-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.harpazo.net/forzion/news.html">*News Report from
(by Barry Chamish)
Barely a few days before the EU and the US, collectively called NATO,
sent their flying dogs of war against Serbia, Israeli prime minister
Binyamin Netanyahu was in Berlin meeting with the leaders of the
European Union. You would think with the attack on the Balkans pending
they'd be too busy to have time for a little tete-a-tete with
Bibi...But, no; they organized their most fateful meeting with an
Israeli leader since the beginning of their continental unity. They told
him he'd better not stand in the way of a PLO state with East Jerusalem
as its capital or watch out. The watch out part was Kosovo.

Netanyahu got the message and like the Yugoslav president Milosevic
before him, flew to Russia for some counterweight. And lo and behold,
the Kremlin greeted him like visiting royalty. When the meetings were
over, Bibi and Boris agreed to make a united stand against "Islamic
fanaticism." What they meant to say, but could not, was that both Israel
and Russia were sick of the New World Order plots against their nations
and they were forming a, probably futile, little alliance against the
Trilateral Commission, Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilberberg
group and all those who were now heating up the Balkans, and Chechnya,
and Turkey and everywhere else where ethnic tensions could be turned
into massacres.

Undoubtedly, both leaders are well aware of how it's done. Take a
busload of Christian Lebanese children, blow it up, blame it on the PLO
and before long you've got perfectly civilized Christians killing
Moslems out of raw bloodlust. Or take a Serb village, or more if
necessary, have some Bosnian Muslims kill every living being within and
before long, you'll get just the right kind of savagery from the Serbs.

Then you make the Lebanese Christians the bad guys with a stage-managed
media campaign portraying them as bloodthirsty fascists determined to
wipe out the hapless, innocent Palestinians who tried to carve out their
own fiefdom out of Lebanon. Apply the same formula to Kurds, Tutsis,
Israelis, Afrikaaners and Serbs. The important thing is to back Marxist
Moslems over democratic Christians and Jews. And once the world has been
indoctrinated enough to think there is an issue of right and wrong to be
dealt with, send in the planes followed by the ground troops of the New
World Order armed services.

And for this he is being punished. And Netanyahu has got the message. If
he doesn't play ball, he will be demonized just like Milosevic, the
world will be primed to despise him and in will come the NWO's air
force. If he doesn't give the PLO its state on historical Jewish
territory this year here is what will happen:

The PLO will unilaterally declare a state and Israel will annex the
remaining West Bank territories in her possession. A wave of Arab
terrorism will force Israel to retaliate and a cycle of violence will
begin which will duplicate that of Yugoslavia. The "peacemakers" of the
NWO will arrive and insist that Israel accept every clause of the Oslo
Accords, give up its history and heritage to the PLO and divide
Jerusalem. When Israel refuses to relent, it will be painted quickly as
a mortal danger to the peace of the planet. In order to "save" Israel
from itself, the NWO forces will attack and impose its solutions on her.

And to most of the world, the events that lead to this war will seem
totally logical. Like, in Kosovo today, the media will stage-manage
every step of the war and a world under televised anaesthesia will
believe the boradcasters, generals and military experts. And this world
will simply sleep through Israel's destruction. When it awakes it will
change channels.


by Barry Chamish - Israeli journalist. E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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