-Caveat Lector-

Folks!  Looking for a Constitutionalist to vote for:

-----Original Message-----
From: Keyes 2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 1:11 AM
Subject: Keyes 2000 Weekly Update - March 9, 1999

>Keyes 2000 Weekly Update – March 9, 1999
>Please distribute this message!
>Visit us at http://www.Keyes2000.org to subscribe to this update.
>Or send a subscription request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>* * * * * * * *
>In this edition
>- Electability Factoids of the month...
>- Report from Iowa
>- WorldNetDaily.com column – The thoughtless Senator McCain
>- Dr. Keyes to deliver keynote to New Jersey Right to Life Convention
>- Keyes 2000 New Hampshire Rally!
>- Keyes 2000 Technical Update
>* * * * * * * *
>(but first, a note TO our sponsors – YOU!)
>Join the team and receive an exclusive audio tape of one of Alan’s best
>recent speeches every month! http://keyes2000.org/join/index.html
>Help us prevent the “Money is God” Republican establishment from forcing
>another Bush or Dole on us!
>How?  Here’s how:
>You can be a $1000 donor to the Keyes2000 campaign – for only $30 each
>month.  Just think, if you sign up today for a $30 monthly donation to
>Keyes 2000, your gifts will total $360 over the next 12 months.
>So three people signing up for $30 each month will more than make up for a
>$1000 donor in the Bush/Dole Rolodex!
>Help Alan build a platform to stand on, so the real people of America can
>hear the truth.  Make your pledge today at:
>You can make your gift by credit card (best for us, and keeps the costs
>down), or by printing and mailing in a form.
>Either way, we will thank you for your $30 gift each month with an
>exclusive Keyes 2000 audio tape, so you can always have the latest and
>best of Alan to share with others as you urge them to help also.
>Please help Alan today.
>* * * * * * * *
>Electability Factoids of the month...
>Is it really such a handicap that Keyes hasn't held elected office?
>Think about it.
>No sitting Republican Governor has been elected president since Rutherford
>B. Hayes in 1876. [pass it on to your friends who think George W. is a
>shoo in]
>No sitting House member has been elected president since Garfield in 1880.
>[pass it on to your friends who prefer Kasich to Keyes because "he has an
>elected office"]
>Neither GOP candidates Eisenhower, Hoover, Willkie, nor, for all practical
>purposes, Bush, came to the nomination from elective office. Bush was
>briefly in Congress 20+ years before he was adopted by Reagan as VP.
>Lincoln, of course, had been out of elective office since '48, and was a
>defeated U.S. Senate candidate two years before he was nominated.
>The Democrats' great champion a century ago, William Jennings Bryan,
>served exactly two terms in Congress, followed by a failed senate race,
>before the first of his nominations by the Democrats.  President Taft, who
>beat Bryan in Bryan's third race, in 1908, hadn't held elective office for
>more than 20 years, and that office was Judge on the Cincinnati Superior
>In the current crop of GOP presidential hopefuls, several have never even
>run for office...Alan Keyes has twice had his party's nod for Senate in
>Maryland...he is MORE experienced in electoral politics than these folks.
>What office has Elizabeth Dole ever been elected to?  Or Steve Forbes? Or
>Gary Bauer?
>Finally think of Ronald Reagan.  He had been governor of the largest state
>in the Union, a position perhaps next in importance after the presidency.
>What electoral experience did he have that prepared him to undertake that
>campaign?  None.  Nada.  Zip. He was [does this sound familiar?] an
>orator, who traveled about trying to re-inspire the American people in
>their basic political institutions, in their ideals of liberty, and their
>duty to defend and explain them.
>Reagan was....a PUBLIC SPEAKER (and a radio guy to boot).
>Of course, the press and the media didn't think he was electable either,
>and he didn't even get the nomination in his first two runs, in 1968 and
>1976.  But at the end of the day, Reagan, the orator, WAS electable.  He
>was elected in two landslides.  And certain tyrants, who are now on the
>dustbin of history, can tell you just how electable Reagan was.
>* * * * * * * *
>Report from Iowa
>Ambassador Alan Keyes took a swing through central Iowa last weekend,
>holding three Renewing America rallies in two days.  The first rally was
>in Marshalltown, Iowa, Friday evening, March 5, 1999, where a crowd of 300
>people, many of whom had never heard Alan Keyes speak prior to this visit,
>left the meeting unable to forget the man with the passionate, moral
>message.  Next stop was in Carroll, Iowa, on Saturday afternoon, where 200
>people from this small town gathered to talk of the nation’s concerns.  A
>reporter from their Daily Times-Herald was on site to report and
>photograph the excitement that Keyes can create, and the local radio
>station recorded the proceedings.  On to Fort Dodge, where another 300
>people heard the wisdom of Alan Keyes’ moving words.  In addition, Keyes
>spoke to 1,200 pro-life supporters to benefit a Crisis Pregnancy Center in
>Sioux City, Iowa, Thursday evening, March 4th—a huge turnout for a town of
>80,000!  The trip was great, and the Ambassador was thrilled by the warmth
>of his reception.
>Speaking of warmth, we must mention what the Keyes 2000 Iowa staff has
>come to know as the Keyes Effect.  Campaigning in the Midwest in winter
>can be a “stormy” affair, but, more often than not, the snows abate and
>the winds warm when Alan Keyes comes to town.  The storms that hit during
>the week, especially in eastern Iowa, veered away from central Iowa for
>the duration of his visit.  The Keyes Effect worked again.
>Becky Fenger – Keyes 2000
>* * * * * * *
>WorldNetDaily.com column – The thoughtless Senator McCain
>Dr. Keyes’ WorldNetDaily column this week was titled “The thoughtless
>Senator McCain”.   It discusses the  response of the Republican
>presidential contender  to Wolf Blitzer’s question “could you run with a
>pro-choice running mate.”
>The column can be found at:
>As always, we ENCOURAGE YOU to submit this column to your local newspaper
>or other publication, or to post it to your website or any appropriate
>place.  Please always acknowledge that the column appeared first as a
>www.WorldNetDaily.com exclusive, and mention also the www.Keyes2000.org
>web site for further information on Dr. Keyes.  Help us get the word out!
>* * * * * * *
>Dr. Keyes to deliver Keynote to New Jersey Right to Life Convention
>On March 13 at 9:30 am, Dr. Keyes will deliver the keynote address to the
>annual convention of New Jersey Right to Life, the state’s largest and
>oldest pro-life organization.  The convention will be held at the
>Doubletree Hotel in Somerset, NJ. Call (908) 276-6620 for reservations.
>A Presidential Straw Poll will be conducted during the convention and
>released to the national media.  Please come if you can, and vote for
>* * * * * * * *
>Keyes 2000 New Hampshire Rally!
>Dr. Keyes will be in Nashua, New Hampshire for a Keyes 2000 “Renew
>America” rally on Thursday night, March 11.  If you live in New Hampshire
>or know someone who does, help us turn out the supporters for the New
>Hampshire Keyes 2000 effort.
>The rally will begin at 7:00pm, and will be held at the Crowne Plaza, Exit
>8 off Hwy 3, in Nashua, New Hampshire.  Admission is free!
>* * * * * * * *
>Keyes 2000 Technical Update
>At the California Republican Party meeting many of the Keyes technical
>folks and strategy folks met to set priorities for our actions. Not only
>were we inspired by Alan's breakfast speech to the California Republican
>Party county coordinators, we got some significant planning work done.  In
>the next few weeks, look for the following developments:
>1. When we have regional or local Keyes 2000 news in your area, we can
>send a special update to you.  As you know, in American politics, certain
>regions provide unique strategic opportunities.  For those interested, we
>will provide a special web page where you can let us know where you are
>and sign up for these regional updates.  (More to come in a future
>2. We will provide a way for you to invite your friends to sign up and
>learn more about Alan Keyes.  (But don't wait for us.... You can forward
>this message to your friends with a personal note now!)
>3. Behind the scenes, we're putting together systems to connect our staff
>together using secure e-mail and to help simplify Alan's travel planning
>with calendar and scheduling software.
>4. We're tracking and analyzing our online growth to help us prepare for
>the coming months.
>Stay tuned for more information.
>Jeff A. Stucker \ Keyes 2000 Technology Coordinator
>* * * * * * * *
>One final note:  We are at a critical phase of the preparations for the
>Keyes 2000 campaign.  Our ability to “gear up” our technical capacity
>quickly over the next few months will be a crucial factor in creating
>momentum to propel Dr. Keyes into the spotlight as the presidential cycle
>really gets underway.
>We simply must have your financial support if we are to do justice to the
>Keyes message.  Please visit http://www.keyes2000.org/join/index.html
>right now to sign up for whatever monthly donation you can make to the
>Keyes 2000 effort.  Your $20 or $30 monthly commitment will let us build
>the electronic platform on which Dr. Keyes can stand to speak to the
>entire nation.  We are counting on you.
>* * * * * * * * *
>We need your financial support now!  Donations may be mailed to:
>Keyes 2000
>5025 North Central, Suite 408
>Phoenix, AZ 85012
>You may also contribute by credit card or print a donation form to mail to
>us by clicking “Support Keyes2000” at http://www.Keyes2000.org right now,
>or go directly to our secure server site at
>* * * * * * * *
>Paid for and authorized by Keyes 2000
>This message is only sent to those who have expressed interest in Alan
>Keyes.  If you wish to unsubscribe from this list, please reply to this
>message with the following as the *first line* of the message body:

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