-Caveat Lector-

Kris, I won't take back my compliment, but I'm gonna have to read some of
the other posts to see if they are white-washing the Real Conspirators (like
super-criminal FDR) by bashing real American heros, such as Fr. Charles
Coughlin. I've put my comments behind ******* below so that they can be
easily found. . . . Kris, if you see Coughlin as more of a danger to the
world than FDR . . . . where in the Hades are you coming from?????? I'm
afraid I've already made a correct educated guess . . . Jim Condit Jr.
(Comments below)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of Kris Millegan
> Sent: Thursday, March 04, 1999 1:00 AM
> Subject: [CTRL] Father COUGHLIN: once America's No. 1 Fascist
>  -Caveat Lector-
> an excerpt from:
> Encylopedia of American Scandal
> George C. Kohn©1989
> Facts on File
> ISBN 0-8160-1313-6
> -----
> Father COUGHLIN: once America's No. 1 Fascist
> In May 1942, authorities of the U.S. Government, acting with the
> archbishop of
> Detroit, moved against the pastor of the Shrine of the Little
> Flower, in Royal
> Oak, Michigan, depriving him of his avocation.

****** The Archbishop who was protecting Coughlin (just as the prelates in
Ireland protected Fr. Fahey) had died, and the new Archbishop, not being the
man or Catholic that the former was, cooperated with the government to
silence Fr. Coughlin. The government's threats meant NOTHING, and if Fr.
Coughlin hadn't been silenced by his cowardly (or misinformed) superior and
a sinking Vatican, he would have GLADLY fought the Judeo-Masonic traitors
who were by then running the Fed and the US government, on behalf of all
Americans and all humanity. (the forces that took over in 1958 already had
Pope Pius XII surrounded in the sense that his information flow was
unreliable, as well as the fact that after WWII, there were no superpowers
who were not devoted to the take over of the Vatican Structures, which they
accomplished at the conclave of 1958).

>From his archbishop, he
> received a choice: cease writing and other non-religious activities or be
> defrocked. The government gave no choice; acting under provisions of the
> Espionage Act of 1917, it stripped his magazine Social Justice of
> its mailing
> privileges. In both cases, the grievance against the Reverend
> Charles Edward
> Coughlin was the same: sedition.
******The government didn't dare to bring any charges against Fr. Coughlin,
and simply used its muscle to shut him off at the mails. If the Catholic
Bishops could see what we saw today, and if they had the courage, they would
have backed Coughlin in his fight between the FALSE alternatives of
Judeo-Masonic-Backed Vulture Capitalism (Roosevelt), Judeo-Masonic-Backed
Communism, and Hilterian Fascism - and all humanity is still suffering the
consequences of the Catholic Bishops failure to back Coughlin once Roosevelt
shut the mails down.

> Had the federal authorities been so inclined, a second charge
> could have been
> leveled: treason.

******They didn't dare -- and who knows what threats they used against the
Vatican (including nuclear, and THAT's another important story) to pressure
the Vatican during this whole frightening period in which the forces of
Satan made so many advances (through Nazism, Communism, and Roosevelt-ism)
against Christian Civilization.

Both before and during World War II, Father Coughlin had
> been America's most vocal backer of Europe's fascistic governments, our
> wartime foes.

******Sorry to give you an unwanted history lesson, but Fascism (corporate
government) is NOT condemned by the Catholic Church ( as opposed to Nazism,
which is) -- and Franco's government was a good government which saved Spain
from the Red Nightmare, which is why the Dominant Jewish Lobby never forgave
him, even to the point of endless jokes on Saturday Night Live after long
after Franco was dead.

> Coughlin had not always been seditious and unpatriotic.

******Oh, what a generous concession from whatever no-count twerp is writing

> in 1916, the
> Ontario-born priest had only one enemy: Marxism. He had been imbued with
> theories of Social Catholicism during his seminary training,

******Only we Cathlics are "imbued" -- never are Jews imbued with Talmudic
teachings that other people aren't human, of course. See
www.hoffman-info.com under books for the new dynamite blockbuster pamphlet
for mass distribution proving that the Talmud teaches that non-Jews are not
human. These pamphlet have survived internet debates with Jewish internet
leaders trying to defend the Talmud.

> and
> he believed
> that Catholic principles in economics could save the common man.

******Economically, they can. Go on your search engines and look for the
websites dealing with "Social Credit"

> But he went
> beyond these precepts; impressed by the Vatican's signing of
> concordats with
> Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Francisco Franco, he
> mistakenly believed
> that these dictators had the approval of the Church. They
> therefore deserved
> his support, for all were in conflict with Marxist-Leninist principles.
> Augmented by his tendency to regard himself as a consummate
> politician and an
> infallible historian as well as his egocentrism, Coughlin's
> misconception grew
> into the making of a full blown scandal.
> Good looking, with a rich, melodious voice, Coughlin was soon
> well on his way
> to popularity and success.

*****Implication here is the same that similar no-counts made against Joe
McCarthy -- that they were in it for themselves -- seeking an easy way to
fame and fortune. Look at Trent Lott if you want to see how people act who
want self-gratification  and fame and fortune at any cost in their career.
McCarthy and Coughlin were real men who stood up against the most frightful
anti-Chrisitan network in history, regardless of cheap shots like the above.

> The first "radio priest" in America, Coughlin opened the purses of his
> listeners so effectively that between 1926 and 1929 he had been
> able to pay
> for the building of the million-dollar Shrine at Royal Oak; at their 1935
> peak, his broadcasts were heard from Maine to California. More
> than a hundred
> clerks were paid to process his mail.

******Again the subtle implication here is that there's something wrong with

> Impressed by the response to his Sunday sermons, Coughlin's bishops
> indulgently permitted him to dedicate his programs to the defeat
> of socialism

****** This hack doesn't even seem to know that the real Catholic Church (as
opposed to the counterfeit church now occupying the Church's structures) was
always against socialism and communism, without any push needed from
Coughlin's volume of mail.

> and bolshevism. His audience grew. He attracted many with his populist
> concepts, but failed to understand that many of his listeners were the
> disgruntled and underprivileged from the lower and middle
> classes, who agreed
> only emotionally with his harangues against big business, big government,
> bankers, and internationalism. They liked him for his decisive
> style and his
> choice of targets, but were unconcerned with his intellectual rationales.

******That's generally the case with the masses of people, but says who??
I'm sure Americans were swept off their feet with FDR's "intellectual
rationales" . . . .

> Inspired by the approval, Father Coughlin began to act as if he
> knew all the
> answers and as if all the answers were his. With the approval and
> imprimatur
> of his bishop, he began to offer ill-digested history and
> economics;

****** This can only mean that he began to talk about the hand of the
dominant Jewish Ruling Elite in world affairs --- something so obvious once
you're pointed in the right direction that only the moronic and dishonest
fail and "fail", respectively, to see it.

>he blamed
> the Depression on the Versailles Treaty,

******True, the Versailles Treaty was designed to further crush Germany and
create the conditions when a Hitler could be financed (by Rich Jews and Rich
Capitalists, as he was) to set the stage for another World War towards the
creation of Israel, which was not able to be accomplished after WWI. See
State Secrets by Leon de Poncins, as well as "Adolph Hitler: Architect of
Modern Israel" available from Criminal Politics -- incidentally, it is well
established that terrorist Menachim Begin and Yitshak Shamir were
NEGOTIATING with Hitler in 1944 towards the creation of Isreal. (Source
escapes, but its in columns by the late John Cotter as carried in the
Remnant, a respected Catholic paper out of St. Paul Minnesota edited by the
Matt family.

>accepted the theory that all
> "international banking conspiracy" continued the economic slump, and saw

******absolutely correct. Explain this, Kris or anybody else, -- how come
there was no money to pull America out of the depression until
FDR-engineered Pearl Harbor (See Final Secrets of Pearl Harbor by Barnes)
millions of men overseas --- was suddenly available.

> Prohibition as a capitalist plot.

********First I heard of this . . .so I'll pass

>With no well-informed
> individuals to destroy
> his illusions, and with constantly growing approval from his listeners, he
> began to go father awry.

******More venomous character assassination --- "no well informed
individuals" Coughlin had TOO MANY well informed individuals helping him,
such as Fr. Fahey, Henry Ford, etc. -- and that's why Coughlin is STILL
attacked today . . .

> He berated President Herbert Hoover for his ineffectuality, and at first
> backed Franklin Delano Roosevelt under the motto "Roosevelt or
> ruin."

****Like many honest men, Coughlin believed the treacherous FDR, but then
saw through his lies . . .

>But when
> President Roosevelt rejected his plan for a monetary program
> based on silver,
> and when his speculations in silver with Shrine funds were discovered,
> Coughlin felt himself double-crossed. After 1934, when he began
> his National
> Union for Social Justice and attracted a new audience with its
> magazine, he
> consistently attacked President Roosevelt.

*****Good! He deserved it!

> He even began a third political
> party, the National Union, to oppose Roosevelt in 1936. Its
> failure to elect
> its candidates did not affect his exposition and promulgation of his own
> ideas.

**********Both showing his resolve and his character even in the face of
overwhelming odds -- also, the words in the above paragraphs are subtly
shaded to try and give the reader the idea that it was unsavory for Coughlin
to oppose "President Roosevelt", help form a third party, or continue
doggedly on the path he knew was right.

> These ideas gradually became outspokenly fascistic. Coughlin suggested a
> corporate state like Mussolini's, crudely attacked Roosevelt as Communist-
> influenced, openly promoted American fascists, and accused the Congress of
> Industrial Organizations, a major labor union, of being "Red." Even the
> Vatican expressed its embarrassment with him.

************That Coughlin was ever for a Fascist government in America is a
lie, and no one can cite one passage to that effect. He was for resurrecting
something like the Guilds of the Middle Ages to protect the working guy
against the evil Big Banksters. . . . Specifics, please -- when did the
Vatican express its embarrassment with Coughlin??

> Father Couglin, however, is remembered more for his attempt to
> keep America
> neutral after 1939, his opposition to the Lend-Lease program, his
> attacks on
> the British as effete, his defense of fascism as a valid opposition to
> Marxism,

*****he was absolutely correct in this, look at Franco. Again, don't get
Fascism mixed up with Nazism.

>his glorification of the fascist dictators, his literal
> translations
> of German propaganda,

****citations please ---

 his unremitting attacks on Jews as the creators and
> backers of Communism,

*****absolutely correct, see Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay

>and his advice to Americans after 1941 that
> they should
> be prepared to surrender. He is recalled for applauding, if not
> creating, the
> Christian Front or "Christian Klan," which terrorized New York
> Jews with the
> approval of the Brooklyn archdiocesan newspaper The Tablet and the non-
> interference of any Church prelates. New York had become a laboratory of
> carefully developed fascistic experimentation.

*********This is Jewish propaganda, pure and simple, and dishonest at that.
All these bishops and Archdiocesan newspapers cooperating with Coughlin --
what happened to the lone maniac who didn't have the benefit of even one
informed person to straighten him out????

> Coughlin approved of all this. Evidence of disapproval and
> criticism made him
> compare his personal suffering from opponents to that of Jesus
> Christ on the
> Cross. Even after the FBI seized his papers, he continued to
> speak and write
> hate literature.

******This piece you've reprinted is hate literature.
> The actions of 1942 stopped him cold. Further legal action would
> make him a
> marytr;

*******ANY legal action against him in court would have made him, properly,
and martyr, and the Bishops and Vatican officials who silenced him will
answer (or have answered) in the next world for what they have done.

>further resistance would make him a fool.

*****Again, if his superiors hadn't ordered him to quit, he wouldn't have.
He did the right thing as a priest with a vow of obedience -- his superiors,
again, will answer before God for what they did.

>Accepting the
> inevitable,
> Father Coughlin devoted himself quietly to his pastoral duties until his
> retirement in 1966, 13 years before his death.
> pps. 74-75
> -----
> Aloha, He'Ping,
> Om, Shalom, Salaam.
> Em Hotep, Peace Be,
> Omnia Bona Bonis,
> All My Relations.
> Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
> Amen.
> Roads End
> Kris
> ==========
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> and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and
> minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
> suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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