-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

The Latest Shuttle Disaster
by John Bartel and Tom Coughlin

The dismal economic record of the space shuttle is
well known. The safety flaws in the shuttle's design
are not as well known. When the first shuttle
disaster hit seventeen years ago, we wrote the
following letter in an effort to get a wider
understanding of how dangerous the space shuttle
is, and hopefully introduce some free market

This letter was run in its entirety in the November
1986 edition of Physics Today, the general interest
magazine of the American Physical Society. One
other technical journal ran it in highly abbreviated

As is typical in areas run by government, nothing
has changed over the past seventeen years.
Hopefully the second shuttle disaster will provide
the impetus to ground the shuttle permanently and
allow free market alternatives to flourish.

Physics Today, November 1986

To the Editor:

The recent tragic loss of the spac e shuttle
Challenger has reopened many basic issues
regarding our national space program. Many mildly
enthusiastic supporters of the shuttle, and even some
opponents, have been so moved by the loss as to
advocate building a replacement shuttle to continue
the original shuttle program. However, if we seek a
suitable memorial to the brave individuals who
perished in the shuttle accident, then we should
learn from this disaster and not repeat previous

The place to start is with the design of the shuttle
itself. NASA has recently released film of the
shuttle launch that indicates signs of trouble some
15 seconds before Challenger exploded. Most
discussions of this issue have focused on the
decision not to monitor more closely the
performance of the solid-fuel boosters. This misses
the essential point. Even if the shuttle crew had
known at the instant of launch that the shuttle was
going to explode in little more than a minute they
would still have died. The Shuttle has no safety
margin at launch. Either everything works right or
the crew goes down with the ship.

The space shuttle is the first manned US space
vehicle that has no provision for emergency escape
during launch. The Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo
programs all recognized the great dangers and
uncertainties in any propulsion system capable of
boosting man into space and made explicit
provision for the type of accident that blew
Challenger apart. The decision was made, early in
the shuttle design, to remove these safety
precautions to meet payload, crew size and mission
length requirements. Given the nature of both solid-
and liquid-fuel rockets, the laws of probability
guarantee that something would eventually go
wrong either at the launchpad or during the boost
phase. And given the rather incredible design
choices made, it was inevitable that astronauts
would die in either of these cases.

It is possible to obtain a reasonable safety margin
by returning to the equipment used in the first few
shuttle launches. There the crew was limited to two
astronauts to allow the installation of ejection
mechanisms. Of course, this sacrifices one of the
major goals of the shuttle, the ability to take
payloads and mission specialists into orbit.

Unfortunately, there is another safety problem that
has no easy remedy. The problems with the
insulating tiles are well known, and the potential for
disaster if a tile is lost over a critical area of the
shuttle reentry is obvious. What is not so well
known is that such a disaster has almost occurred.
One shuttle on the reentry came within seconds of
burning through a main wing support due to loss of
tiles. The failure of this support would have caused
the shuttle to crash, killing all on board.

Given the size of the shuttle, it is not feasible to
return to the proven heat-resistant alloys used on
previous manned space vehicles. Given the
problems with keeping the tiles attached during
launch and reentry, it is inevitable that despite
NASA's best efforts a critical tile will someday fall
off and another shuttle crew will go up in flames
with their shuttle.

If the shuttle were a reliable and economical way to
get into space, then it might make sense to try to live
with its inherently poor safety margins.
Unfortunately the reliability and economic records
of the shuttle are dismal. Its reliability is so
questionable that even before the Challenger loss
the Air Force was developing an expendable launch
vehicle to supplement the balky shuttle. Another of
the major goals of the shuttle was very rapid
turnaround time. As for economics, the shuttle will
never fly again without massive subsidies  once
again in stark contrast to the original NASA

The nation's space program has three alternatives. It
can continue the shuttle program with whatever
"quick fixes" are deemed necessary, it can develop
alternatives to the shuttle, or it can leave the launch
business altogether. Continuing with the shuttle
means future disasters like the Challenger
explosion. The price in precious lives and in
replacement shuttles will be much too great. Letting
NASA develop alternatives is equally unpalatable.
The shuttle's performance compared with NASA's
promises about its performance creates a very
serious credibility problem for NASA. To entrust
this group with the responsibility for finding a
replacement for the shuttle is to risk another piece
of aborted technology ruined by bureaucratic and
political intrigue.

Getting NASA out of the space-launch business is
not as naive a proposal as it might seem. There are
many ways of getting into space. Expendable launch
vehicles, air-breathing ramjets and sane shuttle
designs are only three possible options. It is
impossible to predict which method will prove the
most reliable or economical. If we are to cut the
expense of space travel dramatically, we must free
the space-launch business from bureaucratic
management and put it squarely into the innovative,
cost-competitive environment of the free market.
Launching payloads into space is a service that
market forces can provide, just as they provide
automobiles, computers, and clean laundry. There is
no rational justification for US taxpayers to
subsidize the expense of rocket development and
rocket launches. Let those who directly benefit pay
the bill, and let the rest of us spend our money on
items we deem important.

Market forces are no panacea. Space exploration
will continue to be the domain of brave, intelligent
and courageous men and women who are willing to
risk their lives pushing technology to its limits.
There is no shortage of such people and there is
also no shortage of space entrepreneurs willing to
push our people and technology to their limits to
create a reliable, cheap and safe space
transportation system. All we need do is get
government out of the way and let them do it. If we
learn this lesson from the Challenger loss, then we
will have created the most suitable memorial to the
individuals who died on that flight.

John Bartel
Tom Coughlin
Charlestown, Massachusetts

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