Columbia Crash Caused By
Fire in the Left Wheel Bay
Israeli star over Palestine, Texas, may have been sabotaged
Copyright Joe Vialls,  5 February 2003, All Rights Reserved

Claims by NASA that a ten-pound chunk of soft water-resistant foam caused “severe damage to the heat tiles on Columbia’s port [left] wing" are absurd. At the time the foam broke away from the main fuel tank, shortly after launch, Columbia had a velocity of only 513-mph, rendering the oblique glancing impact of the soft foam completely insignificant.
Think about it people, think about it! This is a craft designed to withstand the impact of minor space debris while in orbit, and then cope with enormous temperatures during re-entry to earth’s atmosphere.  The heat tiles are even designed in such a way that if you lose a few {and some have been lost in the past], the Shuttle will easily survive to fly another day.
All we have to do is ignore the NASA fundraisers, ignore the blatantly forged Israeli picture “proving” that Columbia had “cracks and a dent” in its left wing, and focus on hard data which were made available on the actual day of the catastrophe, before NASA could start changing the ground rules.
Real-time telemetry provides us with the proper sequence of events, which are as follows: There was an asymmetric 45F temperature increase in the left wing, reported by heat sensors located next to the left main wheel bay. Then these sensors failed completely, followed by failure of those sensors which normally report the tire pressures of the left main wheels, which are located inside the left wheel bay. By any reasonable analysis, at this point we have a serious problem next to, and also inside, the left main wheel bay. Most probable cause [indicated by the sensors] would be fire.
Next up, the real-time telemetry records sudden and massive drag on the left wing; drag so incredibly severe that the emergency retro-rockets fired in an attempt to correct the Shuttle’s attitude. Losing a few heat tiles would produce no significant drag at all, because they would have already left the craft and be trailing far behind in its slipstream. Got it so far? But what if Columbia lost 50 tiles, or even more. Exactly how would this affect the space vehicle during re-entry? Well, there would have been a much steeper increase in asymmetric temperature than was recorded by the sensors, but still very little drag, because there is a perfectly streamlined wing surface existing immediately underneath the tiles.

NASA’s Israeli buddies with the forged photograph [above] are already inferring that  “American Negligence” led to the death of  their war hero Colonel Ramon, a charming fellow who bombed a fully-fueled nuclear reactor back in 1981. Absolute rubbish! If  Columbia’s left wing had fractured and “fallen off” as implied, the drag on the left wing would have decreased dramatically because of the decreased wing area, leading directly to a corresponding massive increase in drag on the right wing. Aerodynamic fact and real-time telemetry prove this Israeli claim to be absolutely impossible, so now is the time for the Zionists to get their grubby little hands out of America’s hip pocket.
Having ruled out the impossible, and ruled out the deliberate misinformation,  we are now left with a crystal clear picture of exactly what we are looking for. The disintegration of the space shuttle Columbia was initiated  by massive drag on the left wing,  which of itself could only have been caused by a very large appendage still attached to the left side of the vehicle.
Forget any [highly likely] later NASA claims of "space junk" being the culprit, because any such claim is proved 100% invalid by the hard evidence. We know that the temperatures increased in the left wing, and we know that Columbia suffered massive drag on the left side. If space junk had damaged the left side, remember that drag would have been on the right side. There is no way out of this reality for NASA.
So what was this very large appendage? We know the problem was in the direct vicinity of the left wheel bay, and we know there was excessive heat immediately before the drag commenced.  Ask yourself what happens to a car tire if it gets way too hot. It explodes, doesn’t it? And when one or more steel-reinforced tires explode, they hurl large chunks of debris all over the place.
First logical culprit is the door covering the left wheel bay, dented by the explosion and now suddenly blocking the slipstream. It is a tempting thought, but the wheel bay doors are very lightweight in construction and Columbia was travelling at Mach 18, approximately 12,000 miles per hour. As with any conventional airliner at its normal cruising speed, the wheel bay door would have snapped off clean at the hinges and vanished in a few microseconds, leaving no significant drag at all.

Put bluntly, there is only one part of Columbia capable of creating sustained drag on the left wing to the point of disintegration, and that is the immensely strong titanium-alloy left main wheel leg and axle assembly, attached directly to Columbia’s main spar. If the exploding  tire or tires seriously damaged the hydraulics, the left main wheel assembly would start to deploy, causing exactly the same drag as that shown by the real-time NASA telemetry. Let us be quite clear on this point – the left main wheel leg and axle assembly is the only, repeat only, appendage on Columbia capable of causing the massive drag.
Identical damage has been suffered in the past by a limited number of combat aircraft, but the end result is always the same. Unable to cope with the sudden massive asymmetric drag, the airframe, stressed beyond endurance, starts to separate. Combat pilots have a chance of survival if they swiftly activate their ejector seats, but there were no ejector seats fitted to Columbia. Even if there were, the ejector seats would have been useless. You cannot “bang-out” at 207,000 feet and 12,000 miles per hour.
What caused the fire and then the left tire or tires to explode is an entirely different matter. It could have been a genuine accident, or it might have been sabotage before flight  Of particular interest is the fact that Columbia’s wheels are on a very small list of items which are allowed to leave the NASA high security zone. Each tire is only good for a single landing, meaning that before take off, all of the wheels were removed to be shod with new rubber.
It seems quite likely that the American Government’s fake warning about “toxic debris” from Columbia is designed to scare people away from the wreckage, leaving it relatively forensically intact for a series of tests, including any possible explosives residue on the remaining fragments of left wheels and tires. 
Somebody help me out here. Was it Russia or France who supplied the nuclear reactor to Iraq: the very same fully-fueled reactor at Osiraq that was subsequently destroyed by “war hero” Colonel Ilan Ramon?

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