-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly reccomended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of orginal source material.As always, Caveat

In stock at:  A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)



   The operational history of The Order can only be understood within a
framework of the Hegelian dialectic process. Quite simply this is the
notion that conflict creates history.

   From this axiom it follows that controlled conflict can create a
predetermined history. For example: When the Trilateral Commission,
discusses "managed conflict", as it does extensively in its literature, the
Commission implies the managed use of conflict for long run predeter-
mined ends - not for the mere random exercise of manipulative con-
trol to solve a problem.

   The dialectic takes this Trilateral "managed conflict" process one step
further. In Hegelian terms, an existing force (the thesis) generates a
counterforce (the antithesis). Conflict between the two forces results in the
forming of a synthesis. Then the process starts all over again:

Thesis vs. antithesis results in synthesis.

   The synthesis sought by the Establishment is called the New World
Order. Without controlled conflict this New World Order will not come
about. Random individual actions of persons in society would not lead
to this synthesis, it's artificial, therefore it has to be created. And this
is being done with the calculated, managed, use of conflict. And all the while
this synthesis is being sought, there is no profit in playing the involved
parties against one another. This explains why the International
bankers backed the Nazis, the Soviet Union, North Korea, North Viet-
nam, ad nauseam, against the United States. The "conflict" built profits
while pushing the world ever closer to One World Government. The
process continues today.

  We apologize for the poor quality of some documents included in this
volume. These are the best copies in existence today. In fact, it is a
miracle they survived at all . . . For example, letters between Patriarch
Amos Pinchot (Club D. 95) and Patriarch William Kent (Club D. 85)
would almost certainly have been destroyed if a New York State Com-
mission had not seized the documents as part of an investigation into
subversion in the United States.

  However, even where contents cannot be clearly identified, the very
existence of even a fragmentary text proves a vital point: There is a joint
calculated effort among Patriarchs to bring about a specific objective.
Furthermore, the diverse conflicting nature of these efforts, commented
upon even in letters between Patriarchs, can only be explained in the
terms of the Hegelian dialectic.

 In brief, the existence of these documents is just as important as the
nature of the contents. It demonstrates joint planned actions, ergo: A

 April 1984                                Antony C. Sutton

         Memorandum Number One:
  Created Conflict And The Dialectic Process


   The first volume of this series (Introduction To The Order described in
 broad terms the nature and objectives of The Order.

   Our first hypothesis, that the U.S. was ruled by an elite, secret socie-
 ty, was supported by documentary evidence: such a secret society does
 exist, its membership is concealed, and disclosure of membership is not
 a voluntary effort. Further, since publication of the first volume, the
 Sterling Library at Yale University which has major holdings of their
 records has refused to allow researchers further access to Russell Trust
 papers (the legal name for The Order).

   We also argued in the first volume that the operations of The Order
 must be seen and explained in terms of the Hegelian dialectic proess.
 Their operations cannot be explained in terms of any other philosophy:
 therefore The Order cannot be described as "right" or "left," secular or
 religious, Marxist or Capitalist. The Order, and its objectives, is all of
 these and none of these.

  In Hegelian philosophy the conflict of political "right" and political
 "left," or thesis and antithesis in Hegelian terms, is essential to the
forward movement of history and historical change itself. Conflict between
 thesis and antithesis brings about a synthesis, i.e., a new historical

  Our descriptive world history in the West and Marxist countries con-
 sists only of description and analysis within a political framework of
 "right" or "left." For example, historical work published in the West
 looks at communism and socialism either through the eyes of financial
 capitalism or Marxism. Historical work published in the Soviet Union
 looks at the West only through Marxist eyes. However, there is another
frame for historical analysis that has never (so far as we can determine)
been utilized, i.e., to use a framework of Hegelian logic, to determine if
those elites who control the State use the dialectic process to create a
predetermined historical synthesis.

  Only tantalizing glimpses of any such creative process can be found in
modern historical works. The most convincing glimpses are in the late
Carroll Quigley's Tragedy And Hope which we shall quote below. Rare-
ly some politicians on the periphery of elitist power have allowed brief
insights into the public eye. For example, President Woodrow Wilson
made the revealing statement:

                              "Some of the biggest men in the U.S.
the fields of commerce and manufacturing know that there is a power so
organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not
speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

 Who or what is this power? And how is it used?

 This series argues that the current world situation has been deliberat-
ly created by this elitist power more or less by manipulation of "right
and "left" elements. We argue that the most powerful of all world elites
has during the past 100 years or so developed both right and left
elements to bring about a New World Order.

 There is no question that the so-called establishment in the U.S. uses
"managed conflict." The practice of "managing" crises to bring about a
favorable outcome, that is, favorable to the elite, is freely admitted in
the literature of, for example, The Trilateral Commission. Furthermore,
there is no question that decisions of war and peace are made by a few
in the elite and not by the many in the voting process through a political
referendum. This volume explores some major conflict decisions made
by the few in The Order and the way in which right-left situations have
been deliberately created and then placed in a conflict mode to bring
about a synthesis.

 Finally, we will tie these decisions and operations back to the elite and
specifically to The Order.


 Throughout the last 200 years, since the rise of Kant in German
philosophy, we can identify two conflicting systems of philosophy and
so opposing ideas of the State. society and culture. In the U.S., the
British Commonwealth and France, philosophy is based on the in-
dividual and the rights of the individual. Whereas in Germany from the
time of Kant, through Fichte and Hegel up to 1945, the root philosophy
has been universal brotherhood, rejection of individualism and general
opposition to Western classical liberal thought in almost all its aspects.
German idealism, as we noted in earlier volumes of this series, was the
philosophical basis for the work of Karl Marx and the Left Hegelians as
well as Bismarck, Hitler and the Right Hegelians. This is the paradox:
that Hegel gave a theoretical basis not only to the most conservative of
German movements, but also to most of the revolutionary movements
of the 19th century. Both Marx and Hitler have their philosophical roots In

 From the Hegelian system of political thought, alien to most of us in
the West, stem such absurdities as the State seen as the "march of God
through history," that the State is also God, that the only duty of a
citizen is to serve God by serving the State, that the State is Absolute
Reason, that a citizen can only find freedom by worship and utter
obedience to the State. However, we also noted in How The Orer
Controls Education that Hegelian absurdities have thoroughly
penetrated the U.S. educational system under pressure from such organizations
as the National Education Association and major founda-

  From this system of Hegelian philosophy comes the historical dialec-
tic, i.e., that all historical events emerge from a conflict between op-
opposing forces. These emerging events are above and different from the
conflicting events. Any idea or implementation of an idea may be seen
as THESIS. This thesis will encourage emergence of opposing forces,
known as ANTITHESIS. The final outcome will be neither thesis nor
antithesis, but a synthesis of the two forces in conflict.

  Karl Marx, in Das Kapital, posed capitalism as thesis and communism
as antithesis. What has been completely ignored by historians, including
Marxists, is that any clash between these forces cannot lead to a society
which is either capitalist or communist but must lead to a society
characterized by a synthesis of the two conflicting forces.  The clash of
opposites must in the Hegelian system bring about a society neither
capitalist nor communist. Moreover, in the Hegelian scheme of events,
this new synthesis will reflect the concept of the State as God and the in-
dividual as totally subordinate to an all powerful State.

  What then is the function of a Parliament or a Congress for
Hegelians? These institutions are merely to allow individuals to feel that
their opinions have some value and to allow a government to take ad-
vantage of whatever wisdom the "peasant" may accidentally
demonstrate. As Hegel puts it:

 "By virtue of this participation, subjective liberty and conceit, with
their general opinion, (individuals) can show themselves palpable ef-
ficacious and enjoy the satisfaction of feeling themselves to count for

 War, the organized conflict of nations for Hegelians, is only the visible
outcome of the clash between ideas. As John Dewey, the Hegelian
darling of the modern educational system, puts it:

 "War is the most effective preacher of the vanity of all merely finite in-
terests, it puts an end to that selfish egoism of the individual by which he
would claim his life and his property as his own or as his family's."

(John Dewey, German Philosophy And Politics, p. 197)

 Of course, this war-promoting Dewey paragraph is conveniently
forgotten by the National Education Association, which is today busy in
the "Peace Movement" - at precisely that time when a "peace" move-
ment most aids the Hegelian Soviets.

 Above all, the Hegelian doctrine is the divine right of States rather
than the divine right of kings. The State for Hegel and Hegelians is God
on earth:

 "The march of God in history is the cause of the existence of states,
their foundation is the power of Reason realizing itself as will. Every state,
whatever it be, participates in the divine essence. The State is not
the work of human art, only Reason could produce it." (Philosophy Of

  For Hegel the individual is nothing, the individual has no rights,
morality consists solely in following a leader. For the ambitious in-
dividual the rule is Senator Mansfield's maxim : "To get along you have
to go along."

  Compare this to the spirit and letter of the Constitution of the United
States: "We the people" grant the state some powers and reserve all
others to the people. Separation of church and state is built into the
U.S. Constitution, a denial of Hegel's "the State is God on earth." Yet
compare this legal requirement to the actions of The Order in the United
States, The Group in England, the Illuminati in Germany, and the
Politburo in Russia. For these elitists the State is supreme and a self-
appointed elite running the State acts indeed as God on earth.


 The concept of the Hegelian dialectic is obviously beyond the com-
prehension of modern textbook writers. No historical or political theory
textbook that we know of discusses the possible use of the Hegelian
dialectic in American politics. Yet its use has been recorded by Professor
Carroll Quigley in Tragedy And Hope, a trade book based on
documents of the Council on Foreign Relations. Quigley not only
describes banker J.P. Morgan's use of the "right" and the "left" as com-
petitive devices for political manipulation of society, but adds an eye
opening comment:

 "Unfortunately we do not have space here for this great and untold
story, but it must be remembered that what we do say is part of a much
larger picture." (Tragedy And Hope, P. 945)

 This much larger picture is partly revealed in this book. First let's briefly
note how J.P. Morgan used the dialectic process as a means of
political control for financial ends. The only college attended by Morgan
was 2-3 years in the mid-1850s at University of Gottingen, Germany,
which was a center of Hegelian activism. We have no record that
Morgan joined any secret society, no more than the KONK-
NEIPANTEN, one of the student corps. Yet German Hegelianism is ap-
parent in J.P. Morgan's approach to political parties - Morgan used
them all.

  As Quigley comments:

  "The associations between Wall Street and the Left, of which Mike
Straight is a fair example, are really survivals of the association be-
tween the Morgan Bank and the Left. To Morgan all political parties
were simply organizations to be used, and the firm always was careful to
keep a foot in all camps. Morgan himself, Dwight Morrow, and other
partners were allied with Republicans; Russell C. Leffingwell was allied
with the Democrats; Grayson Murphy was allied with the extreme
Right; and Thomas W. Lamont was allied with the Left. Like the
Morgan interest in libraries, museums, and art, its inability to distinguish
between loyalty to the United States and loyalty to England, its recogtion of
the need for social work among the poor, the multipartisian political views of
the Morgan firm in domestic politics went back to the original founder of the
firm, George Peabody (1795-1869). To this same seminal figure may be
attributed the use of tax-exempt found-
tions for controlling these activities, as may be observed in many parts of
America to this day, in the use of Peabody foundations to support
Peabody libraries and museums. Unfortunately, we do not have space
here for this great and untold story, but it must be remembered that
what we do say is part of a much larger picture." (ibid.)

  Quigley did not know of the link between the Morgan firm, other New
York financial interests and The Order. As we have noted before,
Quigley did publish a valuable expose of the British Establishment
known as "The Group." And we know from personal correspondence
that Quigley suspected more than he published, but identification of an
American elite was not part of Quigley's work. The names Harriman,
Bush, Acheson, Whitney - even Stimson - do not appear in The
Anglo American Establishment.

  We can therefore take the above paragraph from Quigley's Tragedy
And Hope and insert identification of The Order. The paragraph then
becomes more revealing. Although Morgan  himself was not a member
of The Order, some of his partners were, and after Morgan's death the
firm became Morgan, Stanley & Co. The "Stanley" was Harold Stanley
(The Order 1908). In Morgan's time the influence of The Order came
through partner Henry P. Davison, whose son H.P. Davison, Jr. was
initiated in 1920. The elder Henry P. Davison brought Thomas Lamont
and Willard Straight into the Morgan firm. These partners were in-
strumental in building the left wing of Morgan's dialectic, including the
Communist Party U.S.A. (with Julius Hammer, whose son is today
Chairman of Occidental Petroleum).

 Morgan partner Thomas Cochran was initiated in 1904. However , it
was in the network of Morgan dominated and affiliated firms, rather
than in the partnership itself, that one finds members of The Order. In
firms like Guaranty Trust and Bankers Trust, somewhat removed from
the J.P. Morgan financial center, although under Morgan control, we
find concentrations of initiates (as we shall describe below).
 This practice by The Order of supporting both "right" and "left" per-
sists down to the present day. We find in 1984, for example, that
Averell Harriman (The Order '13) is elder statesman of the Democratic
Party while George Bush (The Order '49) is a Republican Vice President and
leader of the misnamed "moderate" (actually extremist) wing
of the Republican Party. In the center we have so-called "independent"
John Anderson, who in fact receives heavy financial support from the


  This manipulation of "left" and "right on the domestic front is
duplicated in the international field where "left" and "right" political
structures are artificially constructed and collapsed in the drive for a
one-world synthesis.

  College textbooks present war and revolution as more or less ac-
cidental results of conflicting forces. The decay of political negotiation
into physical conflict comes about, according to these books, after
valiant efforts to avoid war. Unfortunately, this is nonsense. War is
always a deliberate creative act by individuals.

  Western textbooks also have gigantic gaps. For example, after World
War II the Tribunals set up to investigate Nazi war criminals were careful
to censor any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler. By the
same token, Western textbooks on Soviet economic development omit
any description of the economic and financial aid given to the 1917
Revolution and subsequent economic development; by Western firms
and banks.

  Revolution is always recorded as a spontaneous event by the
politically or economically deprived against an autocratic state. Never in
Western textbooks will you find the evidence that revolutions need
finance and the source of the finance in many cases traces back to Wall

 Consequently it can be argued that our Western history is every bit as
distorted, censored, and largely useless as that of Hitler's Germany or
the Soviet Union or Communist China. No Western foundation will
award grants to investigate such topics, few Western academics can
"survive" by researching such theses and certainly no major publisher
will easily accept manuscripts reflecting such arguments.

 In fact, there is another largely unrecorded history and it tells a story
quite different than our sanitized textbooks. It tells a story of the
deliberate creation of war, the knowing finance of revolution to
change governments. and the use of conflict to create a New World

 In the following Memorandum Number Two we will describe the
operational vehicles used to create two revolutions and one world con-
flict. Then, in Memoranda Three and Four, we will explore thesis and
antithesis in one major historical episode - the development and con-
struction of the Soviet Union (thesis) and Hitler's Germany (antithesis

 In Memorandum Five we will explore the continuation of this dialectic.
conflict into the last few decades, specifically Angola and China today.
We will show that the purpose of The Order is to create a new synthesis
a New World Order along Hegelian lines where the State is the Absolute
and the individual can find freedom only in blind obedience to the

pps. 115-123
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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