-Caveat Lector-

Don't feel bad; I had an FBI watch on me, but was told by two Teamsters
packing rods that "well, anyway, you were cleared; they know you are
getting the information on your own".....well, I should hope so, and I
figured if "I could get the information on my own" anybody could.

Yet, the coverup continued, and I kept hoping someone would do
something.  Wel Nelson Rockefeller put out the word - anybody knowing
anything about the JFK assassination, write.....and you know what I did,
I wrote a letter but I also gave him hell for covering up the whole
thing in the first place.

One day, my doorbell rang.....two men were standing outside my door,
which I mistook for Fuller Brush Men, or Avan Calling....I answere same,
and heard someting like "the vice president sent us", to which I replied
"the vice president of what", nd they said "Of the United States"/

So, i asked them come back at 4:00, as I was in my robe.....and they
did.  The first thing they did was look at my book shelf, and then asked
me what I thought of Kissinger, which must have been a test
question....I though - who, Code Name BOR....but refrained from comment
and just shrugged my shoulders.....they asked if I had a gun in the
house......heavens no, and I didn't even have a Pit Bull then.

Now my sister was an artist;  and I had this big painting on the wall of
the Red Devil, that a priest had bought.....it was really
something.....this one agent said who did that = and without thinking I
said "my sister painted that - it looks like this attorney I know"......

Well, this man, a gentleman, said "yes, some attornies are like
that".....and then the questions......they knew what college I had gone
to, and of course let this slip apparently they had traced me back to
Darwin's golden monkies.....to make things worse, Dale Reusch the Grand
Dragon of the KKK had just been there and stuck the KKK cross on my
door, because quite frankly, at that time I needed all the protection I
could get.

So, there I saw with all these books on the Illuminati, the KKK, the
Mafia, the Bible, the CIA, and a KKK cross on my door, and I asked why
they had called upon me.

Well, it was that letter that I had written Rockefeller.  And I said -
and I recall this - Oh that, well he asked for it........the
information, I meant.....

The one agen dropped his pencil and pad; the other rolled his eyes.   I
knew what they were thinking....I had to be a basket case.

They had one bit of friendly advice; they said "be careful what you
write in letters, it could get you into a lot of trouble".

Frankly, the onoy thing I wrote about in that letter, was the CIA the
Mafia, Adolph Hitler, the KKK, my Bible Code, and all the
cover=ups....and I said every Mason in the country knew what was going

Now, what I had said was quite accurate, only at the time,one did not
read this in the newsppaers.

Later, I got angry and called the SS and asked for "Mr. Miracle".....and
this man said "Oh, you're the one they called on today".....they were
laughting, so at least I was off the hook in one respect, but now, a
basket case on their list.

However, I was right.....I asked this agent, just to be nasty, what is
the biggest secret about making counterfeit money.....and he said, of
course, it is the paper......and I said well, why are they selling
shredded money to a man in Dallas, who in turn is selling it.....and
this was during the time when CIA was issuing its own money.

Well, at least I knew tht I could not trust the Vice President of the
United States sending two of his Fuller Brush men to see me (Avon is
owned by the Rockefllers I understand, and when I hear Avon Calling, I
raise the moat).

Looking back I can laugh at this;  I had broken no laws, I knew there
was something wrong; my newsman was dead, and the other one had told me
"Hey got kids, got family"....but I still had Sybil who by now, realized
that what I had was valid.

I took the kKK cross off the door, and sent the Illuminati records to an
underground church that looks reputable from the front; and I got rid of
my Black Muslim newspapers,  and got a phoney name to use at the
library, as they even watched the books I was reading.....

Now, if they do this stuff to an averge americn citizen, imagine wht
they woud do to someone with a little clout, like his own newspaper.

Such is life;  and the Hell with the Chief - its every man for himself.

A Thorn in the Side of the SS and FBI
(at least, I once had that honor)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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