-Caveat Lector-

>Many people would define the homosexual lifestyle
>as one of promiscuity.

Those are people who've never met anyone who's homosexual...I've known and
worked with heterosexuals who were far more 'promiscuous' than the
homosexuals I've known and worked with...

>The reason for this is that
>homosexuals seem to be like the legendary "Peter Pan."

Again, I've known far more heterosexual "Peter Pan"s than homosexual...
and in fact, the "Peter Pan Syndrome", when first coined, referred to
HETEROsexual men who treat women either as "Wendys" or "Tinkerbells"...

The person who wrote this homophobic diatribe is an idiot.

>By refusing to commit to someone of the
>opposite sex, they normally do not have to worry
>about the responsibility of children,

Bull.  Many homosexuals have previously been married, and have children.
Many heterosexuals OTOH choose not to have children...not having children
is NOT an indication of irresponsibility, in fact one can argue that by
limiting the growth of population, those who choose not to have children
are far more 'responsible' than those who do.

>much less the responsibility of a commitment.

Every homoxexual I've known was in a longterm, committed relationship.

If homosexual marriages were legalized, you'd see many more such committed

 Also if they do
>decide to break off the relationship they normally do
>not have to worry about the legal tangles of divorce.

This is true...which is why you find many HETEROsexual couples opting for
the same...

>Should admitted homosexuals that are seen as
>promiscuous, unable to make commitments, and
>unwilling to take on responsibility for other people
>be allowed to serve in the military?

Should HETEROsexuals WHO (the correct grammar, BTW) are seen as
promiscuous, unable to make commitments, and unwilling to take on
responsibility for other people be allowed to serve in the military?

One COULD argue that such self-centered people, no matter their sexual
orientation, could make a BETTER soldier, as they wouldn't be 'hindered'
by caring thoughts for fellow men and women...

Also, the ancient Spartans, feared by their enemies as an extremely
brutual and efficient army, ENCOURAGED homosexual relationships amongst
the troops, as they believed it fostered a deep camraderie for one's
fellow soldier, a camraderie which translated into the desire not only to
attack the mutual enemy, but to defend one's lover as willingly as one
would defend oneself.

BTW, there have ALWAYS been homosexuals in the U.S. military...

>What kind of person
>do you want to depend on? Would you rather
>depend on someone that is willing to take on
>commitments of religion and family,

Such as Bill Clinton?  :-7

>The military image requires that the people of the
>military be true to the most stringent standards
>that their culture has. If you can not take pride
>yourself and your own culture, how can you
>understand the pride that someone else has in their

This is the same argument that was used to justify keeping blacks out of
the military, keeping Hispanics out of the military, keeping women out of
the miliatary, etc....it is the standard argument which is raised whenever
ANY minority request equal rights under the law...

>True homosexuals have decided what sex they
>are and what life style they want to follow.

And what, pray tell, do homosexuals do that heterosexuals don't do also?

>True homosexuals have seldom if ever been known
>to rape a heterosexual.

TRUE homosexuals rarely commit rape, period.

>These controlling personalities are really in the
>closet! Because if the real truth were known,
>they usually are willing to have sex with any person -
>male or female of any age.

Then they are bisexual, not homosexual and not heterosexual...

>These control fiends
>are the type to have a physical relationship with a
>single or divorce mother and also think nothing
>of having a relationship with here male OR female

Anyone having sex with a child is a pedophile...which has absolutely
NOTHING to do with normal homosexuality, bisexuality, or

A man having sex with a little boy is no more indicative of normal adult
homosexuals than a man having sex with a little girl is indicative of
normal adult heterosexuals...

>Some countries have been sympathetic to the
>American Homosexual. Iceland has an
>overwhelmingly female population - I think the
>current ratio is five females births to every one male

Citation for such figures?

>The American
>homosexual has usually decided that they want
>few, if any commitments.

Then you have obviously never met any.

>Have you
>thought what it would be like if the military didn't have
>a standard.

Standards like those displayed at Tailhook?

But I guess you APPROVE of heterosexual promiscuity...

>(c) 1997 by Laura Lee Lanning-Shipton
>AKA The Pied Piper
>You are welcome to forward this for
>non profit purposes, with the copyright intact.

The only place this warrants forwarding to is the garbage pail...


            The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
               You know how it is with an April day:
               When the sun is out and the wind is still,
               You're one month on in the middle of May.
               But if you so much as dare to speak,
               A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
               A wind comes off a frozen peak,
               And you're two months back in the middle of March.
                        -- Robert Frost:  Two Tramps in Mudtime
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