-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Sno0wl wrote:
>A program on TLC last night--"Armageddon"--showed the city built by
>the Swiss miles down, under the tunnel that runs through the Alps--a
>modern city equipped to house 20,000.  You don't build something like
>that if you're not expecting trouble.

They built that during the height of the Cold War -- I remember Reagan
trying to justify his 'Duck and Cover' plan by citing the Swiss' huge
network of underground facilities...

The Swiss took a look at their geographical position vis-a-vis a U.S./
U.S.S.R. conflict, and concluded that Switzerland could very likely be
the unfortunate recipient of a few wayward nukes...and so they approved
the plan to build the network of underground shelters...

>Does anyone here know even one person who would be able to enter one
>of our underground facilities in case of such trouble? Apart from
>that place in Virginia (?) does anyone know where our underground
>facilities are? (Not talking about subways.) Are any of them designed
>to be "open to the public"? Or are we all expendable?

Well, last I knew, we were all expendable...which is why the Reagan
administration was allocating billions of dollars for a plan where they'd
basically just tell us all to 'head for the hills', and (I'm not
exaggerating, I have the FEMA manual somewhere) dig ourselves a hole,
cover ourselves with a heavy wooden door (that we all were supposed to
make sure we carried with us to our designated area) and pillows, and
await the Soviet nukes...

Here in CT, many areas designated hills were in Vermont, and the FEMA
plan failed to address what we'd all do if we were told to head up there
and dig our personal holes in the dead of winter...

The plan was also hazy (deliberately so, as it turned out) on what would
be done with the seriously ill in hospitals and nursing homes, and also
what would be done with the prison population (they'd be left behind, as
it turned out -- but not to worry, minimum-wage nursing assistants,
prison guards, not to mention those in the 'food service industry' (aka
fastfood burger flippers) were designated 'essential personnel' who'd
also not be allowed to evacuate)...

The FEMA manual had about 6 or 7 pages (single spaced) of all the stuff
we'd be expected to load up in our cars on minimal notice (portable
chemical toilets being one of the items, which I'm sure most of us have
on hand)...and a page of items which we'd be prohibited from taking,
firearms topping the list...

The manual didn't spell out HOW they'd assure that the multiple millions
clogging the highways heading north weren't carrying firearms...


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