920s. White Southerners have been most often portrayed as
> >hillbillies, eccentrics, murderers and other types of criminals, flawed
> >lawmen, country music lovers, being from small towns, cagey Cajuns, oil
> >field workers, rednecks, strippers and prostitutes, plantation owners,
> >dumb, odd-ball characters, poor, gossips, "the lowest form of human
> >life", aimless, lifelong losers, members of the Ku Klux Klan, racists or
> >otherwise prejudiced individuals. Hollywood's record with respect to the
> >South is nothing more than a combined form of regional and race-based
> >defamation.
> >
> -------  The REASON "Hollywood" puts people into these
> stereotypes is beacuse to actually film or go into detail about a
> three-dimensional persons real life and attitude and background
> takes up too much time, its easier to just have a big headed big
> muscled guy save a bus full of stereotypes and his wife and
> kid(s) than it is to have him save, a satanistic gothic boy in
> love with his alcoholic best friend, who has a molestation in his
> past a history of using women even though he's gay and a tendency
> to switch jobs as soon as people start to suspect he is gay.. a
> 40 year old women who just lost her job and has 3 kids who are
> grown enough to start doing bad but not old enough to help her
> pay the rent, she had a stable upbringing and beats herself up
> because she can't give her kids the same thing.... etc.. I think
> you get the point and this won't even scratch the surface of just
> those two lives..
> >Now, without continuing the litany of the few other specific groups that
> >Hollywood has consistently defamed (like Italian-Americans), or
> >consistently defamed until just the last few years (like women, gays,
> >lesbians and African-Americans--and even those groups are not where they
> >ought to be in terms of balanced movie portrayals), I am confident in
> >telling you that using a powerful communications medium to consistently
> >portray people you don't like in a negative or stereotypical manner is
> >wrong! So, let's look more closely at the question of, why is this
> >happening? More specifically, why do movies portray these incredibly
> >misleading stereotypes and such limited views of the world?
> -------- To this I say do not ask this question, for it is
> irrelevant when it comes to the real purpose of Hollywood which
> is entertainment, wealth gain, and sexual favours..  There is NO
> Movie making people don't know what they're doing half-the time
> and they don't care either.
> >Thus, we come full circle back to the reasons why the previously cited
> >blatant patterns of bias exist in Hollywood films. Illegal business
> >practices have been used to gain and maintain control of the
> >Hollywood-based U.S. film industry. That control has been used to hire
> >generation after generation of individuals with similar backgrounds and
> >interests for the key executive positions at the major studios.
> >Additional unscrupulous business practices have been used to extract
> >unconscionable profits from the studio movies and to retain most of
> >those profits within the Hollywood insider community.
> >
> ------  Basically you're saying that a bunch of guys (or gals)
> from rich families hire each other and do bad things and put bad
> stuff in the movies your kids watch..,.. and they hire abused
> kids grown up to screw each other screen..The bad business you
> speak of (unscrupulous business practices/unconscionable profits)
> must be the many amounts of drug money, sex money, drugs and sex,
> and the business of making drugs and sex 'cool'.
> There's no conspiracy in Hollywood I would like to have this post
> stricken from the record.
> Peace,
> Halo
> Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
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> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections
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> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and
> minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
> suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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