-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated Fri, 12 Mar 1999 23:25:20 -0800,
"David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I found the piece forwarded by Hoffa and Carter to be amusing and

I found your reply naive and based purely on a combination of heresay
and circumstantial evidence.

>Not only are the so-called "free energy" devices a forefront reality in
>modern physics,

Explain to the other readers (and me, for that matter) exactly what a
"fore front reality" is. Can't that be defined as: "it doesn't exist, but we
think it's theoretically possible"? Modern physics is rife with "fore front
realities," and most are highly speculative as to when and if they will
ever become "actual realities."

>including the potential of devices to harness the
>"Zero-Point energy", mentioned on page57 of the 1998 Comprehensive National
>Energy Strategy prepared by the DOE and inputed to Congress by President
>Clinton (also referred to in a DOE letter we received dated 12May98 as "the
>holy grail of energy research"), but also now under serious investigation by
>DOE are cold fusion (quietly proceding despite debunking and one such device
>close to manufacturing is the Patterson Power Cell featured on Good Morning
>American June 11, 1997) as well as "high density charge cluster" technology
>and Low Energy Nuclear Transmutation (LENT) devices which also neutralize
>radioactive wastes.

Just why do you think he calls it "the holy grail of energy research"?
Precisely because no one has found it yet !
Not only that, but I find it amusing that because the DOE mentions such ideas
and is investigating them that you equate this with definitive proof of the
existence of such devices. The very essence of investigation centers around
something that hasn't yet been proven or discovered.

WOW! There is "one device close to manufacturing!" Let me know when I can
buy one to power my Mr. Coffee, and I'll eat crow.

Good Morning America! What a coincidence! That's where I too get all my
highly classified, reliable, scientific information!

>Although the determined skeptic can still debunk at will any idea out of the
>realm of his understanding,

How much of what you speak of is in YOUR understanding? Not only that,
how much of this technology have you ACTUALLY SEEN in operation?
My proof may be weak and limited to my own abilities, but at least I have
empirical evidence for what I assert. Do you have anything other than
"he said" or "they said"? What have you actually seen and done for
yourself? Don't you have any critical reading skills, or do you just accept
everything as fact merely because it's touted as "scientific" or shown on
Good Morning America?

>evidence is abundant that the military has
>coopted this science for over two decades for covert development of ship
>propulsion and arcane electromagnetic weaponry so it is a good sign of
>relaxing secrecy that the DOE is finally taking a public stand on this and
>one of their representatives will be among the speakers at the Conference on
>Free Energy in Washington, DC, end April beginning May 1999.  It would be
>reasonable to assume that the pressures to address global warming are at
>least in part responsible for this relaxation in secrecy.

Evidence is abundant? I challenge you to cite some from any reputable,
scientific source. I mean journals, studies, etc. from mainstream scientific

Arcane electromagnetic weaponry? Isn't the very definition of the word
arcane "mysterious and unknown"? If such weaponry is truly arcane, how
do you even know about it? Isn't it true that such things are arcane because
they are only part of someone's fertile imagination? I suggest laying off
the Star Trek for a week or two.

I happen to have some VERY close friends who have some HEAVY security
clearances in their jobs at the DOE, and, while they would never discuss
such secrets in any detail with me, they are free to speak of topics of their
concern in very general terms. They have spoken of many energy related
concerns, but have NEVER said ANYTHING about free energy, whether to
support or deny the subject. I find this strange, for they travel to most other
government installations in the U.S., speak of almost every other energy
related topic, and, though they are careful to tell me only as much as they can,
they still seem free to discuss the DOE's stance on any energy-related topic.

As for a relaxation in their "secrecy" concerning free energy, my friends in
the DOE told me of the grave abuses concerning unethical human
experimentation in Oak Ridge almost the very minute they were declassified
for the public. This was quite some time before the information managed to
fully make its way to the general public through the media. They knew of
my curiosity concerning such things, and they know of my curiosity
concerning free energy. They have never told me ANYTHING relating to
"relaxed" secrets concerning free energy. What are the PRIMARY sources
for what you assert? Everything you speak of refers to secondary sources
of information. My friends, one of whom has been with the DOE since it was
the AEC, are PRIMARY sources. I do not reveal their names for reasons
of their privacy.

>For basic information on these technologies one may see Jeane Manning's book
>from Avery Publishing called The Coming Energy Revolution in which is the
>text of the federal government secrecy order under which she says numerous
>inventions in this field have been confiscated and ordered secret by the
>government every year.  For one of the military applications of this new
>physics one may see her book with Dr. Nick Begich called "Angels Don't Play
>That HAARP" regarding contemporary research on Tesla's "Death Ray"
>technology, the next generation of weapons of mass destruction, weather
>control, and electromagnetic biowarfare.
>For other beginning information and perspectives on this new science and
>technology with reference to a few of the websites with research information
>one may see the GEAR2000 site address below.
>On March 1st we had a Global Crisis Solutions Conference at UC Berkeley at
>which several of the speakers addressed this issue including Mark Comings,
>Stephen Kaplan, and Dr. Brian O'Leary (former NASA scientist/astronaut,
>physics teacher, and science and energy policy advisor and speechwriter to
>four US presidential candidates who also wrote a book on this topic called
>Miracle in the Void).  Also speaking was Dr. Fred B. Wood, Sr., who is
>widely regarded as on of the fathers of systems theory and a pioneer in
>electromagnetics of radar, etc., who explains how an overlooked original
>more complex form of the later simplified Maxwell's equations of
>electromagnetism enabled Tesla to do what he did and not only may offer an
>explanation of how these free energy devices work but also are being used by
>other nations, some hostile to the US, for advanced electromagnetic weaponry
>which he feels may precipitate a Third World War.

Ok. So? Talks, symposiums, and research are all fine, but, as we used to
say in the 80's, "Where's the beef?" I am glad such things are being discussed,
and these discussions may even yield something. However, you've got to
realize the state of the modern physicist. They have been really really struggling
to keep their careers afloat over the last decade or two. Most of what they are
doing and talking about now has yielded no practical results, and our
capitalist society wants practical, bottom-line results. Discussions of the
fabric of space time were hot about ten years ago. Now it's free energy, cold
fusion, etc. Physics has always been theory-based of course, but today
almost all advances are PURE theory unsubstantiated by cold, hard, useful
hardware. Science as a whole will have to do some significant catching up to
even begin validating most of what is being said by modern physicists. As for 
discussions on such topics, even physicists have to eat, you know.

>Basic information and
>website references for these and other conference speakers as well as some
>of the math involved in Wood's thesis are also at the site below.
>In these times of great peril of wars and environmental destruction
>endangering all life on Earth, it would behoove even the hardened skeptic to
>take a deeper look at this topic before staking his reputation on the notion
>that they cannot be true.

I do not stake my reputation on anything of the sort. I hope free energy devices
are popping up all over, but it seems that you have taken the circumstantial
evidence of on-going scientific investigation and physics symposiums
and mixed in some sci-fi heresay to try to prove what even you cannot be sure
is a reality.

In closing, I found your remarks uninformed in a very empirical, scientific
sense of the word. Discussions and investigations do not make reality.
Only the naive and truly uninformed are impressed by scientific discussions
on the POTENTIAL feasibility of free energy devices. If one of these
guys actually builds, tests, and verifies an indisputable free energy device,
you'll know about it. They'll get the Nobel Prize for Physics and be touted
in every publication across the globe whether scientific journal or tabloid.

Try to be more objective and skeptical yourself. Then you may be able to
separate the fairy-physics of Star Trek from what is actually being done.

Verify the lie,

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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