-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990315b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for merit, accuracy or meaning.
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*** Report: Baptist leader to resign. ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) - The Rev.
Henry Lyons, convicted of swindling $4 million as head of the National Bap-
tist Convention, U.S.A., is sorry for bringing shame to the church and will
resign. He also was convicted of grand theft for stealing nearly $250,000
donated by the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith to rebuild burned
black churches in the South.  Stealing in the name of the Lord - see

: Is your religious faction led by thieves, swindlers, frauds, embezzlers?
Would you know? Do you care? Are they better than wimps? Are they effective?
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*** UN: Afghanistan coalition agreed, see
*** Also: Tough road to peace in Afghanistan, see
*** Also: Chronology of war in Afghanistan, see
*** And: UN workers return to Afghanistan, see
*** Afghanistan to hold peace talks, see
*** Analysis: Tough road to peace in Afghanistan, see

: Can religious/cultural fundamentalists ever be trusted to compromise? Are
ET aliens finished harvesting Afghanis? Where will they turn to next? When?
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*** Jesus photos protested in Sweden. STOCKHOLM (AP) A crowd protesting the
opening of a photo exhibition depicting Jesus Christ in the company of homo-
sexuals threw rocks at the photographer when she stepped outside the museum
Sunday. The exhibition, titled "Ecce Homo," has provoked occasional protests
since first being shown in Stockholm last summer. It opened Sunday at the
city museum in Norrkoeping. Several hundred demonstrators gathered outside
the museum and some hurled stones at photographer Elisabeth Ohlson when she
stepped outside to photograph the crowd. See

: Is stoning a good way to deal with blasphemers, heretics, apostates, infi-
dels, pagans, women, photographers, homosexuals, Jeezoids? What's better?
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*** Missionaries accused in Zimbabwe. INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Missionaries or
mercenaries? An Indianapolis-based group wrestled with those contradictory
public perceptions of itself after the arrest of three of its members in
Zimbabwe with a cache of weapons. Harvestfield Ministries stands accused by
prosecutors in Zimbabwe of sending mercenaries to fight or deal arms in the
Congolese civil war, but its leader said it did nothing more than deliver
Bibles, medicine, clothing and seeds - plus shoot off some guns for fun.
*** Also: Americans claim torture in Zimbabwe, see
*** And: Americans face spy charge, see

: Should all missionaries be armed, spies, tortured? Does your religion have
well-armed missionaries? Is gun-running a sacrament? Are your guns blessed?
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*** Supermarket defies Israeli government. JERUSALEM (AP) A Jerusalem super-
market defied a Labor Ministry threat to shut it down for employing Jews on
the Sabbath by staffing only with Muslims and Christians. Customers formed
long lines Saturday as business went on as usual. Ministry inspectors showed
up early in the day but, finding only Muslim and Christian workers, did not
fine the owners of "Drugstore 2000," the first Sabbath market in west Jeru-
salem. See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2558794692-0b9

: Does your belief system prevent you from working or doing business certain
days? All days? Is your belief system financially successful? Do the voices
in your head say anything about inactivity, marketing, commerce, prosperity?
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# 'Working draft' of human genome by 2000. (BBC) An ambitious project to map
all the genes in human DNA has taken a leap forward. UK and US scientists
announced that a "working draft" of the human genome, a three-billion-long
sequence of just four chemical markers, will be completed by February 2000.
This is at least a year earlier than the previous timetable predicted. See

@ Links: Sanger Centre: http://www.sanger.ac.uk/
@ Human Genome Program: US Department of Energy:
@ US National Human Genome Research Institute: http://www.nhgri.nih.gov/

: With rough draft of the human genome, could we build a rough draft of a
human? Would it work? Would it be useful for transplants, food, sports?
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# Mobile caused brain damage, claims man. (BBC) A British Telecom engineer
is planning to sue his former employers, claiming protracted use of mobile
phones has caused him brain damage. Scientists disagree on health problems -

# Also: Scientists cut their mobile phone use:
@ Links: Powerwatch: http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/
@ National Radiological Protection Board: http://www.nrpb.org.uk/

: DO you use cellphones a great deal? Are you brain-damaged? Was the damage
caused by cellphones, drugs/booze, childhood trauma, alien implants, botched
lobotomy, too much TV, syphilis, HAARP, demonic possession, divine will?
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*** Aum cult's comeback concerns Japan. KITAMIMAKI, Japan (AP) - Approaching
the fourth anniversary of the deadly nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway
system, the Aum Shinri Kyo doomsday cult is coming back to life. The group
has bought real estate across Japan to set up new offices and sites in what
authorities describe as an ominous effort to re-establish itself. Police say
members are once again preparing for the Armageddon they have been promised
will come this year by their jailed messiah - Shoko Asahara, who is on trial
for murder in the March 21, 1995, subway gassing and other killings. See
*** Sidebar: Key members of Aum Shinri Kyo cult, see

: Is doomsday a good idea? Should we replace Friday with Doomsday each week?
Would a DoomsDayLand theme park be successful? Would you go? Send your kids?
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"Jake liked his women the way he liked his kiwi fruit: sweet yet tart,
firm-fleshed yet yielding to the touch, and covered with short brown
fuzzy hair." --Gretchen Schmitt

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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