-Caveat Lector-

Logical inconsistencies and redundantly unrevolutionary
revelations in Nessie's "Synecdoche alert !" :


"If we limit our count to the Twentieth Century it gets a little more dicey.
First and foremost, we must remember that there is no such thing as a
"historical" body count, except for that part of 'the Holocaust' which took
place in the lager system, and even that leaves gaps in the record."

"There is simply no way of knowing how many people died as a result
of orders given by Mao, Hitler, OR Stalin. The actual numbers are simply
not available. The available number are not reliable."

Contradictory statement:

"What the Christians did to Africa and the New World, and to a lesser
extent to South Asia and South East Asia, has never been approached,
let alone duplicated. By comparison, the depredations of the great
barbarian hordes were a drop in the bucket and the Twentieth Century
a pale shadow."


The 20th Century history of mass killings is called "dicey," yet killings by
Christians in Asia and by barbarian hordes, earlier events, are
confidently said to have been much higher in number than 20th. Century
mass killings. First of all, if one cannot know and somehow quantifiably
estimate the numbers killed in major events of this Century, how can
Nessie be so confident in her counts from earlier times as to say that
they were more intense? In fact, if estimates of this Century are so bogus,
how can Nessie make any comparison at all as to the rank and frequency
of other events? If one does not know the value of a particular number,
how can one say that it is lesser or greater than any other number?



"More people died in the Holocaust than are normally considered to
have done so. the numbers are too low, WAY too low. The commonly
quoted figure of 'the' six million, is totally deceptive and distortionist.
First of all, even if we are to limit the definition of 'the Holocaust to
those who died in the lager system, we're looking at roughly THIRTEEN
million people."

Contradictory statement:

"There is simply no way of knowing how many people died as a result
of orders given by Mao, Hitler, OR Stalin. The actual numbers are simply
not available. The available number are not reliable."


Once again, it appears that Nessie has been divinely blessed with
omnipresent knowledge unavailable to the rest of the population of this
Century. It sounds as if she should author a book with her striking
revelations in it, or perhaps she is more full of it than most 20th. Century
estimates are.


Most of the rest of Nessie's thesis stated common facts as if they were
somehow stunning revelations to the rest of us uneducated bastards:

1)  Other groups besides the Jewish were singled out for genocide.
          (Thanks for that biggie.)

2)  The concept of a country is not the same as its leader's identity whose
actions and beliefs are not necessarily the actions and beliefs of his
people which are not the same as a societal/political movement.
          (Another biggie. Let's call Ripley's.)

3)  Hitler, Mao, and Stalin didn't act alone.
          (Maybe we should call the major governments and historians of the
           world and inform them of this.)

4)  In addition to outright murder, Mao and Stalin also committed
manslaughter through negligence, the conventions of war, etc., and these
acts of manslaughter should not be counted as acts of murder, a very
different concept.
           [What a marvelously revealing distinction (he said sarcastically).
            If you had your choice, would you rather you and your entire family
           be killed by premeditated murder, by neglect, or by war? Hmm, let's
           see. That's a toughie. How about NOT AT ALL. Death IS, after all,


Also (reminiscent of Bill C. and his "is" query) are questions as to the "actual"
definitions of the following words/terms:

1) murderer

2) holocaust (as in "the" Holocaust)

Are there some other definitions I don't know about? All of us uneducated
bastards out here would like to know of any that may exist other than the
ones in the dictionary and in history books.

More to come,


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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