-----Original Message-----
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk,alt.assassination.jfk
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 11:22 PM
Subject: L.M. Bloomfield won HISTADRUT AWARD in 1967.

>I went to the Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC) in
>Washington, DC and found the following newspaper clipping about Louis
>Bloomfield marked DECLASSIFIED by a "James G. Sampas," Department of
>State, 8-26-82, FOI Case No. 8201020:
>Louis M. Bloomfield will be granted the Histadrut Humanitarian Award at a
>special dinner in his honor Tuesday.
>Mr. Bloomfield, president of the Canadian branch of the International Law
>Association, will be the fifth Canadian to receive the award given for
>outstanding work in aid of pioneering Israel.
>Other recipients of the Histadrut award have included John Diefenbaker,
>Harry Truman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Arthur J. Goldberg, Samuel Bronfman and
>Claude Jodoin.
>Speakers at the testimonial dinner, set for Tuesday evening at Le Chateau
>Champlain, are E. Davie Fulton, Progressie Conservative MP and former
>minister of Justice, and Msgr. Francis J. Smyth, director of the noted
>Coady Institute of St. Francis Xavier University.
>Msgr. Smyth’s keynote address will detail the work of the institute, a
>valuable training school providing social leadership courses for students
>from underdeveloped countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
>The banquet is the 43rd annual dinner of the Montreal Histadrut campaign,
>now in the midst of its 1967 drive.
>Mr. Bloomfield, an executive of several hospitals and other public
>organizations, is the author of "The British Honduras-Guatemala Dispute"
>and "Egypt, Israel and the Gulf of Aqaba" and co-author of "Boundary Water
>Problems of Canada and United States."
>[Handwritten date of article appears to be April 6, 1967.  No newspaper
>name shown.]
>A handwritten note, dated 9-23-70 accompanied the newspaper article [FOI
>Case No. 8201020].  It read:
>"You’ll find Louis Bloomfield to be intense, more inclined to talk than to
>listen, but polite—almost courtly.
>He’s an expert on international boundary disputes – having written several
>books on specific disputes. – see clippings.
>He and his brother Bernard (recently named Ho. Con. Gen. of So. Korea) are
>philanthropists – built stadium in Tel Aviv which bears their name and
>research center for Jewish General Hospital in Montreal.
>Married to daughter of Rabbi Sterne.  (wife is approximately 20 years his
>Is unpaid advisor to opposition party in British Hounduras.
>Went to Belize 1968 at my urging to learn more about actual situation
>I thought it was particularly interesting that Harry Truman, Eleanor
>Roosevelt and Sam Bronfman had also received the Histadrut Award.
>--- Dave Sharp
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