-Caveat Lector-


Belgraders In Anger
And Shock - NATO Said
'Worse Than Hitler'

By Neil Winton

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Hours after NATO hit two Interior Ministry buildings in
central Belgrade Saturday, residents of the Yugoslav capital, many in silent
shock, gazed at firemen still fighting flames and thick smoke.

Part of the street, Kneza Milosa, was still sealed off by police. Pedestrians
were advised to avoid walking close to neighboring buildings because of the
risk of falling glass.

There were no reports of deaths or injuries, but Serbs felt plenty of
bitterness that the West had turned on them.

``They lost our hearts for ever,`` said Mirjana Dimitrijevic, a law student,
holding a newspaper bearing front-page pictures of the blast.

``I carried their flags through Belgrade only two years ago,`` she said,
referring to anti-government student protests. ``But now, I don`t think I
will ever speak to any of them any more.``

Another man also reflected the changed mood among former pro-Western
opponents of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

``We should bring the captured American soldiers here and shoot them in front
of the cameras. Maybe that message would be clear enough,`` he said.

The man, who would not give his name, was talking about three U.S. servicemen
captured by Yugoslav soldiers at the Macedonian border Wednesday. They are
awaiting trial on still unspecified charges.

``I don`t want to go to the Army now, but I`m waiting for their (NATO) troops
here. I would like them to come. I would personally send as many as I could
back home in body bags. Bastards, cowards,`` the man said.

Near the ruined buildings, people stood silently. Some elderly women were

``I can`t believe this. If they`d missed, they could have hit hospitals,``
said one woman, glancing at nearby maternity and other hospitals.

Two cruise missiles blasted the old stone Interior Ministry building, hitting
on the ground floor and on a mezzanine. A car parked along a side wall was

The new Interior Ministry building was apparently hit by a single missile.
One wing facing the street collapsed and was still smoking. The other wing,
overlooking the main highway running through the city, remained untouched.

``Do they (NATO) really think they will scare us by bombing? They can only
make us angrier. I hope that our guys will now hit Albanians in Kosovo even
harder,`` said a retired Belgrader queuing at a downtown bank for his

His memories went back more than half a century, to April 6, 1941, when Nazi
Germany bombed Belgrade on the Christian Orthodox Easter.

``Godless people,`` he said of NATO countries. ``It`s their Good Friday! They
are worse than the Nazis, or they are just finishing up what the Germans
failed to do in World War Two.``

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