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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

A Konformist Special
Beast of the Month - March 1999
Rudy Giuliani, New York Mayor

"I yam an anti-Christ..."
John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) of The Sex Pistols, "Anarchy in the UK"

"This is Giuliani time."
NYPD Blue Officers Justin Volpe and Thomas Bruder, to Abner Louima, a
30-year-old  immigrant from Haiti, before shoving a plunger handle up his ass
while calling him racist names, then shoving the bloodied and dirtied stick
into his mouth, breaking teeth in the process.

New York City likes to be the biggest and best at everything it does.  Among
other things, it has the largest population of any city in the United States,
and is the number one economic center thanks to Wall Street.  In the past
couple of years, Rudy Giuliani, the mayor of New York and our Beast of the
Month, has tried to add another title to the list: the number one city in
terms of racist and brutally fascist police officers.  And, though he had to
compete with Los Angeles (a city whose most famous cops are Stacey Koon and
Mark Fuhrman), it appears as though, thanks very much to the grit and
determination of Mayor Rudy, New York has succeeded.  Indeed, the NYPD Blue
now has changed its image more drastically than Rick "Don't Call Me Ricky!"
Schroeder has, thanks to its strong-arm tactics.

Rudy Giuliani has long had a history of being a hard-ass, more interested in
promoting his own career than serving the people and justice.  He made a name
for himself as a federal prosecutor during the Reagan years, nailing Michael
Milken of Drexel Burnham Lambert  on racketeering, fraud and insider trading
charges (which many still insist had less to do with real crimes and more
with a vendetta against a man who was democratizing finance.)  Whatever the
motivation, Giuliani soon became well known for his aggressive prosecution,
in no small way aided by his self-aggrandizing showboating, a behavior that
many suspect created the model for Tom Wolfe's unprincipled prosecutor in
"Bonfire of the Vanities".  After losing to David Dinkins in 1989, he finally
won the NYC mayorship in 1993, and was reelected in 1997.  Now, he is eyeing
the 2000 New York Senate seat being opened up by the retirement of Patrick
Moynihan, and - if he should run - he will cakewalk through the Republican
primary to face his Democratic opponent, who may be Lady Macbeth herself
Hillary Rodham Klinton, or, amusingly, dim-bulbed John F. Kennedy, Jr.
(editor-in-chief of the pathetic "political" magazine George and the
Democratic Party's answer to Dan Quayle.)

To his credit, Mayor Rudy has seen crime radically reduced under his reign,
though how much of that is due to his policies can most certainly be debated.
 Further, considering the widespread corruption that pervaded in Gotham under
the reign of Ed Koch (who now is, of all things, judging others on "The
People's Court"), he still has a far way to go in being the most crooked and
unprincipled New York mayor of the century.  This may be true, but such
arguments defending him seem to fall under the brand of "Mussolini got the
trains running on time" variety.  The cost has been a crushing blow to civil
liberties, and recently the blows have becoming more and more frightening.

Perhaps the brutal 1997 rape and beating of Abner Louima by the 70th Precinct
stationhouse cops - who behaved in a manner that would be better expected if
it was our Commander-in-Chief on a date - should have been a serious sign
that things were terribly wrong in the Big Apple, as well as Giuliani's tepid
response to the scandal: faced with an election battle, he appointed a
28-member task force, then, five months after being re-elected, he dismissed
its report, saying its recommendations "made very little sense," agreeing to
adopt only the one that called for changing the title of the NYPD's office of
community affairs to community relations.  "That's a good change," he said.

Or perhaps the violent September 5th clash in Harlem between NYPD and
participants in Khallid Abdul Muhammad's "Million Youth Rally" should have
been a wakeup call that police actions were being directed by Rudy himself.
Muhammad, an admittedly fiery and controversial speaker due to his often
hate-filled message, was nonetheless leading a legal assembly, which was only
approved after organizers filed a lawsuit following a denial by city
officials.  After losing in court, the police closed all the subway stations
and cross streets so nobody could join in along the route.  Then, one minute
after the rally was supposed to end, as Muhammad was concluding his speech, a
police helicopter swooped low along Malcolm X Boulevard and riot police
stormed the stage, shutting down the sound system. "If you want to know why
the police came in at 4:01, go read the court order.  This is all about
creating a respectful society.  The court said they had between 12 and 4;  it
meant exactly that."

If warning bells weren't ringing yet, the December 14th suggestion by New
York police commissioner Howard Safir - that city police take a DNA sample
along with fingerprints of every person arrested - should have made it very
clear that New York police authorities were getting power drunk.  "The
innocent have nothing to fear," he said. "Only if you are guilty should you
worry about DNA testing."  When informed of the proposal, Giuliani called
opponents of the plan captives of "old left-wing thinking."  He then added,
"The taking of DNA evidence -- from the point of view of anyone but the most
excessive knee-jerk ideologues -- is a very, very helpful thing, it's a good
thing."  Norman Siegel, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties
Union, had a better response:  "If someone wants to march and doesn't have a
permit, or if someone goes to the steps of City Hall to read a proclamation,
he or she will get arrested.  Under Safir's DNA proposal, the government will
obtain their DNA, and that's a frightening prospect.  Why should the
government have that information on that individual?"

In February, power-hungry Rudy and the NYPD blue were in full force: on
February 4, four white officers of an aggressive Street Crimes Unit  (three
of whom have been involved in prior shootings) shot at a 22-year-old black
man from Guinea, Amadou Diallo, 41 times, killing him.  Diallo had no
previous criminal record and was unarmed.  A man who lives across the street
from the shooting scene told investigators he heard three shots initially.
"There was a pause between shots," he said. "Then it sounded like they all
started firing at once."  Despite the outrage of the incident, Rudy was
naturally more interested in protecting the image of his shock troops than
investigating a senseless killing.  No surprise, since he previously earned
even more wrath from the African-American community by saying of them,
"They're going to have to learn to discipline themselves in the way they

This alone would be enough to award Rudy and his gang of thugs, but Rudy
being Rudy, he couldn't leave well enough alone.  Giuliani announced that
under asset forfeiture laws, city police would start immediately seizing the
cars of people arrested for  suspicion of drunk driving.  Even if the person
is found not guilty of DWI in a court of law, the city may still keep the car
by taking them to civil court, where the standard of proof is lower. Such a
civil proceeding could take "anywhere from days to years," according to a
police department spokesman.  Considering the rampant corruption and racism
within the NYPD, such a policy could lead to rampant bribery of innocent
drivers, specifically targeting minorities.  The NYPD seized four cars during
the first day of the new program.  In response, the Libertarian Party - fresh
off victory over the campaign to stop the FDIC's "Know Your Privacy" laws,
which required banks to monitor customers deposits and withdrawals for
suspicious activity - suggested a nationwide boycott of New York City until
the city repeals the controversial law.  "Mayor Rudy Giuliani and the New
York City government need to be taught a lesson: If you steal people's cars,
you will be punished," said the party's national director, Steve Dasbach.
"If you go to New York City now, you'll send the message that you approve of
the city government behaving like a stolen car ring, and the police force
being encouraged to act like armed carjackers...  The Big Apple is in the
grip of a crime wave, and the criminals are sitting in offices at City Hall."

Perhaps there is something positive in this latest development.  To begin
with, it lays bare the blatant immorality and hypocricy of asset forfeiture
laws and their basic violation of American civil liberties.  Previously, such
laws had been focused mainly on illegal drugs: now that the stakes are being
raised to a legal high, more people may finally speak out against them.  And
well they should: as James Bovard points out in his new book, Freedom In
Chains, the federal government alone now steals far more than all of the
nation's bank robbers combined.  In 1994, criminals committed 7,885 bank
robberies nationwide and stole approximately $28 million in cash. That same
year, federal prosecutors confiscated $2.1 billion in property and cash in
asset  forfeiture proceedings.  "Americans spend a lot of time worrying about
criminals -- but  government actions are costing us far more," said Dasbach.
"It's a sad day for America when the government is stealing more than the
criminals they're  supposed to protect us from."

In any case, these are just the worst of Mayor Rudy's excesses: he's waged
war on cabbies (terming the often Middle Eastern profession to be a
"terrorist threat"), squeegee men, licensed street vendors (350 banned during
daylight hours), bicycle messengers and delivery boys, hookers and sex clubs,
underage drinkers, aggressive panhandlers, Fourth of July Mafia fireworks,
Chinese New Year's celebrations, salsa music, boom boxes and any press member
who remotely criticizes him. Meanwhile, he has also abolished remedial
classes at City University, tried to eliminate subway and bus passes for
schoolchildren, closed libraries, cut every social service for the poor,
slashed the budget for parks and recreation, hospital workers and
after-school sports and enrichment programs, bulldozed the community gardens
of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans to make room for condos, forced single-mother
welfare recipients onto "workfare" even if they can't find child care,
ordained that the disabled show up in downtown municipal offices to prove
that they are indeed disabled, and abolished the methadone program.

The city stands to lose as much as $1 billion in damages from 53,000 illegal,
pre-arraignment strip searches of "misdemeanants" arrested in 1996 and 1997
for such minor offenses as scalping a ticket, driving with a suspended
license or selling a pair of sneakers on the sidewalk without a vending
license.  For those interested in First Amendment cases, he has also arrested
protesting street artists who've been removed from city sidewalks, as well as
Bill Weinberg, a radical journalist who spent a night in jail for pasting a
"GIULIANI IS A JERK" sticker on a lamppost.

According to the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB), complaints against
police have risen from 3580 in 1993, the last year of Dinkins, to 4975 in
1998, a 39 percent increase, (soaring to a Rudy-high of 5618 in 1995.)  These
numbers don't tell the whole story: a Dateline investigative crew using black
"testers" found police resistance when they tried to file a complaint at a
precinct in 1997 and 1998.  The latest CCRB report, covering the first six
months of 1998, found a 58 percent increase in police beatings compared with
the same time period in 1997, as well as a 27 percent hike in "drag/pull"
allegations and 39 percent jump in pepper-spray incidents.  Even the
Giuliani-appointed CCRB concluded that the recent rise was "troubling."

Though a city commission that investigated police misconduct recommended the
creation of a permanent independent monitor, Giuliani has twice vetoed and
bottled up in court city council-approved bills to create one, claiming, "A
much better way to improve the police department, is to get it to investigate
itself."  Giuliani also dismissed a 1996 Amnesty International report that
reviewed 90 police brutality cases as "exaggerated," saying the organization
had "a viewpoint."

Meanwhile, Giuliani has cut City Hall off from virtually all public access,
and continues installing more security cameras to monitor streets.  Rudy
seems to want to hole himself off in a bunker and continue to attack the
freedoms of New Yorkers.  The sad thing is, he may succeed.  Despite his
atrocious record on civil liberties, he remains a popular figure, due to his
battling of crime, cheered on by supposed "populist" icons like Howard Stern.
 Perhaps it would be best if the people of New York City would listen instead
to the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin, who once warned, "Those who exchange
liberty for security will soon find that they have neither."

In any case, we salute Rudy Giuliani as Beast of the Month. Congratulations,
and keep up the great work, Rudy!!!


Various Articles, The Conspiracy Newsline
Parascope ( )

Freedom In Chains, James Bovard
St. Martin's Press, 1999

Boycott New York City?

Letter From Occupied New York, John Leonard
Salon Magazine ( )

Rudy Giuliani The Raging Bull, Wayne Barrett
The Village Voice

The Konformist
Robert Sterling
Post Office Box 24825
Los Angeles, California 90024-0825
(310) 737-1081

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