-Caveat Lector-

That's a lot of DNA......how easy it would be to get someone's blood,
and splatter it about, setting up for a murder....

Or like a Jack the Ripper, whom some thought to be a Doctor.....during
this period of time Dr. Gall, was experimenting with blood
transfusions.....first transion used sheep blood, and I always wondered
wht happend to the guy who got that.....what a blood line, if he

Now it would be interesting to know if any of the blood samples were
contminted with AIDS, like our blood banks....this whole story does not
make sense...blood samples from people with cancer, sold

Surely this doctor could not have been an MD; he had to be another type
of a doctor or got his degree in another country.

What kind of a doctor, was he.   Now, imagine someone is murdered by the
mob;  and how easy to sprinkle someone elses blood around, which would
not be tested for cancer, of course.....

But there is a thing called Karposi's Sarcoma, that is related to AIDS;
how easy to give this blood to an unsuspecting victim.

Or even to cattle, cows, horses, people, children.......who is this
maniac, anyway.

Why would anyone want contaminated blood....who were the individuals
buying same, were they CIA connected, or someone involved with murder

If this story is true, I would fine that guy more thanjust $30,000.00
and let him go.

Was the blood used to pollute more blood banks, or for experiments; and
if for experiments, any legitimate individual could buy blood without
resorting to stolen blood.

Wonder who bought the blood, is my concern.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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