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Politically Incorrect Movie Reviews
Gangs of New York
by RadioFree Rocky D
Published 12. 29. 02 at 19:15 Sierra Time

Leonardo DiCaprio (Amsterdam) – pouting, scowling, violent drunken Irishman.

Daniel Day Lewis (Bill The Butcher) – knife-wielding violent drunken Irishman.

Cameron Diaz (Jenny) – cleavage-wielding violent drunken Irishwoman.

Liam Neeson (Priest) – cross-wielding violent drunken Irishman.

Brendan Gleeson (McGinn) – cudgel-wielding drunken Irishman.

Henry Thomas (Johnny) – tattletale drunken Irishman.

Micheal Byrne (Horace Greeley) – Abe Lincoln’s buddy who publishes stories about

Jim Broadbent (Boss Tweed) – crooked politician drunken Irishmen.

Roger Ashton Griffiths (P.T Barnum) – knows there’s a drunken Irishman born every

         Charles Dickens meets Braveheart in 19th century New York City as the
biggest, bloodiest and bawdiest movie of the year, Gangs Of New York hits the
screen harder than a right uppercut from an irate Irishman. The year is 1863, and in
New York City all the Irishmen are drunken clods who beat the stuffin’s out of one
another, the streets are caked with blood and crowded with prostitutes, the politicians
are corrupt, the cops are on the take and all the New Yorkers are racists. So
basically, what I’m saying here is that in 140 years not much changed.

               Old Irish saying #1: Fad saol agat, gob fliuch, agus bas in Eirinn 
(Long life
to you, a wet mouth, and death in Ireland).

         Gangs O’NY is easily the bloodiest film to come out of Hollyweird’s 
whitey-factory in a long time (not including slasher films, which are supposed to be
that way). Don’t dare blink while watching Gangs O’NY or you may miss another
incensed Irishman whacking some other oafish Irishman upside his noggin or slicing
him up like corned beef. These are the immigrants and the sons of immigrants from
Northwest Europe, and we all know how evil those places are. Plus, they come here
at a time when Big Brother Guv’mint Welfare is not there to rescue them from
immediate poverty, which we all know is an excuse for violent criminal behavior.

         Poor people and new immigrants to this country are really peace-loving
pacifists, but they are forced into a life of violent crime by evil Capitalist 
who seek only to take advantage of them. The answer to this is a more socialist
America, where no one is allowed to have more stuff than another (Hollyweird
Capitalists excepted). I know this, because Hollyweird tells me so.

         Old Irish saying #2: Go maire sibh bhur saol nua (May you enjoy your new 

         It is odd, however, to see a Hollyweird movie touch on the fact that not
everyone in the North in 1863 liked President Abe Lincoln. He was, in fact, heartily
made fun of and often looked at as a fool for usurping the Constitution of the United
States by not recognizing the Southern States’ right to secede. Newspapers of the
day wrote articles scorning Lincoln’s famed Gettysburg Address for inaccuracies and
political puffery. It was not for another 60 years – long after everyone who actually
knew ol’ dishonest Abe was long since dead – that history-revisionists rewrote
Lincoln into hero status. People in the North and the South in 1863 knew that the
War Between The States was unnecessary. For a great book that makes the case
for Southern secession, check out When In The Course Of Human Events, by
Charles Adams. He really rips into the Gettysburg Address in that one.

         The PC pops out of Gangs O’NY like a cork from an Irish whiskey bottle. In 
story, there are good drunken Irishmen and bad drunken Irishmen. Only the bad
drunken Irishmen say scurrilous things about President Lincoln. One of them even
throws a knife at Lincoln’s picture; lodging a meat cleaver smack dab in the middle of
Abe’s bushy eyebrows. These are the same bad drunken Irishmen who do not want
anymore foreigners – Irish or otherwise – to land on the shores of the mighty USA.
Bill The Butcher is the leader of these “Natives.” Natives as in the real definition of
Native American; i.e., one who is born on American soil. I’m surprised that the
Hollyweird PC thought-police let that one slip through.

         Old Irish saying #3: Fad saol agat, gob fliuch, agus bas in Eirinn (Long life 
you, a wet mouth, and death in Ireland).

         Additionally, the good-guy drunken Irishmen befriend a black man. The bad-
guy drunken Irishmen hang them. Yeesh. I’m guessing Spike Lee wrote that part in.
This, of course, entitles this lone minority the sacred minority status; wherein he 
be endowed with angelic qualities.

The drunken Irishmen who were born in the USA and who want to stop massive
immigration are portrayed as racist-bigot-sexist-homophobic-xenophobes. Even the
wealthier of the “Natives” have abusive and exploitive plans for these new American

         Bad immigrant-exploiting whitey’s! Bad bad bad!

         This is Hollyweird’s PC attempt at drawing a parallel to the immigration
problems of today.

         Memo to Hollyweird: The European immigrants who came here in the last two
centuries did not come here with their hand out looking for freebies (except the
Bosnians in the 1990’s; but that’s another story). They came here because, at the
time, America offered the freedom to succeed. There is no correlation between them
and the border- jumpers of today. Come to think of it, where is the Hollyweird movie
about illegal aliens pouring over the Mexican/American border and demanding a
handout? Hey Hollyweird, make sure you put in the fact that their major contribution
to this country has been a rise in the crime rate. I’ll be waiting for that movie. I 
hold my breath, amigo.

         Old Irish saying #4: Cha dèan ‘Tapadh leis an fhìdhlear’ am fìdhlear a
phàigheadh (A ‘thank you’ doesn’t pay the fiddler).

         More PC poppycock can be seen in Gangs O’NY when a politician informs a
drunken Irishman, “Ballots don’t make results; counters do.” This is an obvious slam
at the number one man on the Hollyweird hit list, George W. Bush. The liberals
(a.k.a. socialists) will never get over the fact that the voters rejected their boy, Al
Gore the 2x4.

         Al Gore really won the 2000 Presidential election; Dubya’s brother Jeb cheated
his brother into the Oval Office. There was no cheating on the Democrat side of the
fence, even in cities like Chicago, Philadelphia or Detroit. It’s normal and acceptable
for inner city voting precincts to have more than 100% voter turnout. I know this,
because Hollyweird (and the TV network elitists) tells me so (over and over and over,

         Believe it or not, the leftists actually think if they repeat that lie often 
someone will believe it. Perhaps they’re forgetting that we, the working folks out here
in the fly-over zone, do not sit around all day and watch Oprah. The liberals are also
ignoring that fact that in the most recent election the voters soundly spurned their
ideals. This is often played off as “… our message didn’t get out.”

         No, you whiney liberals, your message did get out; it got out loud and clear.
People have gotten your message: a Liberal is a Socialist. And you wonder why you

         Old Irish saying #5: Is fheàrr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach (Better a 
retreat than a bad stand).

          Gangs O’NY wouldn’t be a Hollyweird spectacle if it didn’t engage in a wee 
o’ Christian bashing. This film damn near shouts out loud, “HEY! Lookit all these
crazy violent Catholics and Protestants!” There’s even a scene where each gang
leader prays to God for the strength to smash the skull of his opponent who is also a
Christian. Well isn’t that special. Only Horace Greeley (yep, that Horace Greeley)
prays for peace. And it’s always wintertime in Gangs O’NY, but no one remembers
Christmas. Well, humbug.

         Imagine the squealing from the liberals if you made a movie about violent Jews
and Muslims smashing each other’s brains in – oh yeah, we already have that film;
it’s called The Evening News.

         Suffice it to say Gangs O’NY is not an easy movie to watch. It’s very well 
but it’s dark, brooding and depressing. This flick will not put you in a happy mood.
There is, however, lots of cool stuff to see in Gangs O’NY. There are lots of strange
out-of-place accents (a drunken Irishman who is actually Italian with a Haitian dialect
[?]) and beaucoup bodacious mustaches. Early on, you’ll notice that everyone seems
to have gone shopping at Barnum & Bailey’s outlet store – and P.T. Barnum himself
makes a cameo. What with all the mustaches, Madd Hatter hats and clown pants,
the gang fights look a bit like “attack of the violent vaudevillians”. This brings me 
the Keystone Firefighter Brigades, complete with funny hats, sirens and drunken
Irishmen running in circles. All that’s missing is the silly piano music. Speaking of
silly, take a gander at the neat little bun Leonardo DiCaprio pulls his hair into. 
like his life of skullduggerous debaucheries is only complete with a weekend gig at
the Chinese restaurant. You put hair in bun … not drop hair in customer egg roll!

There is also a very well done montage at the end of the film showing time moving
forward. It ends with the World Trade Center in the middle of the picture, which is
kind of prophetic when you think that one of the major causes of the 9/11 attack was
failure to control America’s borders.

The line that got the most snickers was when Bill The Butcher laments, “Doesn’t
anyone in New York Speak English anymore?”

Best line in the film: “Aye don’ give a f*** ye meatheaded shitsack.”

Also, drunken Irishmen seem to kick in doors a lot; they need sober up sometimes
and find the doorknob.

Old Irish saying #6: Saoilidh an duin’ air mhisg gum bi a h-uile duin’ air mhisg ach e
fhèin. (The drunk man thinks himself the only one sober).

Gangs O’NY has four of the five of the Bachelor B’s in it: Blood (‘tis everywhere),
Bashes (top o’ the mornin’ to ye here’s an arse beatin for ye), Bombs (aye,
conflagrations o’plenty) and Breasts (lotsa lassie’s bosoms, laddie). No Beasts;
unless ye count every last drunken Irishman ye see, and that’s a mighty lot of
countin’ me boyo.

I give Gangs O’NY four Capitalist Dollar Signs (out of 5). $$$$


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