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Note from Bill Koenig:

Here is an article from today's World Tribune. The author Steve
Rodan use to work for the Jerusalem Post.

This is an interesting perspective on the Kosovo situation and
shows the complexity of this battle.

Reuven Paz, who teaches at Haifa University, is regarded as one of
Israel’s leading researchers of radical Islamic movements,
particularly Hamas. He says Iran and Saudi Arabia view the
conflicts in Kosovo and Bosnia as that pitting Islam against

This could also create a situation where the Russians, Chinese and
the radical Islamic people come against the United States and NATO

Will this produce a nuclear showdown with Russia?

As discussed in an earlier e-mail, Russian Prime Minister Primakov
turned around and went back to Russia to meet with his top military
officials,  rather than continuing his much needed trip to


European analysts see Iranian hand behind Kosovo conflict
By Steve Rodan
Today's story link is

Wednesday, March 24, 1999

To most in the West, the fighting in Kosovo is the result of an
oppressive Yugoslav regime that seeks to quell independence for an
Albanian majority in the province.  But quietly European defense
and diplomatic representatives regard the Kosovo rebellion as a
success of radical Islamic states, such as Iran, and groups such as
that of Osama Bin Laden.

As they see it, Kosovo has become the latest and most significant
arena for radical Islamic states and groups that seek to widen
their influence in Europe. Nobody argues that Islamic elements
fomented the conflicts in the Balkans.  But they say Iran, Saudi
Arabia and some of their terrorist beneficiaries have exploited the
fighting to establish a sphere of influence that spans from Greece
to the Austrian border.

Islamic groups as far away as Pakistan have called for support of
the fighters in Kosovo. "The type of cruel and oppressive tactics
followed by Serb aggressors in Kosovo and the Balkans is a
declaration of war against humanity and the whole Muslim Ummah,"
the Jamaat Islami, Pakistan, said in a recent statement.

That realization, the diplomats and defense sources say, is why
European leaders are increasingly hesitant in approving NATO
strikes against Yugoslavia.

"The gap between the public political rhetoric and the private
professional discussions is huge," a European defense official
said. "Europe is beginning to realize that Kosovo is not just about
a rebellion. It’s about a growing Iranian attempt to support and
dominate movements in states in Europe."

Reuven Paz, who teaches at Haifa University, is regarded as one of
Israel’s leading researchers of radical Islamic movements,
particularly Hamas. He says Iran and Saudi Arabia view the
conflicts in Kosovo and Bosnia as that pitting Islam against

"All of the Sunni Muslim groups as well as Iran are making lots of
propaganda for Kosovo and see it as a symbol," Paz said. "As Europe
tries to unite, there could be a lot more unity between the Muslims
on the margins of Europe. There is potential that this unity could
be used in a hostile way."

Western intelligence sources as well as diplomats said the major
supporter of the Kosovo Liberation Army has been Iran and Islamic
radicals. They said the Iranian influence began during the Yugoslav
civil war in which thousands of Islamic fighters, called
mujahadeen, were brought from Afghanistan to help Bosnian forces.

With the establishment of an independent republic, Iran quickly
gained control of the government in Sarajevo. The mujahadeen, up to
7,000 of them, were allowed to stay and many of them married local
Muslim women. Iran moved it with financial aid to the Muslim
government that amounted to tens of millions of dollars annually.

By the mid-1990s, Iranian agents established a base in Albania,
which has not had a central government in nearly a decade. Iranian
Revolutionary Guards provided weapons, money and training to Kosovo
rebels. Iranian and Saudi representatives launched charities and

>From Albania, Iranian agents moved to Kosovo. In Prizren, Iranian
envoys formed a society funded by the Iranian Culture Center in
Belgrade and sent groups of Kosovars to Iran to study militant

By 1998, Iran was smuggling in weapons and fighters, the sources
said. Commando units entered Kosovo last May to help the KLA. These
units were comprised of Albanians, Bosnians, Egyptians, Macedonians
and Saudis.  By August, the Saudis were ordered to leave the units
and Riyad, strapped financially, reduced financial support to the

"It’s clear that this is an issue on the Islamic agenda," says Boaz
Ganor, director of the International Policy Institute of
Counterterrorism, based in Herzliya, Israel. "This phenomenon is
marked by waves. First, the mujahadeen were in Afghanistan. Then
the war ended and they had nothing to do. The Kosovo arena for them
is both ideological and a source of employment."

The weapons and money have been smuggled from both Albania and
Bosnia. In December, Croatian authorities said they seized close to
$1 million of weapons brought from Bosnia that was headed for
Kosovo. The route for smuggling, regional diplomats say, has been
the Adriatic Sea.

Other weapons were smuggled in cargo shipments classified as
humanitarian aid. One such shipment was uncovered by Croatian
police in the port of Split in September. Several tons of weapons
and ammunition were stored in crates marked humanitarian aid.

Yugoslav authorities say the weapons include rifles, mortars and
communications systems made in the United States and Israel.

Today, says the Federation of American Scientists, a prominent
group of researchers which often consults U.S.  administrations,
the KLA contains 1,000 mercenaries from Albania, Saudi Arabia,
Afghanistan, Bosnia, Croatia and Yemen. KLA training camps are in
four Albanian cities under the influence of former Albanian
President Sali Berisha.
Yugoslav officials say the KLA’s goal is to sever Kosovo from
Yugoslavia and merge it with Albania. But Western strategists go
further. They say an Islamic Kosovo could serve as a bridge for an
Iranian sphere of influence that would soon join Albania in the
east to Bosnia in the west.  They say Macedonia, which also
contains a significant Muslim population, would soon succumb to
Iranian control.

The argument is echoed by KLA representatives themselves in their
arguments for Muslim support. At the Islamabad conference, a KLA
envoy, according to a report by the London-based monthly Filistin
al-Muslimah, "explained the geographical and strategic importance
of Kosovo in the connection between the Islamic centers of Bosnia,
Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia."

Quietly, the Iranian element in Kosovo is being discussed in
Washington, particularly in Congress. Analysts have warned that
U.S. troops in Kosovo under the NATO umbrella would be more
vulnerable than ever as Islamic agents would smuggle weapons and
people from Bosnia and Albania.

"At this point, however, nobody is really listening," a
congressional analyst says. "The Belgrade government and Milosevic,
in particular, has been so clumsy in dealing with Kosovo that all
the real issues have been lost. Everybody is talking about
Milosevic as the evil man of Europe as if his removal solves

The concern of European strategists is that an Iranian sphere of
influence would do greater damage to such Western countries as
Britain, France and Germany.  France has about two million Muslims,
most of them poor and alienated. Britain has about 1.5 million.

"The United States might not realize it, but many European
countries have serious minority problems," a Central European
diplomat says. "Once these minorities feel that they can obtain the
support of NATO, we could see flare-ups everywhere. Nobody really
knows the answer to Kosovo but many of us feel that giving the KLA
an air force is the worst solution possible."

Koenig's International News - Bill Koenig - http://watch.org/
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