-Caveat Lector-


December 31, 2002

Temperatures Are Likely to Go From Warm to Warmer


Climate experts say global temperatures in 2003 could match or beat the
modern record set in 1998, when temperatures were raised sharply by El Niño,
a periodic disturbance of Pacific Ocean currents that warms the atmosphere.

El Niño that year was the strongest ever measured. A new one is brewing in
the Pacific but is expected to remain relatively weak, experts say. Still,
they say, a persistent underlying warming trend could be enough to push
temperatures to record highs.

Some of the warming could be the result of natural climate variation, but the
experts say it is almost impossible to explain without including the heat-
trapping properties of rising levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases emitted by smokestacks and tailpipes.

The mounting evidence of human contributions to climate warming has raised
pressure on American policy makers to reconsider their reliance on voluntary
measures for reducing heat-trapping emissions.

At a meeting of climate scientists organized by the Bush administration this
month, White House officials said President Bush was no longer locked into
the stance he announced last year — calling for nothing beyond voluntary
measures to slow the growth in emissions until 2012.

And Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and Senator Joseph I.
Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, plan to introduce legislation early in
2003 that would gradually establish mandatory greenhouse gas restrictions and
a system in which companies could trade credits they would earn by making
emissions cuts.

The European Union, Japan and most other industrial powers have ratified the
Kyoto Protocol, a treaty that, once in effect, will require them to make

The growing shift toward action in the American debate over greenhouse
emissions comes after a decade of mounting evidence that the recent warming
is caused mainly by rising concentrations of such substances.

The main means of tracking climate change has been to synthesize hundreds of
measurements of surface temperatures around the world into a global average.

This average reading is meaningless for any particular spot, but it is a
valuable way to measure long-term trends, and it puts the planet in its
warmest period in a millennium, with the trajectory still headed upward.

According to the Commerce Department, the global average surface temperature
increased at a rate of about one degree per 100 years over the 20th century,
but since 1976 the earth has been warming at the rate of about three degrees
per century.

The Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research in Britain put the odds
at 50-50 for 2003 to match or exceed the temperature record set in 1998. Dr.
James E. Hansen, the director of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, put the odds higher
than that, barring a big new sun-blocking volcano or the like.

A decade-long paucity of big volcanic eruptions and a peak in solar intensity
can account for only part of the overall warming, he said, adding, "Clearly
it's primarily due to human forcing."

The global average temperature reached 58.0 degrees in 1998, while the
average from 1880 to 2001 was 56.9 degrees.

Preliminary estimates put the global temperature in 2002 at 57.9 degrees.

Areas like Alaska have experienced sharper warming, in patterns that largely
match projections produced by computer simulations of the climatic effect of
rising greenhouse gases.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported this month that
satellite tracking of surface conditions on Greenland's vast ice sheet saw
more melting last summer than at any time in the 24-year satellite record.

Arctic sea ice also retreated more than it had done before in that span, the
agency said.

These time spans are short when it comes to climate, and polar experts say it
remains exceedingly difficult to ascribe regional changes to human actions
rather than natural cycles in ocean and weather circulation around the
Northern Hemisphere.

The continuing global climb in temperatures, however, is getting harder to
link to natural climate fluctuations, many scientists say.

Even if 2003 does not set a record, many experts say, it almost undoubtedly
will follow a generation-long rise in temperatures that has put the planet on
course for substantial shifts in drought and storm patterns, continuing and
significant retreats of terrestrial ice, and a resulting rise in sea levels
in coming decades.

This month, American and British climate teams and the World Meteorological
Organization reported that 2002 would nudge out 2001 as the second-warmest
year since the late 1800's.

Some scientists still doubt that the human influence will alter the climate
beyond the range of natural variability, which they say has produced
significant shifts in past eras and will inevitably do so again.

"We don't really know enough about the climate to say with any confidence how
much of this warming is natural and how much is caused by human activities,"
said Dr. John R. Christy, the director of the Earth System Science Center at
the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

But his view is held by an ever-shrinking minority of climate experts, partly
because new analyses are questioning some of their conclusions.

In 1990, Dr. Christy and a team that included NASA satellite experts
pioneered a method for measuring the average temperature of the atmosphere
above the surface, using instruments on weather satellites.

In a series of papers examining three decades of satellite data, they
reported cooling or only slight warming, and the findings were highlighted by
skeptics of the greenhouse theory among climatologists and policy makers.

A new analysis of the same data by an independent team of scientists suggests
that much more warming is under way in the upper atmosphere — more than three
times as much as Dr. Christy estimated. These analyses are more in line with
surface trends and estimates produced by computer models.

The new results were described in a news release this month by the Commerce
Department but have not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The scientific teams with differing views of the satellite temperature data
argued at several scientific meetings this year, including the meeting
convened this month by the administration to set priorities for climate

At the meeting, Dr. Christy and the head of the other group, Frank J. Wentz,
the founder of Remote Sensing Systems, a company that analyzes satellite data
for the government, agreed to share more data and information on the way they
arrived at their results.

While the debate about the amount of atmospheric warming plays out, there is
little disagreement about the extent of warming at the surface.

The shifts around the Arctic — whether natural or human-induced — are
profound, said Dr. Waleed Abdalati, NASA's director of polar programs.

"The Greenland melting or the changes in ocean circulation or sea ice, any
one of those is kind of a `Wow, that's interesting,' " he said.

"But when you see them collectively and kind of working in concert with one
another," Dr. Abdalati added, "that's very significant."

The result could be some significant surprises, he said.

This year, Dr. Abdalati was a co-author of a study showing that the surface
melting in Greenland, for example, was unexpectedly accelerating the seaward
crawl of the ice sheet as the melt water percolated down through more than a
half mile of ice and lubricated the interface between the grinding sheet and
the rock below.

Should the Greenland ice continue to accelerate, that could require
scientists to change their projections of how much a little warming could
raise sea levels.

Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

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