-Caveat Lector-

When I look at William Jefferson Clinton and Boris Yeltsin, I see two
'dead men walking" for lack of a better description, back to back.
Sometimes, I think Yeltsin is already dead...both have guns to their
heads at this point in time, and behind them lurks an evil like this
country has never witnessed before.

They talk of this Third World and the redevelopment and development of
third world countries.

And if you look a little further, how many companies, the big companies,
are moving abroad on a continuing basis while there are portions of the
USA that look like war zones, that are not being rebuilt.

These Citizens of the world...to them the beautiful Balkan countries may
look like a future paradise;  for an example, Cher, this nameless singer
previously married to Sony Bono, has bought a castle in Scotland.  Pat
Robertson hooking up with Bush and into the Bank of Scotland...watch out
Scotland, are you selling out your heritage?

This land over there if these individuals get their hooks into it, would
turn into another Cuba, where the mafia had gambling interests until
Castro kicked them out -   as Jesus Christ, Castro was okay until he
kicked the gamblers out of their temples.  It was Judas, that had the
bag - right?  As he sat at the table of the Last supper....so Meyer
Lanskey and the mob went into the Bahamas.....years before, Sir Harry
Oakes had been murdered voo doo style when he opposed gambling being set
up in the Bahamas...and there were those who believed it was Meyer
Lanskey, who ordred his execution.

This is a land grab; and this is where this land developent will attempt
to move in.  It is all the land grab, which incudes everyting above, and
below the land which would include oil and any natural resources.   Oil
companies have been drilling off coast in China for years, when it was
still "Red China".....we gave the Chinese the secret and aided them in
the weather modification control, which has back-fired upon occasion,
and we also have aided Russian in these enerprises, all at the expense
and in some instances, death of people in this country.....some of this
weather stuff is not an Act of God, it has been an act of man.

What will it be now - Chinese Tongs buying up the third world land after
driving out its citizens into refuge camps where they are being told
they cannot return.
Will the Chinese be the overlord; but then, why did they build that big
wall - not to keep people in, but others out - the Chinese most
certainly are not stupid.

The talk about concentration camps in the USA being built; will we be
collecting human souls in these camps as an act of kindness...

What did this Do say, before he died or rather, before he was
murdered....They are going to recycle Planet Earth....if you
want to escape, come with us.....now this man looked as if he had a gun
to his head too, but he knew what was going to happen.

What about poor David Korish trying to warn America.....had he had the
wealth of the Vatican he would have been given a little respect - but
thse people were not wealthy, and they bothered no one....but then since
Gerabaldi - remember how much of the Church land was stolen from the
Vatican.   What was Korish such a threat - why will Waco now be
remembered as an Alamo.

Why will Janet Reno be remembered as the Butcher of Waco.....and
remember the cheap-shots Hilliary Clinton took at the Halle Bop members,
who had harmed not one soul....but they knew things that they were
finally getting out of the web sites.

We are not recycling "planet earth" - we are redeveloping it, after
bombing the hell out of countries who will not comply with the New World
Order Takeover.
Its a land grab.....a new bunch of slum landlords about to move in to
redevelop for the Jet Set....no wonder they sunk the Titanic.

Lets vote these bastards (now that means a phoney, nothing implied here)
out of office.....lets get this disgusting Kupchan, or whatever his name
is, this CFR puppet, off the air when he speaks as though he represents
the American people....this man is not an elected official.

I would like to see thousands upon thousands of pickets with signs
against Clinton and Albright.....first, he has hidden behind the skirts
of the most obnoxious woman other than Hilary Clinton...in the United
States, while he sends our our soldiers to bomb and kill the innocents,
all in the name of humanity.

How can Americans hold up their heads in pride, when our country has
been disgraced by a President who obviously has mental problems, and
should be put in an institution for his own and our protection.

Colleen Jones

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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