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Roh wins presidency in Seoul

Howard W. French/NYT The New York Times

Friday, December 20, 2002

His policy on North at odds with Bush's

SEOUL Roh Moo Hyun, a liberal lawyer who urges continued engagement with North Korea
and greater autonomy from the United States, narrowly triumphed Thursday in a tight
presidential election.

With about 99 percent of the votes counted, Roh had 48.9 percent and Lee Hoi Chang had
46.6 percent.

The victory of Roh, 56, the candidate of the governing Millennium Democratic Party, 
South Korea and the United States, close military and economic partners, on the most
divergent diplomatic paths they have followed in a half century of alliance.

The Bush administration has spent the last three months pressing traditional friends 
Japan and newer ones, like Russia and China, to heavily ratchet up the pressure on 
Korea to force it to abandon a once-secret nuclear weapons program and to end its 
sales in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Roh, however, staked his campaign on continued engagement with North Korea and has
forcefully ruled out deadlines for compliance or economic sanctions to force South 
impoverished communist neighbor to respect its international engagements.

By contrast, his main rival, Lee Hoi Chang, a conservative former supreme court 
justice who
lost even more narrowly to Kim Dae Jung five years ago, had said that South Korea 
suspend its assistance to the North until it cooperated on a host of issues, from arms
control to family reunifications.

Roh's commitment to engagement with North Korea, the most important legacy of his
political mentor, Kim, has been so pronounced at times that it produced a last-minute 
of events that many here had thought could cost him the election.

In the final day of campaigning, Wednesday, Roh's comments about North Korea shocked a
former rival candidate and late supporter, Chung Mong Joon, scion of the Hyundai 
causing him to drop their painstakingly arranged alliance.

In that pre-election speech, with Chung standing nearby, Roh said, "If the U.S. and 
Korea start a war, we will stop it." Some took that to imply that South Korea would 
take a
neutral position in any dispute between the United States and North Korea.

Later, through a spokesman, Chung denounced Roh's speech, saying "the United States is
our ally and our view is that the U.S. has no reason to fight North Korea."

Chung's abrupt withdrawal of support was featured on the front pages of all of the
country's newspapers Thursday morning, and most commentators assumed it would
devastate Roh's chances, especially since its left him with no time to recover.

The two men forged their alliance only last month after a hastily arranged primary 
aimed at producing a candidacy that could defeat Lee, whom opinion surveys had until 
consistently ranked as the front-runner.

Roh, who had always placed third in the polls, defeated Chung in the primary and was
immediately catapulted into the front-runner's position.

On Thursday afternoon, with many of his campaign workers looking demoralized over
Chung's embarrassing defection and appearing to assume defeat, Roh restated the
assertive diplomatic position he has taken throughout the three-week campaign. "We must
have dialogue with the North and with the U.S.," Roh told a crowd in Seoul on 
Thursday. "In
this way, we must make sure that the North-U.S. dispute does not escalate into a war. 
the Republic of Korea must take a central role. We cannot have a war."

South Korean politics have a long history of treacherous twists and bold dirty tricks. 
In the
last election, the national intelligence service reportedly sought to pay North Korea 
to stage
a border incident in order to boost the conservative candidate.

So alternative theories abounded about Chung's motives, with people invoking everything
from a fear of a vendetta against Hyundai if Lee won to heavy backstage lobbying by

"Almost everyone expected that Chung's move would do a lot more damage," said Yim
Young Soon, a political scientist at Sung- kyunkwan University. "In the end, the fact 
Chung defaulted seemed to solidify Roh's support. "On the North Korean nuclear threat, 
conventional wisdom said it would help Lee Hoi Chang, but people who live close to a
demilitarized zone turned out to prefer Roh's more peaceful approach."

If relations with North Korea have been at the center of the campaign from the very 
South Korea's ties with the United States have been its barely concealed subtext. In 
weeks, the country has seen some of the biggest demonstrations in a generation in Seoul
and other cities to protest the recent acquittal of two U.S. Army personnel in the 
death of
two schoolgirls who were crushed by their armored vehicle in June.

The outpouring of anti-American sentiment appeared to give a strong boost to the
candidacy of Roh, who advocated the outright withdrawal of the United States' 37,000
troops from South Korea when he was a labor lawyer in the 1980s.

The protests appeared to put Lee, whose diplomatic views are close to those of the Bush
administration, on the defensive. He appeared awkward expressing sympathy for some of
the demonstrators' demands, such as the need for a revision of the Status of Forces
Agreement, the legal framework governing the rights of American troops here.

Already assured of strong support from the young and the working classes, Roh edged
toward the center, repeatedly stating that his opposition to American bases was 
adding that he valued the country's alliance with the United States. He also 
reportedly told a
visiting American diplomat that he had "grown more realistic."

Roh's difficult challenge now is to reconcile the dual yearnings of South Korea's
sophisticated and increasingly affluent younger generations for more autonomy from the
United States and reduced tensions with North Korea with his country's continued heavy
reliance on American security guarantees. "The challenge will be between accommodating
popular aspirations and meeting the demands of the Bush Administration," said Scott
Snyder, Korea representative of the Asia Society. "The new president is going to face
critical decisions in three areas - redefining the relationship with the U.S., managing
relations with North Korea and reorienting Koreas relations in the regional context."

 Copyright © 2002 The International Herald Tribune

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