Title: Page 1 News | Real News From The Real World

Sunday, March 21, 1999 Real News From The Real World 
Two Huge Stories Developing This Weekend
Expert Source:
Government Missile Expert Saw Flight TWA 800 Shot Down
- was thrown in jail after refusing to keep quiet. This story is developing ...

Wall Street Underground:
Starr About To Arrest Clinton And Put Him On Trial
Clinton Thugs in Witness Protection Program, Indictments Coming Soon

More below ...

Nicholas Guarino writes: "My high level source on Clinton's crimes has been 100% right for two years straight - and he's just dropped the bombshell of the year: Three of Bill Clinton's paid thugs are now safely tucked away in the Witness Protection Program - and they're singing like canaries.

Clinton's goons have now confessed under oath that they were paid to terrorize grand jury witnesses -- and even threaten their children's lives -- to prevent them from testifying about Clinton's crimes.

An outraged Kenneth Starr is now secretly preparing to indict and try the President of the United States and 9 of his most trusted allies on conspiracy and racketeering charges. Ken Starr's office has documented both the damage to WIlley's car and the disappearance of her cat. But there had never been any corroborating witnesses on the threats she claims were made against her or her children -- until now.

Kenneth Starr now has a rock-solid case documenting the payments made to goons hired to silence Kathleen Willey - and as many as a dozen other women. They were hired through a conduit that stretches from the leg breakers on the streets, through private detectives, through important Democratic donors who provided the cash, to key members of the White House staff and to the president himself.

Kenneth Starr has everything he needs to indict, try and convict the people involved on criminal charges -including Bill Clinton!  Starr also has 12 other women who claimed Clinton sexually attacked them or attempted to force their silence about sexual liaisons with him. And now that they can tell their stories of brutal abuse and terror under the protection of the independent counsel, they too will be testifying before Starr's secret Grand Jury in the days ahead. Mr. Starr is secretly drafting charges against Clinton for conspiracy, perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, and suborning perjury. Clinton will be charged as the kingpin of the conspiracy to bludgeon his victims into silence. Starr will also charge Vernon Jordan, Betty Currie, Sidney Blumenthal, and 5 more well-known administration officials.  I can also tell you for a fact that the White House is desperately scrambling to find cause to fire Starr. So far, they've been unable to. And Republicans in Congress have agreed to defend Starr against White House reprisals at all costs. More news as we hear it - subscribe to The Wall Street Underground

Balloonists Fly Around The World In 20 Days
... And Into The History Books
    Briton Brian Jones and Swiss co-pilot Bertrand Piccard become the first people to fly around the world.

It took 20 days to complete the 26,600 mile (42,197 km) journey.
Sunday Telegraph

BBC News
Quote Of The Week: Bill Clinton, speaking at Friday's Press Conference
There will be hundreds of times when the record will show I did not abuse my authority as president.
(And thousands of times when you did?)

Remember The Quote Of Last Week:
Bill Clinton, speaking to That Woman, Monica Lewinsky
My life has been full of lies and deception.
      US News World News
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Marine Corporal's Death Brings Clinton Body Count To 110
Eric Fox, served on Marine One, found shot in head as car swerves off road, ruled another "suicide"
West Virginia Dominion Post

Gephardt Tied To White Supremacist Group

Read My Lips: This Speech Will Earn Me Millions
How George Bush is making ends meet
The Times

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JD Salinger "Has 15 New Books In Safe"
Sunday Times

Latest News On Fighting In Kosovo
BBC News

Primakov Faces Difficult Week In Washington

As if Christmas Tree envy weren't bad enough ...
Jewish Store Chain Invents "Hot Star" Buns
Sunday Telegraph
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Winning The Cultural War
Charlton Heston
Page 1 News

Elia Kazan: Why We Should Applaud
Andrew Sullivan
Sunday Times

The American Boom: Is The End At Hand?

America is undergoing a monetary boom that is bound to end in a bust and once again the free market will get the blame.
The New Australian

Wagging The Scandal
Justin Valente
Real Mensch

Clinton: Beijing's Man In Washington
Peter Zhang tells how Chinese intelligence benefited from Clinton's corruption and that the damage to American national security is very deep and longstanding. There is no doubt that certain actions were undertaken that ought to be regarded as treasonable.
The New Australian

Silk Purses
Al Gore created the Internet. Hillary Clinton hurt her back skiing. Bill Clinton gave Juanita Broaddrick mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is near 10,000 and all is well. Well, maybe not.
Laissez Faire Times

American Liberalism And Fifth Columns
The Democratic Party's resemblance to the party of Truman and Kennedy is in name only and that it is now truly a corrupt and dangerous left-wing force in US politics.
The New Australian

The Key To A Republican Victory
Alan Keyes
WorldNet Daily

What Pat Must Prove
Joel Belz
World Magazine

To Be or Not To Be Republican
David Limbaugh
WorldNet Daily

What Is 'William J Clinton' In Hebrew And Greek?
Add Up The Letters Yourself

Bill Clinton's Mentor
Dr. Carroll Quigley And The 'Network'
Laissez Faire Times

Profiles Of The 2000 Contenders
National Review

The 2000 Candidates
Expected Winners
George W. Bush

Elizabeth Dole

Leading Republicans
Pat Buchanan
Steve Forbes

Alan Keyes
Dan Quayle
Bill Bradley

Al Gore

Lamar Alexander

Harry Browne
John Kasich

John McCain
Bob Smith
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Uncovering The Deceit Of A False Era
Who Are The Real Stooges?

Not So Much A President, More Of A Presence
The Evil Nature Of Bill Clinton

The Parable Of The Slothful Servant
The Moral Case For Privatizing Social Security

Originally written in 1995, updated in January 1999

Does This Feel Unreal?
May I Have My Reality Back, Please

Will It Be The Year Of Elizabeth And Hillary?
2000: The Year of the Woman?

Two Questions America Must Answer
Can America Survive? If So, Who Will Run It?

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