-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger D. Cravens, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Recipient list suppressed <Recipient list suppressed>
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999 10:17 PM
Subject: Gun Grabbers' Global Gestapo

The New American
Gun Grabbers' Global Gestapo
September 19, 1994
Vol. 10, No. 19
September 19, 1994

                      GUN GRABBERS' GLOBAL GESTAPO
                           WILLIAM F. JASPER

That the citizens of the United States of America are being disarmed --
both as individuals and   as a nation--can hardly be questioned.
Succumbing to the siren promises of peace and   safety, we are giving up
our weapons to Godless global planners, who in turn are   delivering us
over to enemies--both foreign and domestic--who despise the foundations
upon which our beloved nation was rounded.

A major problem for the American people in recognizing the terrible
danger and treachery involved in our disarmament is the fact that it has
been occurring as a gradual process rather than a single, discreet act.
Domestic disarmament ("gun control") and national disarmament
("international arms control") have been proceeding simultaneously over
the past 30 years, promoted by the same subversive forces. The gun
control "movement," if allowed to succeed, will result in an unarmed
American citizenry cowering before street criminals and completely
subject to a totalitarian dictatorship run by even more dangerous
criminals in Washington. The arms control "movement," meanwhile, is
pushing us ever closer, and at an accelerating pace, toward a global
tyranny in which control over our military has been relinquished to an
all-powerful United Nations.

The central problem for the American people, however, in recognizing the
danger before us, is our collective blindness due to the intellectual,
moral and spiritual disarmament we have already permitted. The popular
notions that guns cause crime and that armies and military weapons cause
war--and that the solution, therefore, is to disarm completely
individuals and nations and transfer all weapons to a single governing
authority--are frightening manifestations of the extent of that
disarmament. It is a sad reflection of the abandonment of the Christian
worldview, which holds that war and crime are caused by men yielding to
the sinful impulses of their fallen nature and violating the laws of God
and society. The solution then, is two-fold: to work for the increase of
virtue through the conversion of sinners, and to establish and maintain
a just social order that recognizes the right, and allows the means, of
both the   individual and the nation- state to self-defense.

Jesus Christ himself taught: "When a strong man armed keepeth his court,
those things are in peace which he possesseth. But if a stronger than he
come upon him and overcome him, he will take away all his armour wherein
he trusted, and will distribute his spoils" (Luke 11:21-22). Obviously,
it is important to be armed physically, but trust in material arms is
foolish if we do not also "put   on the whole armour of God" (Ephesians

If we are to remain a free people, it is essential for Americans to be
both spiritually and physically armed--as individuals and as a nation.
Unfortunately, we have allowed evil men to sow the seeds of individual
and national disarmament--both spiritually and materially--for decades.

                           GLOBAL GUN CONTROL

Many Americans undoubtedly were alarmed to read in their newspapers on
May 24, 1994 a story by Associated Press reporter Charles J. Hanley on a
new United Nations stealth gun control initiative for the whole world.
The AP article reported:

    So quietly that even the gun lobby hasn't noticed, the United
    Nations is beginning to set its sights on global gun control.

    The U.N. Disarmament Commission has adopted a working paper, a basis
    for future debate, that proposes fighter controls on the gun trade
    in the United States and other member nations as a way of combating
    international arms trafficking.

That same day, the WASHINGTON TIMES, in an article entitled "U.S. OKs
study of U.N. gun control," reported on the same development:

The Clinton administration has agreed to participate in a discussion of
ways for the United Nations to control the manufacture of guns and their
sales to civilians.

This represents the first U.N. effort to foster regulation of the
multi-billion-dollar trade in small arms ....

The U.N. working paper declares that governments individually are
"impotent" to deal with global arms trafficking and proposes
"harmonization" of gun control standards around the world to make
trafficking easier to spot and prevent.

"The arms permitted for civilian use ... should be subject to controls
at all points in the chain, from production and/or acquisition up to the
time they are sold to an individual. From then on they should remain
subject to monitoring and control," the paper says.

Any "harmonization" would inevitably mean tightening controls on the
loosely regulated U.S. gun business ....

Naturally, in the United Nations, where the vast majority of member
states are authoritarian regimes, "harmonization" means that American
citizens must yield their rights for the common " global good." The UN
Charter, of course, like most of the national constitutions of UN member
states, recognizes no God-given individual rights and certainly no
individual right to keep and bear arms.

                         BUREAUCRATIC RUNAROUND

Considering the brazen assault this represents on a fundamental human
right and on American national sovereignty, it is understandable that
both the UN and the Clinton Administration would want to keep this
subversive initiative as quiet as possible and would be reluctant to
discuss it. Officials at the U.S. State Department and the UN rebuffed
repeated attempts by THE NEW AMERICAN to obtain a copy of the working
paper or to discuss it in detail. First we were told that the AP and
WASHINGTON TIMES reports were erroneous and exaggerated, and that
concern was overblown.   Unconvinced, we insisted we would like to judge
for ourselves by examining the document.

At State, after several office transfers, we were informed that
Ambassador Stephen Ledogar, the U.S. representative on the Disarmament
Commission, was out of the country and no one else knew how to obtain a
copy of the document. At the UN, after six departmental transfers, we
reached the director of the UN Disarmament Commission, a Mr. Sohrab
Kheradi, who informed us that the report would not be released until
mid-July. However, under our persistent entreaties, Mr. Kheradi agreed
that he would arrange for THE NEW AMERICAN to receive a pre-release copy

Days passed, still no working paper. More calls to the UN and more
promises to send the report. Weeks passed. Finally, we reached the
secretary of the Disarmament Commission himself, Mr. Kuo-chung Lin, who
had been away on vacation. Mr. Lin assured us that the concerns stirred
by initial news coverage of the working paper were "based on a
misunderstanding" of the nature and significance of the report. "This is
only the report of the chairman of the Working Group [on disarmament]"
on the group's proposed agenda "for discussion over the next two years,"
he explained. "It doesn't establish any policy or have any binding
effect." But is it not true, we asked, that its purpose is to encourage
the establishment of policy that will have "binding effect"? No, no, he
laughed. Its purpose is simply to encourage "debate and discussion."

Of course, as a UN official from Communist China, where debate and
discussion can land you in prison, and where unarmed dissenters are
unceremoniously squashed beneath the tracks of army tanks, Mr. Lin's
cavalier attitude toward attacks on the Second Amendment is
understandable, even expected.

                           HIGH-LEVEL TREASON

The attitudes of American officials, who have taken an oath of office to
defend and protect the Constitution, are far more troubling.
Unfortunately, it will come as a shock to most Americans to learn that
the proposal and "discussion" of UN gun controls applicable to U.S.
citizens is not new. It is the culmination of a program of national
disarmament launched by U.S. officials over 30 years ago. The program
was unveiled at the UN on September 25, 1961 by President Kennedy.
most revolutionary and subversive proposals ever put forward by any
government official. Incredibly, the program originally introduced in
this document became -and remains--official U.S. government policy.

In short, FREEDOM FROM WAR is a proposal for the complete surrender of
the United States armed forces to the United Nations. It calls for a
three-stage disarmament process leading to the transfer of all national
military forces--including those of the U.S. and the USSR--to the United
Nations, and the establishment of a UN Peace Force as the
unchallengeable global military power.

In its own words, FREEDOM FROM WAR (pages   18-19) states:

    In Stage III progressive controlled disarmament ... would
    proceed to a point where no state would have the military power to
    challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force ....

    Pages 3 and 4 of FREEDOM FROM WAR list these "specific objectives
    toward which nations should direct their efforts":

        þ The disbanding of all national armed forces and the
        prohibition of their reestablishment in any form whatsoever
        other than those required to preserve internal order and for
        contributions to a United Nations Peace Force;

        þ The elimination from national arsenals of all armaments,
        including all weapons of mass destruction and the means for
        their delivery, other than those required for a United Nations
        Peace Force and for maintaining internal order...."

    On the last page (page 19) of this treasonous document we read:

    The manufacture of armaments would be prohibited except for those
    agreed types and quantifies to be used by the U.N. Peace Force and
    those required to maintain internal order. All other armaments would
    be destroyed or converted to peaceful purposes.

Please note that this puts the U.S. government on record in support of a
plan to make all nations subservient to the UN (we've all heard of 'The
New World Order,' rdc); and that " all   armaments" not controlled by
the UN would be destroyed, leaving the UN as the virtual global
dictator. And since no provision is made for an exemption of arms owned
by private   citizens (and since the UN itself is hardly sympathetic to
private gun ownership), it is reasonable to assume that private arms are
intended for destruction under the term "all armaments."

To initiate this program, President Kennedy signed Public Law 87- 297
(H.R. 9118), creating the United States Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency (ACDA). According to that legislation, "as defined in this Act,
the terms 'arms control' and 'disarmament' mean 'the identification,
verification, inspection, limitation, control, reduction, or
elimination, of armed forces and armaments of all kinds under
international agreement to establish an effective system of
international control..." (emphasis added).

It cannot be stressed too strongly that just as domestic gun control
does not; mean the total elimination of all firearms, neither does
international disarmament mean the total elimination of all armies,
armaments, and nuclear weapons. It is no more possible to eliminate all
guns than it is to put the nuclear genie back in the lamp. In both
cases, what really is being proposed is the transfer of control over all
weapons to a central government, resulting in the concentration of force
and the   creation of a monopoly of power. In the case of domestic gun
control, that means an   all-powerful police state. In the case of
international disarmament, it means an all-powerful global police state.

In its Second ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS (February, 1963), the ACDA
presented a simple graphic depiction (see above) demonstrating its
proposed three-stage disarmament process. Observe that in Stage III, as
explained in   FREEDOM FROM WAR, the U.S. armed forces cease to exist
and only "internal   security forces"--i.e. those to be used against
American citizens--are permitted.   Of course, under this scheme, the UN
"peacekeeping machinery" will be superior to the "internal security
forces" and will be able to dictate the "laws" that will be enforced.

                             CFR CONNECTION

How is it possible that such a patently treasonous and suicidal proposal
could become official U.S. policy, embedded in U.S. laws and
U.S.-ratified treaties? As with so many other treacherous acts,
policies, and programs of the past several decades, the trail leads to
the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a group Harvard historian Arthur
Schlesinger, Jr. (who was himself a CFR member and a special assistant
to President Kennedy) has called the "front organization" for "the heart
of the American Establishment." Former CFR member Admiral Chester   Ward
charged the organization with " promoting disarmament and submergence of
U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful
one-world government."

Official responsibility for developing and initiating the disarmament
program outlined in FREEDOM FROM WAR goes to President Kennedy and his
Secretaries of State (Dean Rusk) and Defense (Robert S. McNamara), all
three of whom were members of the CFR. The real authors of FREEDOM FROM
WAR and Public Law 87-297, however, were John J. McCloy, the chairman of
the CFR, and Arthur H. Dean, a CFR director.

McCloy, Kennedy's chief disarmament adviser and negotiator with the
Soviets, entered the Establishment through the Wall Street law firm of
Cravath, Swaine and Moore, and later became a senior partner at Milbank,
Tweed, Hadley, and McCloy, a firm closely tied to the Rockefeller
family. He served as an Assistant Secretary of War under FDR and as U.S.
High Commissioner to occupied Germany. He headed the World Bank, Chase
Manhattan Bank, the Ford Foundation, and the Council on Foreign
Relations. He was an adviser to nine Presidents and sat on the board of
directors of many corporations. Few would dispute journalist Richard
Rovere's characterization of McCloy as "chairman of the American

McCloy's blue-chip resume, however, included a few red flags. While
serving in the War Department, McCloy approved an order permitting
Communist Party members to become officers in the U.S. Army. He defended
identified communist John Carter Vincent and supported pro-communist
atomic scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer. In 1946, FBI head J. Edgar
Hoover warned President Truman of an "enormous Soviet espionage ring in
Washington," and expressed concern over the   " pro-Soviet leanings" of
McCloy, Dean Acheson, and Alger Hiss. Hiss, of course, was later exposed
as a Soviet agent. He was also a member of the CFR and one of the main
architects of the United Nations.

Assisting McCloy in drafting FREEDOM FROM WAR and the statute for the
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency was Arthur H. Dean. Dean was also
chairman of the U.S. delegation for two years to the UN disarmament
conferences in Geneva. Following the death of John Foster Dulles (CFR),
Dean became the senior partner in the Insider law firm of Sullivan &
Cromwell. He was vice chairman of the Institute for Pacific Relations
(IPR), the communist-run outfit most responsible--together with our
State Department--for turning China over to the communists in 1949. When
IPR member Alfred Kohlberg tried heroically to expose the treason within
IPR, it was Dean who scuttled the investigation. In 1952 the U.S. Senate
Judiciary Committee issued a scathing report on the IPR, citing it as
"an instrument of Communist policy, propaganda and military
intelligence." The Senate report also concluded:

    Members of the small core of officials and staff members who
    controlled IPR were either Communist or pro-Communist ....

    The effective leadership of the IPR used IPR prestige to promote the
    interests of the Soviet Union in the United States ....

The IPR was a vehicle used by the Communists to orientate American far
eastern policy toward Communist objectives.

Yet Dean and McCloy, with the help of their CFR associates in the
Establishment media, passed themselves off as Republicans, and
conservative, anticommunist Republicans at that.

                            SHOCK TREATMENT

Another important influence on the Kennedy-CFR disarmament plan was
Establishment Wall Street lawyer Grenville Clark. McCloy had worked
closely with Clark in the Military Training Camps Association. Clark was
vice president of the globalist United World Federalists and co-author
with Professor Louis B. Sohn (CFR) of WORLD PEACE THROUGH WORLD LAW
(1958). "It has been well said," averred Clark, "that in our modern age
the obdurate adherence to national sovereignty and national armed forces
represents a form of insanity which may, however, be cured by a species
of shock treatment."

He spelled out that "shock treatment" in WORLD PEACE THROUGH WORLD LAW,
a detailed plan for socialist world government through a revised UN
Charter. This text, venerated by all "world order" advocates, proposes a
global superstate in which a "world police force" known as the United
Nations Peace Force would be invested with "a coercive force of
overwhelming power." "This world police force," wrote Clark and Sohn,
"would be the only military force permitted anywhere in the world after
the process of national disarmament has been completed."

But, say the authors, "it must be recognized that even with the complete
elimination of all military forces there would necessarily remain
substantial, although strictly limited and lightly armed, internal
police forces and that these police forces, supplemented by civilians
armed with sporting rifles and fowling pieces, might conceivably
constitute a serious threat to a neighboring country in the absence of a
well-disciplined and heavily armed world police." Accordingly, "the
United Nations Peace Force shall be regularly provided with the most
modern weapons and equipment," and with special provision being made
"for the use of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances."

Moreover, Chapter 3, Article 14 of the Clark/Sohn UN scheme orders
strict controls on the possession of arms and ammunition by police
and private citizens:

    No nation shall allow the possession by its internal police forces
    of any arms or equipment except of the types permitted by the
    regulations adopted by the General Assembly ... and in no case shall
    the number of revolvers and rifles combined exceed one for each
    member of the internal police forces, the number of automatic rifles
    one for each hundred members of such forces, and the ammunition
    supplies 100 rounds per rifle or revolver and 1,000 rounds per
    automatic rifle.  No nation shall allow the possession by any public
    or private organization or individual of any military equipment
    whatever or of any arms except such small arms as are reasonably
    needed by duly licensed hunters or by duly licensed individuals for
    personal protection.

The plan also would eliminate the "problem" of private citizens' access
to ammunition by providing that "No nation shall produce or allow the
production of any explosives except in so far as the General Assembly
may authorize...." Moreover, "every nation shall obtain a special
license from the [UN] Inspector-General for: ... The operation by it or
by any public or private organization or individual ... engaged in the
production of any light arms, ammunition ... or of tools for any such

And what if you fail to turn in or register, say, your .22 rifle, your
.38 pistol, or your gun powder and reloading equipment, and you are
charged with unlawful possession of "military equipment" under the UN
General Assembly's ever-changing regulations? A UN tribunal will be your
judge and jury. Clark and Sohn say:

    In order to provide means for the trial of individuals accused of
    violating the disarmament provisions of the revised Charter or of
    other offenses against the Charter or laws enacted by the General
    Assembly ... provision is also made for regional United Nations
    courts, inferior to the International Court of Justice, and for the
    review by the International Court of decisions of these regional

                            THE HOUR IS LATE

The diabolical plan for total national and individual disarmament
spelled out by Clark and Sohn in 1958 was initiated by the CFR coterie
in the Kennedy Administration and has been carried forward by CFR
one-worlders in each successive Administration. This conspiracy for
empowering the United Nations with unprecedented and unparalleled force,
if allowed to succeed, would establish a global tyranny so monstrous
that the murderous regimes of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao would pale by

Our Founding Fathers provided us with the tools to fight this Godless
drive. But for too long good Americans have allowed a state of slumber
to overtake them, until now "the night is far spent." Though the hour is
late, with diligent effort we can yet reclaim our heritage of freedom.

THE NEW AMERICAN (Copyright 1998)
American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated
P.O. Box 8040
Appleton, WI 54913

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