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Impeach the President

High Crimes and Misdemeanors
by T. E. Ruppenthal

After painful consideration, I have decided it is time to bring out my Impeach the President placard, dust it off and display it yet again. It has been an oft-used sign, first waved during the LBJ regime and utilized for every president since. Now it is time to confront this latest in our long line of executive branch losers.

I do not take my impeachment stand lightly and only after I am certain that the President is guilty of treason, bribery or other high crimes or misdemeanors as mentioned in Article 2, Section IV. I wait for egregious acts that can only be seen as invidious to our Constitution, the pissing all over that which he had solemnly sworn to uphold.

I attempt a two-year wait before considering the impeachment step, to give each President time to develop wisdom, to learn from mistakes and become a thoughtful leader. I am such an optimistic idealist. I try to wait, but I usually fail as each President, upon entering office, begins a headlong retreat from the Constitution’s sagacity and probity and begins treating it as a sworn enemy. Only Carter and Reagan made the two year mark which must mean I wasn’t paying attention then. Nixon was Nixon, a blot upon our history; Ford barely had two years and started by pardoning Tricky Dick; George the First crossed the line with his invasion of Panama and with Clinton, I waved my placard before his inauguration since I sensed he was a total sleazebag.

There are many reasons to call for George’s impeachment, but one particular stands out as so disreputable that I cannot wait for his second anniversary.

When, at a gathering of Fliberals (‘Frisco liberals), I announced my call for impeachment, the Flibs agreed and excitedly gathered round me as if I had finally become one of them. When I asked them what were their grounds for impeachment, they had to think (which takes time for a Fliberal, if they can do it at all) until a Flib finally said, "Dubya stole the election." A second chimed in with, "Illegal actions in foreign affairs." "He’s stifling dissent"and "He’s incredibly stupid" were other responses.

With little examination it became clear that their charges would not measure up to those cited by the Constitution, but then again Flibs have little interest in our Constitution.

How long did the Samuel J. Tilden Democrats whine about their loss after 1876? Eight years at least and many, I am convinced, never ceased complaining. If I didn’t so enjoy Fliberal whining (which they do so well), it could be grim times ahead. Their nonstop whine that Bush stole the election — Gore not only won the popular vote, but would have won Florida, and the electoral vote too, if the biased and politicized Supreme Court hadn’t entered the fray. I have always found it odd that Fliberals proudly claim as their own all those Floridians too stupid to punch a hole in paper.

Whine, whine, whine. Yes, Gore did win more votes than Bush but since he did not gain a majority of the ballots cast, he had no clear claim to victory at all. If Fliberals ever took the time to read the Constitution of the United States (and of Florida), they would realize how a disputed or muddled Presidential election was to be settled — by vote of the lower house of the legislature, in which Republicans held a slim but clear majority. Bush would have been selected. No theft.

As to overstepping Constitutional limitations abroad and at home, George 2 has, but this is now routine for our Imperial Presidents, including Bill Clinton. If Fliberals wouldn’t impeach Bill on these grounds, how can they now impeach Bush?

Our Emperor Presidents must be free to kill and maim, bomb and threaten, arrest and jail anyone, anywhere, at any time, and any who dare to disagree or dissent must be distrusted.

Once again G-2 has launched us into undeclared and therefore unconstitutional warfare. He had the civility to ask our supine and corrupt Congress for a blank check to cover any and all future actions, ever, but this is not what the Founders envisioned.

Time to bring out my Impeach Congress sign too.

Our Imperial Presidency has become so accepted that raising a cry for impeachment for overstepping Constitutional limits is met with bewilderment. "America’s not an empire," people of all political stripes inform me. End of discussion. And with Congress in cahoots, how could such an impeachment succeed?

I would not call our President stupid, as it is such a vague and pejorative word. I prefer to think of him as positively obtuse and mentally phlegmatic — nearer the mark while showing a touch of respect for the once noble office he occupies.

Yet, even if all agreed as to his stupidity, could it be construed as a high crime or misdemeanor? Couldn’t being dense be viewed as a necessity in a truly representative government?

Our past Presidential election pitted the mentally dull against the smugly self-righteous — depressing candidates to some, but can anyone claim the two did not represent significant segments of America? How can a dense, unlearned and awkward President not be representative? So how can it be a basis for impeachment?

Fliberal minds were soon exhausted by thought and as they cared nothing about my grounds for impeachment, I was left to ponder my case. Strangely, the accusation of stupidity stayed with me. Could George’s mental desuetude be a serious abuse of office?

With George W. in office, the noble and free bald eagle is to be replaced as our national symbol with the dodo.

George II does bring a unique and refreshing comedic touch to the office and spreads laughter round the world while easing the lives of comedians. But making light of the Second is so simple as to be offensive, like making fun of New-Agers or Democrats, cripples or activists. Could endangering the future of American satire be a misdemeanor?

And a President Cheney, should impeachment succeed, would be a richer and more challenging target for humorists.

But more than that, George II's many public displays of mental ineptitude could be causing irrationality and ignorance to seep throughout our society, and this might be criminal. As Reagan and George I’s hypocrisy and Clinton’s sleaziness possibly spurred social degeneration, so too G-2’s dullness might be retarding our country. Promoting himself as the Education President is akin to Clinton promoting himself as the Abstinence President — so utterly absurd and hypocritical as to defy reason and possibly damaging to America’s intelligence, which is frail and feeble already. Damaging it further is a national tragedy, but is it impeachable?

Is George the Second’s promotion to key advisory posts of people with mixed national loyalties impeachable? — people who have lived and worked in another land, people who have family there and have created special connections to another country, people who, in some circumstances, might put considerations for the other nation ahead of America. Israel is a heralded friend of ours now and so may not be treasonous, but it is vexatious nonetheless.

And the absurd Drug War continues unabated and unexamined, even though it costs taxpayers billions and imprisons millions of citizens, while more millions of functioning adults (most of whom lead useful lives) partake of said drugs, these facts are not only unexamined, but unmentioned. It would require leadership and courage to inspire a needed rethinking, but unfortunately George II is neither a fugleman nor fortitudinous, and in fact doesn’t know the meaning of either word. Most likely, G-2, like so many members of the Federal government, shares in the spoils of the organized crime known as the Drug War and this could clearly be bribery — yet with so many co-conspirators in Washington, how could this impeachment succeed?

Disheartening surely, but not impeachable.

So many questions about 9/11 seem purposefully unanswered and our President seems uninterested in asking or knowing.

Over the past forty years, I have rarely found anything that the federal government has said to be true or accurate. From health statistics to tax information, budgets, the drug war, and especially foreign affairs, everything emanating from Washington is, if not maliciously false, certainly never true. They lied about Vietnam and haven’t stopped lying since. Each of our innumerable little wars begins with Washington thundering accusations of evil and wrongdoings about someone somewhere; the docile opposition party accepts the story and our servile media happily broadcast it, embellishing and accenting the worse, and the agitated American public lap it up and, feeding on fear, their zealotry is roused and the now inflamed citizenry accepts, no, demands monstrously sordid actions from the government.

That such stories from the past have consistently proven untrue, people seem unable to recall. Vietnam, Grenada, Cambodia, Chile, Panama, Kuwait, Bosnia, Kosovo, Colombia, Israel — deceit and duplicity, and ignored.

How can anyone believe a thing the federal government ever says?

Yet people do. So eager to believe and follow their new religion of statism, Americans come to worship with such a unique and absolute naivete, it is as if they had been born this very day, lacking all historical awareness. This native indisposition toward history might explain America’s fascination with being reborn.

It is so much easier to believe and trust and accept when past deceptions and disgrace are forgotten. Can G-2 be responsible for the public’s apathetic ignorance? Is he himself not a part of this public?

Of course, 9/11 was different. People died here in America, dramatically, horribly and on live television, but still there are so many troubling questions.

What I think might be an impeachable offense is that under George II’s dull leadership, the Feds no longer even bother trying to hoodwink us. They so disdain and despise the public that they don’t care enough to cover lies or explain glaring discrepancies, they no longer feel a need to invent a halfway decent cover story.

Is there a point where dullness crosses the line into criminal ignorance? G-2 seems unfamiliar and ill at ease with the English language and evidences no desire to learn it. So why should the Feds invent deceptions when their boss, like so many Americans, can barely read and lacks comprehension. A man unable to see anything amiss in 2 + 2 = 7 cannot be expected to wonder why no military jets scrambled to intercept the planes on 9/11 or why the world’s greatest military had been unable to defend our largest city and even our Capital. Could this explain why no heads have rolled, why no one from the CIA or FBI or NSA or Military Intelligence or any of the myriad federal spy agencies has been tried and convicted of negligence or dereliction of duty, why no one has even been reprimanded? G-2 doesn’t see any problem.

Is George incapable of seeing something odd with Mohammed Atta leaving his last will in a suitcase and having that suitcase not make the flight or that another copy of his will would magically turn up near Ground Zero? Or wondering how long the hijackers had lived in America, what they did here, and who they did things with?

So many questions, so few answers, so little interest.

If pressed, a bureaucrat could explain that answers will not be forthcoming because of either: a) national security or b) the ongoing legal case against poor Moussaoui. Remember him? If his case can ultimately be shifted from our slow-moving legal system to a more glacier-paced secret tribunal with subsequent secret appeals and finally a clandestine execution — by then, there will either be other questions to ask or all questioning will be silenced for the duration of a never-ending war.

Will we ever know the truth about 9/11? And is President Bush’s role in this coverup impeachable?

Well, since I still await truthful answers about 11/22/63 and 12/7/41, I don’t think we will ever know and G-2's obvious state of ignorance would be a difficult defense to overcome.

But worse than his celebration of denseness is G-2's promotion of pusillanimity, which America has in abundance. Never does George call upon Americans to be brave and diligent, but rather always urges them to be passive and timid and look to government for their homeland security.

He has allowed the creation of an airport security system totally irrational, incoherent and demeaning, and has turned that most American trait, traveling, into a series of pointless, time wasting humiliations, with no expectations of improvement, ever. This alone could be considered grounds for impeachment, except that the citizenry accept it, nay welcome it, as long as the indignities are in the name of security.

It is time to be honest and to stop shaming our far distant heroic past, a time when America was the home of great and courageous people espousing liberty, beacons of freedom in an unfree world, and instead proclaim the onset of G-2's New World Order and our cringing and conformist America of today — so let us alter the terminal words of our Anthem and update them as, "The land of the sheep and the home of the scared."

Sing it out.

But all these ignominies might not be seen as criminal enough for a successful impeachment, but I recently became aware of an act so heinous that it was the final straw and forced me to raise my placard early, an action so vile that all sentient people must find it reprehensible, consider it felonious and for which G-2 must be held responsible.

He has conjured up a monstrosity from the netherworld, placed this hellacious horror in the public eye and put this spawn of the devil on the public payroll. This must grounds for impeachment.

It was while flipping channels late at night — It appeared. That rattish face, those beady, devious eyes, that grating, lying voice, those weasel words, that Satanic aura, and as the remote slipped from my shaking hands, I realized with total certainly that Bush had crossed the line. No decent person could deny it. No plea of ignorance could excuse this.

Elliott Abrams was back.

He is back and on TV. I have seen him and my sleep is terribly disturbed. Innocent children have seen him. The horror. The degradation. The line has been crossed.

Impeach the President.

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