-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  03/24/99)  --  News  is  breaking  hot  and  heavy   from
Yugoslavia.   Amidst  an  avalanche of new information, this news
service is deadlined to go to  press due to the frenzy of reports
following the illegal NATO attack  on  the  sovereign  nation  of

With  the  CNN  (Cable News Network) anti-Serb propaganda machine
now kicked into overdrive;  with U.S. politicians and bureaucrats
falling over each other in their rush to overwhelm  the  American
public  with  a  barrage  of lies; this news service must rush to
press and offer counterpoint to  the tidal wave of mistruth being
unleashed upon the American public.

Under deadline pressure, CNNS gives against-the-tide facts  which
counter-act  a  mass  media flood of misinformation.  As the dust
settles, the situation  will  become  clearer.   In the meantime,
here is the developing picture of what is really happening.

(1) An  amazing  circumstance  is  that  many  American  citizens
automatically extend credibility to mainstream news outlets, even
at  this  late date, when those same news outlets have repeatedly
been shown up as routine liars.

(2) A further amazing circumstance is that many American citizens
automatically  extend   credibility   to   U.S.  politicians  and
high-level bureaucrats, even at  this  late date, when those same
persons have repeatedly been shown up as routine liars.

(3) Numerous reports that  the  "Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA) is
funded by the sale and distribution  of  illegal  narcotics  have
surfaced.   (See, for example, "Diving Into the Kosovo Quagmire,"
by  William  Norman  Grigg.   New  American  magazine,  3/15/99.)
Information in Grigg's article (op.  cit.)  shows that the KLA is
financially supported, besides via heroin sales and distribution,
by Osama bin Laden, a reputed  Islamic  terrorist  leader.   Also
reportedly "arming and supporting" the KLA is the nation of Iran.
(Grigg, op. cit.)  Yet in the strange world of *realpolitik*, the
USA now has lent its muscle to the heroin/bin Laden/Iranian KLA.

(4)  This  news  service  contacted  Mr.  Andrew  B.  Spiegel, an
attorney knowledgeable about  the  Yugoslavian  situation.   CNNS
asked   Mr.  Spiegel,  General  Counsel  to  the  Pavlovic  Peace
Delegation, "Why on earth does NATO have such a profound interest
in Yugoslavian  internal  affairs?"   Spiegel  offered  a cynical
interpretation.  "Is it oil?" asked CNNS.  Spiegel responded that
his fears  are  that  the  true  motivation  behind  the  ongoing
Yugoslav  crisis  is  based on control of the lucrative supply of
narcotics flowing through  the  region.   A similar situation may
have motivated the Vietnam War, according to Mark Sato, a  former
associate of Sherman Skolnick of the Citizens' Committee to Clean
Up  the Courts.  According to Sato, the basis for the Vietnam War
was a  battle  for  control  of  the  notorious "Golden Triangle"
region of southeast Asia.   (The  naive  believe  that  the  NATO
onslaught  is  based  on  "humanitarian"  concerns.  The wise are
dissuaded  from  this   caviling   by  grim  national  realities.
Humanitarian concerns begin at home!)

(5) Contacted by this  news  service,  Mr.  Skolnick,  a  veteran
researcher into subrosa U.S. politics, expressed anxiety that the
now-exploding  Yugoslav tinderbox is chain-reacting into a repeat
of the 1962 Cuban  Missile  Crisis,  a dangerous showdown between
the U.S. and Russia.  Preliminary reports given  to  Skolnick  by
his  various  sources indicate that a portion of the Russian navy
is now  enroute  from  the  Black  Sea,  through  the  straits of
Bosphorus, and into  the  Mediterranean,  on  their  way  to  the
Yugoslav  area.   Skolnick  has received one report from a highly
placed source that  military  brass  in  the  United Kingdom have
gone,   literally,   underground,   into    secure    facilities,
safeguarding themselves in the event of nuclear holocaust.

(6) According to Mr. Spiegel, Christiane Amanpour apparently  has
received  $1  million  from Muslim/Arab sources in return for her
biased, drum-beat reportage  on  the  Yugoslav crisis.  Immediate
confirmation of this report is not available at press  time,  but
Mr.  Spiegel says the alleged Amanpour payoff has previously been
reported  elsewhere,  possibly   by   the   Serb  Unity  Congress

(7)  Unconfirmed  at press time:  that the Federation of American
Scientists has listed the KLA as a terrorist organization.

(8) According to Mr. Spiegel,  mainstream reports claiming a Serb
policy of "ethnic cleansing" are "absurd."  This was confirmed by
a high ranking Serb official who,  today,  on  CNN,  emphatically
denied  any  such genocidal policies.  Yes, Kosovo terrorists and
members of the KLA are being fought, but no civilians are or have
been targeted.

(9) Additional motivation for the NATO  rain  of  terror  may  be
connected with legal troubles being experienced by U.S. president
Bill  Clinton.   Some  reports  (e.g.  "Wall Street Underground")
show that Clinton is on  the  verge  of being indicted by a grand
jury in Virginia.  Sherman Skolnick notes  that  Susan  McDougal,
after her silence and later lack-of-pardon by Clinton, may now be
exacting revenge, singing to a new grand jury, in retaliation.

As  the  days  roll  on,  the situation in Yugoslavia is bound to
become more clear.  The frenzy  of events, especially the barrage
of propaganda via the U.S. government and its toadies in the mass
media, necessitates this preliminary report.

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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