-Caveat Lector-


 Ulcers on tap

 by Jon Copley
 From New Scientist, 3 April 1999

 THE SLIME THAT COATS WATER PIPES could be a haven for
 bacteria that cause stomach ulcers and gastric cancer,
 according to researchers at Robert Gordon University in

 Helicobacter pylori has been implicated in a wide
 variety of gastrointestinal diseases, from stomach
 inflammation to ulcers and even cancer.  In developed
 countries, half of people over 50 years old carry the
 bacterium in their guts, and in developing countries an
 even larger proportion of people are affected.  Several
 animals may harbour the microorganism, but so far no one
 has found a reservoir in the environment.

 Donald Reid and his colleagues in Scotland thought that
 H. pylori might thrive in biofilms.  These form when
 microorganisms colonise surfaces such as the insides of
 water pipes, often surrounding themselves with a sticky
 protective film.  "Biofilms occur naturally in all water
 distribution systems," says Reid.

 The researchers grew a biofilm inside stainless steel
 pipes in the laboratory and inoculated it with H.
 pylori.  Even after unchlorinated water was flushed
 through the pipes for 192 hours, H. pylori still
 infested the biofilm.  The team's findings will be
 published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology.

 "Anywhere there is a biofilm, there is a potential haven
 for Helicobacter pylori," says Reid.  This is
 particularly likely in unchlorinated private wells and
 water supplies in developing countries.  Although most
 public supplies in developed countries are chlorinated,
 Reid believes the bacteria could still survive inside
 the biofilm.  "Chlorine is only going to attack the
 upper layers," he says.  "By the time those are
 destroyed, the chlorine is gone."  As the biofilm builds
 up, Reid says that bacteria may be washed away a few at
 a time or occasionally released as large clumps.

 A spokesman for Severn Trent, one of the largest
 suppliers of drinking water in Britain, says there are
 no studies that show H. pylori in treated water, so it
 is not included in routine water testing.  "If a study
 showed it in treated water, we would want to investigate
 further," says the spokesman.

 © Copyright New Scientist, RBI Limited 1999


 from:  http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/99feb/germs.htm

 A New Germ Theory

 There is now little doubt that Helicobacter pylori,
 found in the stomachs of a third of adults in the United
 States, causes inflammation of the stomach lining.
 In 20 percent of infected people it produces an ulcer.
 Nearly everyone with a duodenal ulcer is infected.
 H. pylori infections can be readily diagnosed with
 endoscopic biopsy tests, a blood test for antibodies, or
 a breath test.  In 90 percent of cases the infections
 can be cured in less than a month with antibiotics.
 (Unfortunately, many doctors still haven't gotten the
 news.  A Colorado survey found that 46 percent of
 patients seeking medical attention for ulcer symptoms
 are never tested for H. pylori by their physicians.)


 H. pylori, the ulcer pathogen, confers a sixfold greater
 risk of stomach cancer, and accounts for at least half
 of all stomach cancers.  Also, the lymphoid tissue of
 the stomach can produce a low-grade gastric lymphoma
 under the influence of this bacterium.  Early reports
 indicate that the lymphoma is cured in 50 percent of
 cases by resolving the H. pylori infection -- which may
 mark the first time in medical history that cancer has
 been cured with an antibiotic.


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