-Caveat Lector-


December 31, 2002

White House Cuts Estimate of Cost of War With Iraq


WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 — The administration's top budget official estimated today
that the cost of a war with Iraq could be in the range of $50 billion to $60 billion, a
figure that is well below earlier estimates from White House officials.

In a telephone interview today, the official, Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., director of the
Office of Management and Budget, also said there was likely to be a deficit in the
fiscal 2004 budget, though he declined to specify how large it would be. The
administration is scheduled to present its budget to Congress on Feb. 3.

Mr. Daniels would not provide specific costs for either a long or a short military
campaign against Saddam Hussein. But he said that the administration was
budgeting for both, and that earlier estimates of $100 billion to $200 billion in Iraq 
costs by Lawrence B. Lindsey, Mr. Bush's former chief economic adviser, were too

Mr. Daniels cautioned that his budget projections did not mean a war with Iraq was
imminent, and that it was impossible to know what any military campaign against Iraq
would ultimately cost.

"This is nothing more than prudent contingency planning," Mr. Daniels said from his
home in Indianapolis, where he was reviewing the fiscal 2004 budget at his kitchen
table. "At this point there is no war."

Mr. Daniels's projections place the cost of an Iraq war in line with that of the 1991
Persian Gulf war, which cost more than $60 billion, or about $80 billion in current
dollars. But the United States paid for only a small part of that conflict, with Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait and Japan bearing the brunt of the costs.

This time, the gulf nations are less supportive of the United States and, diplomats
say, Americans are likely to bear most of the cost of a war with Iraq.

Mr. Daniels declined to explain how budget officials had reached the $50 billion to
$60 billion range for war costs, or why it was less in current dollars than the 43-day
gulf war in 1991. He also declined to specify how much had been budgeted for
munitions and troops.

"All of these are major costs," he said.

The driving expense for the military in any war would be the size of the American
force and the length of the conflict. In the 1991 war, 550,000 American troops were
based in Saudi Arabia, which picked up the cost of virtually all housing, fuel and 

If President Bush orders an attack against Iraq, the American force would be half the
size of that in the 1991 war. The Pentagon's war plans call for deploying as many as
250,000 military personnel, but the initial offensive should start with a much smaller
number, with a sizable force in reserve.

The budget director's projections today served as a more politically palatable
corrective to figures put forth by Mr. Lindsey in September, when he said that a war
with Iraq might amount to 1 percent to 2 percent of the national gross domestic
product, or $100 billion to $200 billion. Mr. Lindsey added that as a one-time cost for
one year, the expenditure would be "nothing."

Mr. Lindsey was criticized inside and outside the administration for putting forth such
a large number, which helped pave the way for his ouster earlier this month. He
could not be reached for comment this evening. (Congressional Democrats have
estimated that the cost would be $93 billion, not including the cost of peacekeeping
and rebuilding efforts after a war.)

But today, Mr. Daniels sought to play down his former colleague's remarks. "That
wasn't a budget estimate," he said. "It was more of a historical benchmark than any
analysis of what a conflict today might entail."

Pentagon officials say the cost of munitions in a potential war with Iraq will not be
materially more than the cost of munitions in the 1991 gulf war. The reason, they say,
is that the military now uses more precision-guided bombs, which are far more
accurate, so fewer are needed.

In 1991, about 10 percent of bombs and munitions were precision guided. In the
conflict in Afghanistan, the share of precision weapons rose to about 60 percent.

Although precision-guided bombs cost more than conventional munitions, they are
not always exorbitantly more expensive, at least by Pentagon standards. Many of the
"smart" bombs used in Afghanistan, for example, were simply 2,000-pound unguided
bombs with a $20,000 mechanism attached to the bomb's tail that allowed it to be
steered to a target by satellite.

The major costs of an Iraq war, Pentagon officials say, will be those for dispatching
tens of thousands of military personnel overseas, feeding and sheltering them, and
maintaining equipment deployed to the gulf.

Mr. Daniels said that Mr. Bush had been kept apprised of the budget projections for a
war with Iraq and that all preparations were still in the realm of the theoretical. 
"At this
point," he said, "our position is that the president has made no decision."

The cost of any war with Iraq would not be part of the budget for the 2004 fiscal year
that Mr. Daniels is reviewing. Rather, the money would have to be appropriated as
emergency spending by Congress. The cost of a war would also not be part of a
record $355 billion military spending measure approved by Congress this year.

Mr. Daniels declined to specify the amount of a likely deficit for fiscal 2004, but he
described the tax cuts scheduled to take place that year as only a "minor factor" in
the red ink. Critics of the administration's tax cut acknowledge that the costs of the
tax cuts will grow to large numbers only in 2006.

He laid blame for the deficit on the sluggish economy and the slump on Wall Street
and said there would be deficits without the administration's tax cuts. After four 
of surpluses, the Bush administration announced a deficit of $159 billion for the 
year that ended on Sept. 30. It has projected a $109 billion deficit for the current
fiscal year.

Mr. Daniels said today that the budget for the 2004 fiscal year is one of "moderate
growth" and that he was not projecting any immediate return to a balanced budget.

"Last year was a year when we presented a lot of new spending," he said. "This year
we've said we'll be looking at much lower growth. The big reasons for that are the
flatness in revenue and the return of deficits, as well as the uncertainty in the
potential expansion of the war on terror."

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