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Russian Follies

Audit Shows Russian Central Bank Hid Vast Sums Offshore

The Joy of Money, Money, Money

What it did with the IMF funds is top secret

MOSCOW - The Russian central bank sent billions of dollars of foreign
currency reserves out of the country and into a secret offshore network
during the past five years, and profits from the investments appear to
have been concealed from the Russian authorities, according to an
internal audit of the bank's accounts.
Moreover, documents show, part of the hidden flow of money was
clandestinely directed back into Russia's high-flying government
Treasury bond market in 1996 in a move that may have been illegal.

The documents are part of an internal audit of the central bank for
1997. The audit has been disclosed to Parliament, but the internal
documents have not.

The documents, contents of which were disclosed to The Washington Post,
suggest unorthodox and possibly risky management of Russia's foreign
currency reserves between 1993 and last year, as Russia struggled with a
difficult transition to a market economy.

A leading member of Parliament has raised further questions about
whether the foreign currency reserves were used for private gain,
although there is no evidence of who got the money.

In particular, the documents say that data about profits from the
offshore investments are missing, that information was concealed from
Russia's investigating authorities and that the central bank lacked
control over billions of dollars it sent overseas.

The questions about the offshore network come at an awkward time for
Russia. The government is hoping to persuade Western creditors to
provide billions of dollars in further debt relief, and that decision
could be complicated if it is established that earlier aid was misused.

Another unanswered question is how much Western donors may have known
about the hidden flow of funds set up by the central bank, which has
handled major infusions of aid from the International Monetary Fund.

At the same time, the central bank is facing renewed demands in
Parliament to curb its independence.

The central bank has responded to questions about the issue with brief
explanations and silence. Viktor Gerashchenko, the current chairman, who
served a previous term when the offshore network was started, has
classified as a state secret parts of a report on the central bank's
activities prepared by the Auditing Chamber, a parliamentary
investigating body.

Among the subjects stamped secret are the bank's use of hard currency
reserves, its payroll, its pension fund and its use of IMF money.

The central bank refused to answer questions submitted in writing by The
Washington Post, saying that it would have no comment until another
audit has been completed.

The Russian Central Bank is a powerful, largely autonomous institution
that has played a key role in the successes and failures of Russia's
struggle to establish a market democracy. After the Soviet Union's
collapse in late 1991 and the end of price controls in 1992,
hyper-inflation gripped the country, fueled in part by easy credits from
the central bank during Mr. Gerashchenko's first term.

Later, it reversed course under Sergei Dubinin and played a key role in
bringing down inflation, although critics said he was too rigid in 1998
when a devaluation crisis loomed. Last Aug. 17, Russia devalued the
ruble and defaulted on its domestic debts, triggering the worst economic
crisis since the Soviet collapse.

The central bank has potent tools for influencing the economy, including
buying and selling government bonds, and setting foreign currency
exchange rates and interest rates. Moreover, the bank holds a majority
share in Sberbank, the state savings bank, and controls parts of other
former Soviet state banks.

Aside from its economic policies, the central bank also has been
involved in several disputes over its independence and autonomy. One
issue has been whether - and how much - the bank should share its
financial gains with the government. Under an April 1995 compromise law,
half the bank's profits were to be turned over to the government.

But the central bank is being accused of bypassing the agreement.
Nikolai Gonchar, an independent member of the lower house of Parliament,
the State Duma, and a member of its budget committee, has charged that
the central bank hid profits from the government. Mr. Gonchar said
Russia's foreign currency reserves were invested offshore, and then the
profits disappeared.

''I want to know, what is the real income?'' he said. ''I do not know
it, and I should know it, according to the law.''

At the center of the controversy is the offshore firm Financial
Management Co., known as Fimaco, which handled Russia's foreign currency
reserves. Its existence was revealed in a letter that the chief
prosecutor, Yuri Skuratov, sent to Parliament on Feb. 1, followed
immediately by his abrupt and still unexplained resignation. The firm
was set up in 1990 in Jersey, Channel Islands, according to registration
documents there.

Fimaco has not responded to the latest charges although former central
bank officials have defended it.

Mr. Dubinin, the former bank chairman, and his deputy, Sergei
Alexashenko, have claimed in an open letter published here that the
offshore haven was needed to protect the currency reserves against
seizure in a legal dispute.

It is not unusual for countries to park their currency reserves abroad
in safe securities or bonds of other countries. But it is highly unusual
for a country to turn over its reserves to a small, little-known
management company.

''If you are going to shelter central bank assets, you don't set up a
Jersey shell company, which any bright divorce lawyer could crack open
in an afternoon,'' said Eric Kraus, head of fixed-income securities for
Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, an investment firm here.

The use of an offshore haven goes to the heart of Russia's economic
woes. Many Russians and overseas investors have been reluctant to keep
money in Russia because of legal, political and economic risks. This has
given rise to a debilitating flight of capital, which many experts have
identified as one of Russia's biggest economic problems.

According to the internal documents, the central bank initially set high
standards for Fimaco's investments in Western currencies - specifying
the amount to be put in dollars, French francs, Deutsche marks and so
on. But later, the standards were dropped.

The internal document concludes: ''There is a lack of control over
Fimaco's administrative and financial activity from the central bank.
The central bank does not have at its disposal information about the
shareholders of Fimaco. In reality, the central bank did not exercise
control over the quality of management of the currency reserves and, in
fact, jeopardized them.''

Questions persist about the volume of Russia's currency reserves that
Fimaco handled. Mr. Dubinin said it never exceeded $1.4 billion at any
given time. The prosecutor said it was $37 billion over five years.
Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves now stand at about $11.4
billion, down from a peak of $24 billion in mid-1997, before the global
economic crisis.

The internal documents raise questions about what happened to the
profits and interest earned on the central bank's investments in Fimaco.

They conclude that profits must have been earned, but it is not clear
where they went. Some may have remained at Fimaco, but the central
bank's records ''lack data'' about the use of the profits, the documents

The internal documents also confirm a charge leveled by Mr. Gonchar that
the foreign currency reserves of the central bank were channeled into
Russia's high-yielding, short-term government bonds, known as GKOs, in
1996 when it may have been illegal.

Russia, chronically strapped for cash, began floating these bonds in
1993. They have often been a barometer of risk. At times of turmoil, the
yields rose to more than 200 percent annually. Foreigners originally
were banned from investing in GKOs but in late 1996 the market was
opened to overseas investors.

However, before the market was legally opened, according to the internal
documents, the central bank was using Fimaco to secretly invest in the
bonds from overseas, which would have been illegal. According to the
documents, $855 million was transferred to Fimaco for investing in the
bonds between Feb. 29 and May 28, 1996.

The bonds later played a role in the Russian economic crisis because the
government reached a point where the interest payments were so high that
it could no longer meet them. The Russian government defaulted on Aug.
17 on about $50 billion in these bonds.

International Herald Tribune, March 9, 1999

German Socialism

Bundesbank Blames Euro's Fall on Lafontaine

The infighting is getting nasty

THE Bundesbank launched a high-level campaign yesterday to discredit
Oskar Lafontaine, the German finance minister, blaming him for the rapid
eight per cent decline in the value of the euro against the dollar.
The private and public attacks were evidence of mounting tension between
euro-zone politicians and bankers over how best to run the currency,
which has headed relentlessly downwards since its triumphal launch 10
weeks ago.

Board members at the German central bank made known their anger at what
they described as Mr Lafontaine's "unprofessional" behaviour in calling
for the European Central Bank (ECB) to cut interest rates.

They said they were "shocked" by his failure to honour promises not to
attack the ECB in public; and Hans Tietmeyer, the Bundesbank president
and a member of the ECB's board, had Mr Lafontaine in his sights when he
said politicians were closing off the ECB's options by applying pressure
to cut rates.

"The more intensely these discussions are led in public, the less scope
it leaves for monetary decisions," he told Handelsblatt newspaper.

With worries about the euro's performance now beginning to spread to the
financial markets, Bundesbank members said they were appalled that Mr
Lafontaine had ignored their views and failed to consult them.

Above all he had refused to learn from their experience in building the
German mark into a leading currency by keeping the Bundesbank
independent from political influence.

Many Frankfurt bankers believed after Mr Lafontaine came to office that
he would soon begin to understand that by calling on the ECB to cut
interest rates he actually prevents it from doing so, since it cannot be
seen to yield to political pressure.

Meanwhile, the European Commission insisted that the new currency should
not be judged merely on its record since its launch on Jan 1. Its
performance should be assessed since last May, when the bilateral rates
at which the 11 member currencies are now converted to euros, were set.
It was then that the financial markets started to treat the 11 member
currencies as one "bloc".

"In early May you will find the value is similar against the dollar to
what it is now," said one official. "In the autumn, the value increased
markedly after economic difficulties in the Far East and Russia when the
euro became a safe haven.

"What we are seeing now is a correction, coupled with the effects of
very strong economic data from America. We are not worried by the
current value."

Opinion among financial analysts on the euro's outlook is divided. Some
predict the weakness in the European economy, combined with strong US
growth, could drive the currency to under $1 by the end of this year;
others say a cut in US interest rates is likely in the medium term
which, coupled with signs of recovery in Europe, will help the euro to

The difficulties of running a "one size fits all" interest rate policy
in a euro zone whose economies have not converged are clear. While
Germany's economy shrank by 0.4 per in the last quarter of 1998 and,
according to Mr Lafontaine, badly needs an interest rate cut, Ireland
saw growth of almost nine per cent a year and needs to cool the economy.

The London Telegraph, March 9, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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