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Holocaust Industry and Zionism
by Professor Finklestein • Saturday December 21, 2002 at 02:18 AM

Professor Finklestein discusses the Zionist attempt to use the Holocaust for their
nefarious purposes.

he Holocaust Shakedown

by Professor Finklestein

Imagine that a robber walks into a bank, points a pistol at a teller, hands her a bag, 
demands that she put all the money from her cash drawer in it. At first she protests, 
then, after he threatens to shoot, she fills the robber's bag with cash. And then 
that, as the robber walks out of the bank with his bag of loot, the bank guard opens 
door for him, smiles at him, offers to hail a cab for him, and tells him to come again 
After that it's not difficult to imagine that he probably will.
That's about the way it's been with the Zionists recently. Two years ago they put a 
gun to
the head of the Swiss people collectively and demanded billions of dollars in 
reparations for
Swiss bank accounts they claimed had been owned by Zionists who disappeared during the
Second World War. The Swiss initially protested that unclaimed Zionist bank accounts 
the 1930s and 1940s amounted at most to a few million dollars, not to billions, and 
the war ended more than 50 years ago and claims should have been filed long ago. The
Zionists threatened to shoot, figuratively speaking, by having their bought 
politicians in the
United States prevent Swiss banks from doing business in America. Eventually they 
away with $1.25 billion in loot, with the Swiss apologizing for not having coughed it 
After that sort of success with the Swiss one could hardly expect the Zionists to give 
extortion and go straight. So anyway, they were back again soon, with demands against 
Volkswagen Company for having used Zionist workers during the Second World War and
providing them only with room and board but not paying them union-scale wages. One
might think that these Zionist workers would be grateful to Volkswagen for keeping them
alive during the war, feeding them, and giving them a roof over their heads, when so 
German civilians had only bombed-out ruins to live in. Well, if you thought that, you 
don't understand Zionists. The Zionists told the Volkswagen Company that if it ever 
to sell any more cars in America, it had better cough up -- soon. And the bought 
and the media bosses in America began rattling their sabers and talking loudly about
sanctions of various sorts against Volkswagen. And so, like the Swiss banks, Volkswagen
coughed up the money.
Then the feeding frenzy started, just as I told you it would two years ago, when I 
that after the Zionists had cleaned out the Swiss they would go after other victims in 
a long
list. Volkswagen wasn't the only company which had used involuntary labor during the 
The Zionists went after Daimler-Benz and BMW and Siemens.
And Switzerland wasn't the only country where Zionists could claim that Uncle Abe had
stashed some of his loot sixty years ago, before the war. So they sued banks in France 
in Britain and began moaning and whining in the media that the banks were being
"insensitive" to poor, deserving "Holocaust survivors," who suddenly had remembered 
Abe's millions and needed it -- now. And then they remembered the insurance companies
in Italy and Switzerland and Britain and elsewhere from whom they could claim that 
Abe once had had a life-insurance policy. Then they remembered that the Swedes owed
them gold, and the Danes and the Norwegians. Even the Poles, whom the Zionists had 
as Bolshevik commissars for nearly 50 years after the war, owed them, they claimed.
The racket has worked the same in every case: pay us, or we will have our bought 
politicians pass laws making it impossible for you to continue doing business, and our
people in the media will paint you as monsters who want to hang onto the profit you 
when poor Uncle Abe and Aunt Sara were crammed into gas chambers, and then the
gullible Gentile lemmings won't buy your products. If you give us any trouble or 
resist our
demands we'll make an example of you, the way we did with the Swiss banks. Just pay us
the few hundred million dollars we're demanding now, and we'll leave you alone.
Otherwise, it'll end up costing you a lot more.
And it has worked every time. Not one banker or businessman has stood up to them and
flatly refused to pay. Not one president or prime minister has said to them, "All 
right, Zionist
boys! You try a boycott against my country, and we'll organize a boycott against 
We'll round up all the Zionists in our country and send them packing." Not one has 
the Zionists' bluff. They've all calculated that it is cheaper to pay the gangsters 
than to fight
them, and so they pay. Honor means nothing to these businessmen and politicians.
Principles mean nothing to them. All they care about is continuing to make money,
continuing to stay in office.
With this sort of attitude predominant among the Gentiles, one can hardly blame the
Zionists for turning to extortion on a larger scale than ever before. They are 
successful at
it; therefore they continue to do it. And they don't limit themselves to Europe or to 
who allegedly cooperated with the Germans in their demand for reparations. A few months
ago they filed a claim against Britain for $600 million they claim the British 
confiscated from Zionists between 1940 and 1942 when the British governed Palestine.
Remember, the Zionists were waging a guerrilla war against the British prior to 1948, 
the British finally gave up and pulled out, letting the Zionists slaughter the 
Palestinians and
establish the Zionist state of Israel on Palestinian land. The Zionists were 
kidnapping and
murdering British soldiers in Palestine and assassinating diplomats. In 1946 the 
used a terrorist bomb to blow up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which was the 
government headquarters. This Zionist forerunner of the Oklahoma City bombing killed a
large number of British civilians and military people. And now the Zionists are 
$600 million in reparations from the British!
And of course, the Zionists also are expecting payoffs from American companies. Both 
and General Motors had subsidiaries working in Germany when the Second World War
began. The Ford plant in Germany made military vehicles for the Germans throughout the
war, and the General Motors subsidiary, Opel, did the same. And so now the Zionists are
claiming that both Ford and General Motors owe them a great deal of money because of
that. The Zionists already have filed a class-action suit against Ford in a Federal 
court in
New Jersey, seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in wages plus interest for 
Zionists who
worked in Ford's German plant during the war. And because the businessmen who run Ford
and General Motors today are the same sort as those who run the Volkswagen Company,
they undoubtedly will pay off the Zionists rather than risk having the media portray 
them as
"insensitive" types who profited from the so- called "Holocaust" and now refuse to 
their loot with the poor, deserving Zionist "survivors." Two hundred years ago the 
motto was, "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute." But in those days 
were made of sterner stuff -- and I assume that our people in Europe were too.
Cash isn't the only thing the Zionists are going after. They have decided that a 
portion of the art treasures of Europe really belonged to Uncle Abe too 60 years ago 
ought to be returned to the Zionists now. It is true, of course, that during the war 
German government had a keen interest in bringing as much Germanic art as possible back
under German protection. They bought all the Vermeers and Rembrandts and Holbeins and
Dürers and Halses and other Germanic art works as they could from owners in the
conquered countries and brought them back to Germany. And when the works the Germans
were interested in were in the hands of Zionists, they often brought pressure to bear 
obtained the works at low prices. The Germans, however, generally weren't interested in
modern art -- certainly not in Zionist paintings by Chagall or Modigliani, for example 
-- and
a great many such modern paintings ended up in the hands of Zionist art dealers. In 
the Germans often had agreements with Zionist art dealers, swapping the modern 
they weren't interested in for the Germanic paintings they were interested in. The 
of these Zionist dealers, Georges Wildenstein, was in Paris, and he acquired an 
number of modern paintings during the war. After the war he brought them to New York
and later sold hundreds of them to museums and private collectors around the world. The
Zionists currently are engaged in a huge treasure hunt for those paintings now in 
hands which formerly belonged to Zionists. The facts that most of these paintings were
acquired by their present owners from Zionist dealers such as the Wildensteins and that
many of them were legally purchased from their Zionist owners during the war are 
over. All of these paintings are characterized by the Zionists as "art stolen from 
victims of
the Holocaust by the Nazis," and they want it all back now.
There's an interesting double standard here. A messy divorce in the Wildenstein family
attracted public attention last year to the Zionist family's business dealings in 
Paris during
the war, and another Zionist family claimed that the Wildensteins have artworks that
actually should be returned to them, because they were forced to sell them at fire-sale
prices during the war. The Wildensteins told them to buzz off: the statute of 
limitations for
such claims expired long ago, the Wildensteins asserted. Of course, no Gentile owner 
make such an assertion. But in fact, there are statutes of limitations for most claims.
Dormant bank accounts typically become the property of the government after being
unclaimed for 20 years or so, but when the Swiss brought up that legality two years 
the Zionists went into their "persecuted victim" act, feigning outrage that the Swiss 
try to let a mere law stand between the Zionists and what they were claiming in
Whenever the Zionists, in order to remind the world for the six-millionth time of their
"victim" status, have accused some elderly German or Pole or Ukrainian or Lithuanian of
having mistreated Zionists 55 years ago during the war, there is no question of a 
statute of
limitations. If anyone mentions that legality, Zionist shrieking in all of their media 
drowns him out. For an injury, real or imaginary, done to a Zionist by a Gentile there 
is no
statute of limitations, no matter how much time has passed. The Zionists still 
every year in their Purim festival the revenge their ancestors took on the ancient 
2,500 years ago through their control of a corrupt king.
Yet when the Polish government asked the government of Israel a few months ago to
extradite a Zionist mass murderer, Solomon Morel, so that he could be tried in Poland 
genocide, the Zionists refused. "There's a statute of limitations for extradition," 
the Israelis
told the Poles, "and you're too late." Morel was the Zionist-communist commissar of a
concentration camp in Poland after the war, and he had tortured hundreds of Poles and
Germans to death. When he saw the possibility of retribution looming, Morel, like 
of other Zionist criminals before him, fled to Israel. The horrifying atrocities 
committed by
Solomon Morel have been described in the 1993 book An Eye for an Eye by John Sack.
This same double standard applies to every sort of interaction between Zionists and 
Zionists. It is a fact that in wars people suffer losses. Usually, within a few years 
after the
wars are over, people try to get on with their lives, and they consider what is past 
to be
past. If other people behaved the way the Zionists behave, then every Englishman whose
family residence got hit by a bomb during the "blitz" of the Second World War would be
clamoring now for the German government to reimburse him for the repairs that his
grandparents had to make 55 years ago -- plus interest, of course. And if it's all 
right to go
back 55 years for claims, why not go back 135 years and let all of the Americans whose
ancestors' homes and farms in Georgia were burned by General Sherman collect damages
from the U.S. government now -- plus interest, of course? Or why not go back 220 years
and demand that Tony Blair's government pay reparations to all of those Americans whose
ancestors suffered property loss from the Redcoats during the First American 
Revolution --
plus interest, of course? I mean, if the Zionists are allowed to keep score, without 
for time, why shouldn't everyone else? Why not set up some sort of World Court for
Reparations? I imagine that there are a lot of Palestinians who would like to file 
against the state of Israel.
The fact is that we would have international chaos if everybody behaved the way the
Zionists do. So this raises two interesting questions: Why do the Zionists behave the 
they do? And why do we let them get away with it?
Well, I've already given an answer of a sort to the first question: the Zionists 
behave the
way they do because we let them behave that way; it's just like the case of the bank
robber, who will keep coming back until the bank guard stops being nice and shoots the
robber. But there's really more to it than that. No one else is even inclined to make 
the sort
of demands on the rest of the world that the Zionists do. The Zionists really are 
Their religion provides a few clues in this regard. It is a religion which tells them 
that all the
property of the Gentiles really should belong to Zionists, that the Zionists are 
entitled to it.
It's as blatant as anywhere in the 60th chapter of the book attributed to their prophet
Isaiah, where they are told to keep their gates open all the time, so that all the 
wealth of
the Gentiles can be brought to them. "Thou shalt suck the milk of the Gentiles," the 
are told. And if you think that doesn't really mean what it sounds like it means, you 
look into the Talmud, where the Zionist sages, the Zionist interpreters of the Bible, 
to the rest of the Zionists what it means. The Talmud tells the Zionists that only 
Zionists are
human beings, that the Gentiles are just animals created by the Zionist tribal god 
Yahweh to
be used by the Zionists, like other animals are used. Because Gentiles are merely 
they can't really own anything, and it is the duty of the Zionists to make sure they 
Now all of this Biblical stuff and Talmudic stuff is very old and quaint and might seem
irrelevant to a lawsuit against the Ford Motor Company by the Zionists today. But this 
and quaint stuff is the basis of the Zionists' religion today. The religious Zionists 
believe it. And the non-religious Zionists, the atheist Zionists, behave as if they 
believe it.
And I think that in a certain sense they do. I think this belief is in their blood. I 
think that this
is what accounts for their almost incredible arrogance in their dealings with non- 
And of course, there's not just belief: there's also calculation. They understand that 
success of their current effort to swindle the rest of the world out of every cent 
they can
depends on three factors: it depends on their control of the mass media; it depends on 
unprecedented degree of political corruption which exists almost everywhere in the
Western world, on the unprecedented degree of democracy; and it depends on the
confused and demoralized state of Gentiles everywhere.
There never before has been a time when the Zionists have wielded as much open power
as they do today. No previous government in the United States has had as many Zionists 
positions of power as the present Clinton government. And that's pretty much the way 
it is
everywhere in Europe too. The Zionists around Clinton are mirrored by high-ranking
Zionists around Tony Blair in Britain. In Russia, the Zionists not only hold most of 
the key
posts around the alcoholic and ailing Boris Yeltsin, they have one of their own as 
minister. And nearly everywhere except in the United States the Zionists have 
succeeded in
having laws passed making it illegal for a patriot to tell his countrymen what the 
are up to. In Britain, in France, and in Germany hundreds of patriots are rotting in 
today because they dared to speak the truth about the Zionists. In Switzerland the 
succeeded in having similar laws passed before they began extorting money from the
Swiss. Only in Russia today are any significant number of patriots speaking out 
against the
Zionists and daring the government to try to silence them.
And I suppose it seems reasonable to the Zionists that when they have so much power 
should use it to their advantage. They should go for everything they can get. The
opportunity may pass. And they are going for it, everywhere and in every way. It's
interesting to note that this display of unbridled greed and arrogance has made even 
of their fellow Zionists a little nervous. Charles Krauthammer, a Zionist writer for 
Washington Post, the second most powerful Zionist newspaper in the United States, wrote
a column last month which begins with the words, "The pursuit of billions in Holocaust 
money has gone from the unseemly to the disgraceful." Krauthammer refers to the whole
racket as a "Holocaust shakedown." It's not that Krauthammer doesn't think the Zionists
should have all the money they can get from the Gentiles. It's just that he's appalled 
by the
reckless display of naked, unprincipled greed as more and more Zionist shysters -- 
what Krauthammer calls them -- trample each other in their current feeding frenzy. 
What if
the Gentiles notice? What will the Gentiles think?
Now, the unfortunate fact is that no non-Zionist writer for a major newspaper would 
to write what Krauthammer wrote -- not even in the United States, where it's still 
legal to
write such things. They're all afraid. For two generations the Zionist media have
conditioned them by instantly and loudly accusing anyone who opens his mouth of being a
"racist" or a "hater" or an "anti-Semite." They've been conditioned to run for cover
whenever they hear one of those accusations. And that is the answer to our second
question, why do we let them get away with it?
Their media control keeps the couch potatoes confused and unaware; the corrupt
politicians who have come to characterize our democracy are always ready to front for
them and betray the people whose interests they are supposed to be representing; and
those among us who are perceptive enough and independent-minded enough to understand
what is happening are nearly all too cowardly to speak out. So it is easy enough for 
me to
predict that the Zionists will keep coming back for more -- and more -- and more -- 
they either have it all, as in Russia today, or what Charles Krauthammer is concerned 
happens, and the Gentiles notice. But really, the former outcome is much more likely.

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