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 N. Korea's Nuclear Plans Were No Secret

 By Walter Pincus
 In November 2001, when the Bush administration was absorbed in the aftermath of the 
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, intelligence analysts at the Lawrence Livermore National 
Laboratory completed a highly classified report and sent it to Washington. The report 
concluded that North Korea had begun construction of a plant to enrich uranium that 
could be used in nuclear weapons, according to administration and congressional 

 The findings meant that North Korea was secretly circumventing a 1994 agreement with 
the United States in which it promised to freeze a nuclear weapons program. Under that 
deal, the North stopped producing plutonium.

  Now, however, there was evidence that the North was embarking on a hidden quest for 
nuclear weapons down another path, using enriched uranium.

 Although the report was hand-delivered to senior Bush administration officials, "no 
one focused on it because of 9/11," according to an official at Livermore, one of the 
nation's two nuclear weapons laboratories. An informed member of Congress offered the 
same conclusion.

 The findings of the Livermore report were confirmed in a June 2002 National 
Intelligence Estimate, a major assessment by the CIA and all other intelligence 
agencies. These reports are part of a complex and hidden trail of intelligence about 
the North Korean effort that has raised questions about why the Bush administration 
waited until early October 2002 to confront officials in the capital, Pyongyang,  with 
the intelligence -- and to go public several weeks later -- when details had been 
accumulating for more than two years.

 The North Korean drive to  enrich uranium  came as  the Bush administration was 
trying to build support for military action against Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on 
grounds he was hiding a program of weapons of mass destruction and would be more 
dangerous if he obtained nuclear weapons. Some critics say the Bush administration 
kept secret the most worrisome intelligence about a North Korean nuclear plant out of 
concern that public disclosure would undermine the campaign against Iraq, or interfere 
with the pursuit of Osama bin Laden and his network. Top administration officials have 
repeatedly denied that they suppressed the intelligence for political reasons.

  Today, the administration faces new challenges as satellite data reportedly show 
North Korea moving  fuel rods from a reactor site that was mothballed under the 1994 
agreement. The site contains 8,000 such  rods which, if reprocessed, could yield 
enough plutonium for about five bombs in approximately one month, according to Daniel 
A. Pinkston, senior research associate and Korea specialist at the Center for 
Nonproliferation Studies.

 Moving the rods away from the storage site could make it much harder for outsiders to 
monitor whether North Korea was using them to build a bomb. Since 1994, the rods had 
been in storage under international monitoring, but recently the inspectors from the 
U.N.-chartered International Atomic Energy Agency were expelled from the country.

 CIA analysts said they now believe North Korea is moving full speed toward building a 
weapon with plutonium. U.S. intelligence has never included  firm evidence that North 
Korea actually possesses a bomb, although there has been speculation that it  had one 
or more weapons. North Korea also has missiles that could be used to deliver a weapon, 
including between 500 and 600 missiles modified from the Soviet-built Scud, with 
relatively short ranges of 150 to 300 miles. Also, in 1993 North Korea tested a 
missile with an 800-mile range, which could reach Japan, and in 1998 launched a 
three-stage missile over Japan. One stage flew an estimated 3,450 miles  before 
breaking up in the Pacific Ocean. The following year, North Korea announced a 
moratorium on missile tests, but recently threatened to resume them.
 Pakistan Gave Plans
 The history of the intelligence about North Korea's drive to enrich uranium 
underscores how the effort to stop weapons proliferation is made more complex by other 
foreign policy goals.

 For example, the Livermore report included the disclosure that Pakistani scientists 
were the source of the plans showing the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, how uranium 
is enriched, the sources said.

 Just weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks,  Gen. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's president, 
joined the United States in the fight against bin Laden and the Taliban in neighboring 
Afghanistan. The United States, in return, dropped sanctions imposed on Pakistan for 
pursuing a nuclear program. According to one senior administration official, it was at 
this point that Musharraf's government provided some of the new intelligence about 
North Korea, and the Pakistani president took steps to close down the channel that had 
delivered the nuclear know-how to Pyongyang. Pakistan's leadership "wanted to show 
they were cooperating," said one senior official who was close to the situation.

 The reasons the Bush administration did not act earlier on the information about 
North Korea are in dispute. Administration officials say the intelligence was 
fragmentary and unclear, but critics in Congress have questioned this. "The Bush 
administration rhetoric about North Korea has never been backed by action," said Rep. 
Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a leading congressional advocate of stronger measures to 
control weapons proliferation. Markey, along with Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Calif.) and 
recently retired Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman  (R-N.Y.), have been pressing the  
administration for more than a year to take action on North Korea.

 Under the 1994 agreement, known as the Agreed Framework, North Korea pledged to 
freeze a nuclear program that could produce plutonium at its Yongbyon plant. In 
exchange, the United States agreed to help build a light-water reactor to supply North 
Korea with electricity, and also to supply the country with fuel oil.

 Then, in the late 1990s, the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency began receiving 
sporadic reports suggesting that North Korea was attempting to bypass the '94 
agreement by seeking technologies associated with enriching uranium for nuclear bombs.
 Nuclear Program Reported
 North Korea's nuclear weapons program dates  to the late 1950s, just a few years 
after the United States secretly based nuclear bombs, and later nuclear artillery, in 
South Korea. Although the  nuclear weapons were removed from South Korea in the 1970s, 
U.S. Navy ships and submarines in the area continued to carry them, pushing   North 
Korea to develop a nuclear arsenal of its own, according to Morton H. Halperin, who 
worked on Korean nuclear matters in both the Carter and Clinton administrations and is 
currently with the Council on Foreign Relations. North Korean scientists were trained 
in the Soviet Union and China, among other places.

 A recent study by the Congressional Research Service noted that "North Korea's secret 
uranium enrichment program appears to date from 1995 when North Korean and Pakistan 
reportedly agreed to trade North Korean Nodong missile technology for Pakistan uranium 
enrichment technology."

  "The Clinton Administration reportedly learned of it in 1998 or 1999, and a 
Department of Energy report of 1999 cited evidence of the program," the study added.

 Also, at the National Defense University, a 1999 study group chaired by Richard L. 
Armitage, now deputy secretary of state, and including Paul D. Wolfowitz, now deputy 
defense secretary, concluded that the 1994 agreement had frozen "only a portion of 
[North Korea's] nuclear program" and that Pyongyang was "seeking to develop a covert 
nuclear weapons program."

 In November 1999, a House Republican advisory group that included the chairmen of the 
 armed services, international relations and intelligence committees released a report 
that said of the North: "There is significant evidence [of] undeclared nuclear weapons 
development activity." The report specifically mentioned "efforts to acquire uranium 
enrichment technologies."

  An unclassified version of a CIA report said, "During the second half of 1999, 
Pyongyang sought to procure technology worldwide that could have applications in its 
nuclear program, but we do not know of any procurement directly linked to the nuclear 
weapons program." A former senior official in the Clinton administration said the 
secret part of the report outlined details of purchases or attempts to gain assistance 
which were then believed to indicate an "experimental" or "research and development 
approach" to starting a uranium enrichment program.

 In February 2000, President Clinton approved funds for North Korea under the '94 
agreement. But he stopped short of a formal certification to Congress that "North 
Korea is not seeking to develop or acquire the capability to enrich uranium." Clinton 
waived the certification.

 Over the next two years, reports on Pyongyang's nuclear-related purchases continued 
while the incoming Bush administration began a review of North Korean policy. Bush 
took a more hostile approach to North Korea than Clinton had, but the focus was on the 
missile threat and Bush's desire to build a missile defense system.
 Sept. 11 Changed Focus
 The focus abruptly changed after the Sept. 11 attacks. Bush ended sanctions against 
Pakistan and Musharraf  provided new details of what had been given to North Korea.

 A CIA classified report on weapons of mass destruction activities covering the last 
six months of 2001 and distributed to senior Bush policymakers reported: "The North 
has been seeking centrifuge-related materials in large quantities to support a uranium 
enrichment program. It also obtained equipment suitable for use in uranium feed and 
withdrawal systems."

  In his State of the Union address  a year ago, Bush labeled North Korea as part of 
an "axis of evil" that included Iran and Iraq. He described the North as "a regime 
arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction while starving its citizens." He 
did not, however, mention the evidence of a uranium enrichment program.

  Last March, Bush, like Clinton, refused to certify that North Korea was complying 
with the 1994 agreement in releasing another tranche of money. But Bush again did not 
bring up  the secret uranium enrichment program, saying only that Pyongyang had hidden 
materials from International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors.

 By May, the intelligence had grown more worrisome. According to sources, those within 
the government wanting to act on North Korea, including Vice President  Cheney, pushed 
the National Intelligence Council to pull together a National Intelligence Estimate on 
whether the North was building the uranium enrichment facility. Henry D. Sokolski, who 
handled nonproliferation issues for Cheney when he was defense secretary during the 
first Bush administration and now directs the Nonproliferation Policy Education  
Center, said the National Intelligence Estimate was a major step the Clinton team had 
never attempted on North Korea.
 Little Said in Public
 But the administration's public stance was still vague. In a May 6 speech before the 
Heritage Foundation, John Bolton, the undersecretary of state for arms control and 
international security, focused on the "axis of evil" countries. Bolton was a fierce 
advocate inside the government for action against North Korea, but he only briefly 
mentioned that North Korea had a "covert" nuclear weapons program. Instead, he 
emphasized North Korea's effort to acquire "infectious agents, toxins and other crude 
biological weapons."

  In June 2002, the intelligence community produced a National Intelligence Estimate 
that "conclusively" confirmed the North had turned from research and development to 
actual purchases of materials to construct a gas centrifuge facility to enrich 
uranium, according to a senior intelligence official.  The highly classified report  
was first disclosed by reporter Seymour M. Hersh in the Jan. 27 issue of the New 
Yorker magazine.

 According to congressional sources, the document was not sent to the House or Senate 
intelligence committees, which were only briefed months after it was finished.

 Also, Markey and the other congressmen wrote to Bush about reports that had appeared 
in the South Korean press suggesting North Korea might have a new uranium enrichment 
program. In July, they received a reply from Bush's national security adviser, 
Condoleezza Rice, in which she made no mention of the National Intelligence Estimate. 
Instead, Rice said the United States is "committed to ending North Korea's nuclear 
weapons program" but added that Bush would continue to provide technology for the 
light-water reactors agreed to under the 1994 deal. Meanwhile, she added, Pyongyang 
had been told of Washington's "concerns" about its lack of full cooperation with 
International Atomic Energy Agency.

 Halperin, who worked for the National Security Council in the Clinton administration 
and later headed policy planning at the State Department, said the Bush team "did not 
want to pay attention to North Korea because they knew there was no military option, 
knew they would have to negotiate as Clinton did, and so, they were in a box."

 On July 31, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell had an unusual, private meeting with 
North Korea's foreign minister, Paek Nam Sun, while the two were in Brunei. Powell 
later said in an interview that he was aware of the NIE and other intelligence that 
"this enriched uranium program was going on. . . . Nevertheless, we wanted to move 
forward with the North Koreans."

 On Aug. 26,  Cheney made his first tough speech on Iraq, saying action had to be 
taken against  Hussein and his government in part because "they continue to pursue the 
nuclear program they began so many years ago."

  Three days later, speaking before a group of Korean War veterans, Cheney made only 
passing reference to North Korea as a country of "repression, scarcity and 
starvation." North Korea's nuclear weapons activities were never mentioned;  Iraq took 
center stage. "On the nuclear question," Cheney said, "many of us are convinced that 
Saddam will acquire such weapons fairly soon."
 Intelligence Report Not Cited
 On that same day, Bolton, who sources said was also familiar with the NIE, gave a 
speech to the Korean-American Association in Seoul. He raised the North Korean 
leader's chemical and biological weapons programs. North Korea, he said, was "exerting 
its utmost efforts to produce chemical weapons" and "has one of the most robust 
offensive bioweapons programs on earth."

 On the nuclear program, Bolton expressed concern about failure to allow IAEA 
inspectors to conduct required inspections under the '94  agreement. He did not 
mention the recently completed NIE. Instead, he quoted from a less specific  document, 
the declassified CIA report sent Congress a year earlier, covering 1999, which said: 
"Pyongyang continued its attempts to procure technology worldwide that could have 
application in its nuclear program."

  In the first week in October, Bush won agreement with House leaders for a 
congressional resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq, with or without U.N. 
approval. Assistant Secretary of State James A. Kelly was sent to North Korea from 
Oct. 3 to 5 to confront it with what the United States had learned. During the trip, 
North Korea acknowledged the secret uranium facility. But Kelly did not reveal the 
startling news. It remained secret while Bush pressed Congress for approval of the 
Iraq resolution. Only after Congress had acted and Bush signed the resolution did the 
White House disclose, in mid-October, that North Korea had a uranium enrichment 

 Staff writer Joby Warrick contributed to this report.

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