-Caveat Lector-

Totalitarianism nears
Without protest, Americans are giving up freedom
Thursday, January 02, 2003

IN NAZI Germany at this time of year, people freely shopped in large department
stores for gifts for family and friends. The streets were full of traffic. It
was "business as usual" for most of the citizens. While in the colonial states
conquered by the Nazis, and in the concentrations camps for Jews, gays and
communists, life was a living nightmare of dehumanization and human-rights

In the United States today, people freely shop in large department stores for
gifts, and the streets are full of traffic. While in our most recent victim
states of Afghanistan, Iraq under murderous sanctions, Argentina after
engineering its economic collapse, and Colombia under U.S. military aid for
repression, life is a living nightmare of dehumanization and human-rights

But what once separated the United States from Nazi Germany was the protection
of civil liberties for American citizens. People of Germany had no rights and
did not care. Those few who did care were so terrified of their government that
they did not dare to speak out. Those who did speak out were declared "enemy
agents" and sent to concentration camps.

Today, people of the United States have given up their rights through the
"Patriot Act," the "Homeland Security Act" and the Pentagon's new system of
"Total Information Awareness." The astonishing thing about this "land of the
free" is that most Americans now have no effective rights and do not care.

As long as they are free to shop in department stores and have traffic in the
streets (with automobiles burning oil stolen from dying Iraqi children), they
do not care. And to a greater degree every day, those few who do care about our
liberties and rights are too terrified of our government to speak out.

The so-called "Patriot Act" expanded our government's secret search and
wiretapping powers enormously. It empowered racial profiling as a recognized
police practice and allowed broad sweeps of people of Middle Eastern or Asian
origin. It effectively abolished immigrants' rights, allowing noncitizens to be
held in secret locations on secret "evidence," without right to an attorney,
for as long as the government wishes.

The government now has the power to enter your home or your computer and
secretly record whatever they find without ever having to notify you. They do
not even have to obtain a warrant from a publicly accountable judge showing
reasonable suspicion that a crime is being committed.

Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold spoke the following words from the
Senate floor on Oct. 11, 2001, when he was the only senator to vote against
Attorney General John Ashcroft's USA Patriot Act: "There is no doubt that if
we lived in a police state, it would be easier to catch terrorists. If we lived
in a country where police were allowed to search your home at any time for any
reason; if we lived in a country where the government is entitled to open your
mail, eavesdrop on your phone conversations, or intercept your e-mail
communications; if we lived in a country where people could be held in jail
indefinitely based on what they write or think, or based on mere suspicion that
they are up to no good, the government would probably discover more terrorists
or would-be terrorists! But that wouldn't be a country in which we would want
to live."

But today, it has gotten worse with the passage of the Homeland Security Act.
Notice that these titles, "Patriot" and "Homeland," sound very much like the
language of the Nazis. A common slogan of the Nazi regime was "the highest
freedom is a noble slavery of the heart." People are free, the slogan meant,
when they have enslaved their hearts to the "homeland" in absolute obedience
to their government. "Deutschland, Deckhand, uber alles!" they shouted. Blind
loyalty, patriotism, and emotion must triumph over liberty, reason and sound

Under the U.S. Homeland Security Act (our rights again given away freely by a
bipartisan Congress), 22 U.S. agencies are combined in order to achieve "total
information awareness" on every American citizen. The government will soon be
amassing a file on every American that includes every magazine subscription,
credit card purchase, Web site visit, medical record, library record, bank
deposit or withdrawals, every airline purchase, as well as judicial, divorce
records, and so on. This will be recorded in a central data base, not by a
publicly accountable authority, but by the Pentagon, which already operates
in total secrecy from the American public.

Government intimidation for political reasons is real and it has begun. Our
government already is using its secret data bases to harass Americans.
Political activists checking in at airports at the airline desk have had their
names come up from a secret government list as "flight risks." They and their
luggage have been supersearched to the point where they are made to miss their
flights, and then released to fly. Obviously if they were really "flight risks,"
they would not be allowed to fly.

Attorneys have found that their attorney-client privilege has all but
disappeared. The government has even placed hidden cameras in prisons to record
attorney discussions with their clients. The government has begun harassing
people maintaining Web sites they consider politically objectionable.

The Justice Department announced a plan to use its newfound power to designate
U.S. citizens as "enemy combatants" to place such people in concentration camps.
Declaring them "enemy combatants" would strip them of their constitutional
rights, their access to the courts and allow the government to indefinitely
hold them without trial.

This is identical in purpose to some of the Nazi concentration camps.

Do we citizens care at all about the future of our children or the plight of
the millions of citizens in this country of Arab descent, or those who
nonviolently oppose government policy? We have repeated for so long the slogan
"it can't happen here." But the darkness and terror of totalitarianism is
coming rapidly.

Do we have the courage and integrity to speak out now, before it is too late?
Or will we continue to freely shop in our large department stores for gifts for
family and friends - as they did in Nazi Germany.

* GLEN T. MARTIN is professor of philosophy and religious studies
  at Radford University.


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