-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V2.41/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 2 Issue 41</A>
The Laissez Faire City Times
December 7, 1998 - Volume 2, Issue 41
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Point of View

>From the Nose of a Dog

by Nina von Altendorf

Every year 5 million lovable pooches are murdered because we just don't
give a damn.

This is the story of how you came to be such a competent, talkative and
evolved human being. It may surprise you, but I think that by the end of
this tale, you will say "I knew that all along".

About 100,000 years ago we all were wandering over the face of the
earth, nibbling here and there. Some of us, members of Homo Erectus,
evolved with a smaller, flatter face, but essentially our brain size was
the same as our Neanderthal cousins. Although we differed in mild
respects physically, both types of humans behaved similarly. We buried
our dead, used fire and tools, cared for the old ones and raised kids.
We hunted and gathered together on the planet and lived side by side
from 120,000 years ago till about 30,000 years past. Then came a crucial
moment in our evolution. Homo Sapiens survived and the Neanderthal did
not. This fact is rather curious since they were bigger and stronger
than us, with huge noses and large muscles. It would seem that they had
an advantage to ensure their survival over us. So why did we survive and
they didn't?

The Homo Sapiens, having a smaller flatter face with a narrower nose
subsequently lost the accurate sense of smell that had allowed us to
smell danger. Our olfactory bulb (nerve for smell) is the smallest among
all human species, and when it went, about 14,000 years ago, we were
ready to gain speech. This was due to the fact that we could now lift
our lighter heads upward and forward giving us an advantage in seeing
our prey, and free up the voice box to reverberate sounds.

Roaming around in the forest one day, this hard working human (Homo
Sapien) was busy gathering whatever the missus needed back at camp.
Twigs, roots and the occasional lizard for lunch. These trusty dads had
already spotted the rather large and scary four-legged wolf. The noise
of the howling in the moonlight was quite a familiar sound to any
village gathering. As food was cooked the smell was a powerful
temptation to these mysterious animals and they would inch their way
towards the camp, nibbling and scavenging the remains of the day.
Presenting no apparent threat to the villages, who determined they were
not about to be wolf lunch, wolves just sort of moved in on the happy
campers and became a familiar part of the commune. They got to eat
without too much effort of hunting and humans got their first pets.

Wolves share a crucial similarity to humans. They are both social
animals with complex communication. The wolf is highly skilled visually
and reads information via body language. They watch each other's faces
and movements and interpret gestures with a high degree of accuracy.
They teach their young by complex movements and gestures just like us.
Humans are nearly identical in this skill of reading the body language
of other humans since so much is nonverbal in the way we move and
gesticulate. So it's not surprising to discover that the human brain has
25 percent of its area devoted to visual ability. We are all aware that
oftimes language is saying one thing and that movements and fine
gestures are communicating something else.

Life in and around the camp adjusted to the presence of the wolf. But an
added boon became apparent very quickly. Since the sense of smell in
humans had reduced their ability to detect oncoming prey, the noisy
wolves sounded the alert when danger was immanent, because they could
smell for miles. This interdependence was a cozy situation for both.
Each understood the other in an easy symbiosis. For the wolf this was a
good deal and they knew it. They chose us and in time man's best friend
was the result. Despite our thinking that our favorite Benji understands
the words we use, he still only recognizes the gestures, movements and
the tonal sound of emotion, as any one who yells at a dog will know.
They refuse to cooperate with irrational humans.

All mammalian mothers are nurturing and, as new little wolf puppies
arrived, human mothers and fathers took great pleasure in fussing and
playing with them. Like human babies, wolf pups have big eyes and large
heads, are playful and highly sociable. This nurturing behavior flooded
us with gentling chemicals that assisted in developing our humanity and
compassion for little things, and contributed to our domestication.

Wild animals stay playful for a very short time after birth. One moment
they are tumbling and silly, the next their fangs are bared and lunch
becomes their focus. This is a result of chemicals in the brain which
are solely for the flight or fight response. Fear ensures alertness to
seek safety from prey, and aggression is necessary to grab dinner. In
time, what we call domestication of animals results. They never pass
through the playful stage because the actual physical makeup of their
brains is altered and wolves remained eternal children. They have been
changed by breeding combinations and ever- deepening socialization. The
result is Fido and Fifi. They are not only tamed but are domesticated
and quite helpless to fend for themselves, and are still willing to live
alongside us whether it be a fifth avenue condo or the family farmyard.

Back in the primitive camp, the humans and wolves lived happily
together. Our habitats were suitable for the new tenants. A zone of
security was established for both. They understood us and we had no
problem with them living side by side. As scavengers they kept the yard
clean, devouring remains, feces and debris from life au naturel. We
avoided diseases, began oohing and aahing at the pups and our
Neanderthal cousins bit the dust of history while we got an alarm system
that allowed us to defend ourselves from dangerous prey such as tigers,
bears and lions that did see us as lunch, giving us an evolutionary

Voila! The Human Being emerged from the woods and created the world we
live in. The illusion man suffers from is that God created the animals
solely for our use, and that we, as humans, are supreme. But the
majestic Wolf chose us, and ensured our survival. All dogs today
demonstrate that they share 75 percent of their DNA with the ancestral
wolf. All dogs are the direct descendants of one Wolf Mother, who in her
wisdom and intelligence chose us frail and vulnerable humans to hang out

Roaming around Australia, the Dingo is the last remaining base stock of
all dogs on earth, and it faces extinction. In any third world country,
the dog still shares the village and town with humans in peaceful
coexistence, still cleaning up the yard as scavengers.

Here in the West, we shampoo, groom, decorate and show off dogs as
status symbols and when we tire of them, we consign them to the junk
heap of mass graves because we just can't be bothered any more. They
cramp our style, need to be cared for, walked and fed, and it's just too
much bloody work, isn't it? And what about the vet bills? Too big a
responsibility, we say. It was okay when it was small and cute, but now
we are much too busy to continue the responsibility. And what do we do
to these creatures who gave us our evolutionary chance? We murder them
in the millions when they are no longer convenient.

In the eons that have passed, when no technology was around to help us
protect and defend ourselves, when we were easy snacks for fiercer and
bigger animals, the Wolf chose us to live with and in so doing, ensured
our survival.

Ingratitude is the hallmark of man and a fundamental character flaw that
has wrecked much of our planet. Man needs to be humbled and rid himself
of the superior arrogance that he, and he alone, is godlike. The Earth
that brought us forth suffers in ruin because we continue to believe
that nature must be dominated and controlled. Look to the religion of
Christianity and Judaism for culpability, my friends. We are not
supreme, and no subordinate life form was created for our convenience.
Perhaps a return to a symbiotic stewardship, in acknowledgment of our
gratitude, for a wise decision by a Wolf, will herald our maturity.


Nina von Altendorf is President of The Cthonia Institute.


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol. 2, No. 41, Dec. 7, 1998

The Laissez Faire City Times is a private newspaper. Although it is
published by a corporation domiciled within the sovereign domain of
Laissez Faire City, it is not an "official organ" of the city or its
founding trust. Just as the New York Times is unaffiliated with the city
of New York, the City Times is only one of what may be several news
publications located in, or domiciled at, Laissez Faire City proper. For
information about LFC, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Laissez Faire City Netcasting Group, Inc.
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