-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-03-29 15:24:18 EST, you write:

<< How would someone such as myself fit into this . I am a stay at home wife
and mother . I believe
 that the primary problem with todays youth < gangs , drugs , violence .....
etc . > is the sad fact
 that most children are primarily left to raise themslves and are highly
lacking in both supervision
 and attention due to todays two income families . Now I realize that many
people will argue that
 they can not make it financially today without two incomes but we have
choosen to live a simple
 lifestyle versus a status quo/materialistic one believing that love is more
important than
 materialistic items to a childs development.>>

I think you are right to stay at home and take care of your children, my wife
did the same thing.  She did go back to work after the children were in their
early teens and she could be home shortly after school was over.  I think if
taxes weren't so high that more people could have only one parent work.

 <<An even harder question would be in relation to the single parents , which
are so sadly predominate
 in todays society who truly have no options .>>

That is a tough question and I know from experiences of my friends that this
is a very hard thing to do if you aren't finacially well off.  I wish I had
the answers.  Child care is very expensive.  I would like to think that a
feeling of family could keep people together, but life isn't that simple.  I
know from friends that child support helps a lot, but doesn't always meet all
the needs of a child.  If a woman or a man has a child and doesn't get any
child support, then it is very hard especially in the early years of a child's
life because of the need for a babysitter.

 <<Please note that this is in no way a critizism of any kind , would just
like to know your thoughts
 on this subject . Also would like to note that although we are eligible for
food stamps and various
 governmental aid  , a sad fact in itself as my husband works very hard in a
highly specialized
 field , we do not take it due to the complete demoralization and total sign
off of all rights to
 privacy ( or pride )  which one has to suffer in order to obtain it .>>

I understand what you are saying.  The first ten years I was in the USAF my
family was eligible for food stamps.  Pride, and a sense of being able to make
it on my own prevented me from accepting handouts.  Most people think military
people make good money, but they haven't been in the military or they would
realise it isn't a money making proposition.  Again, if taxes were cut it
might make a difference.  Thank you for your comments... government and life
itself, is a very complicated thing with no easy answers.

Bob Stokes</PRE></HTML>

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