-Caveat Lector- <A HREF="">www.ctrl.org</A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message --- -Caveat Lector- Lefties point out the French resistance to war as a
positive sign and that the Security Council's war
resolution will be vetoed by France. Yet France is
saying one thing while doing quite another. The French
army and navy are getting their troops and ships ready
to fall into line once the war is declared by the UN.

Chirac is just another globalist puppet with interests
both in Iraq's oil and in further empowering the UN,
which is the ultimate purpose of this war to begin
with. As the most vocal Good Cop "critic", he is
merely putting on a show to placate the powerful
socialist element in France.

The UNSC fiefdom members are going to fall into line
in the war resolution. Just observe. Am I happy about
it? Of course not. But I am merely demonstrating how
all this caterwauling is pure theatre to manipulate
the world's people into line with the UN as the
ultimate arbiter of war and of power. Can you get
fifteen puppets to dance to the same tune? Sure you

So, if you really want to end war and terror and get
rid of this pernicious All Seeing Big Brother global
dictatorship, you have to first admit that the global
elites (bankers, magnates, royalty, grand poobahs
etc)who are top level Freemasons without exception,
control the intelligence brotherhood, the media and
government itself. They are responsible for the
creation of the
to administer and enforce World Government through
total control of all sides of the debate in politics,
in guiding religious, media and educational
institutions for total thought control, and through
fomenting and funding terror and wars on all sides for
maximum control of the outcomes with the goal of
first, massive depopulation and second, absolute
control over the human body, mind and spirit. It is
primarly now a psychic dictatorship using a matrix of
overlapping control grid mechanisms which are
proliferating and in both scope and sopshistication.

I believe that the raising of consciousness above the
Right/Left paradigm is the first necessity to breaking
the spell that has us under a constant state of
divisiveness, agitation and reactivity and thus
powerlessness. In other words we have to stop pointing
fingers at the other guys across the political aisle
and start looking at who is pulling not only their
strings, but our own. Then we begin to understand why
Chirac says one thing while planning quite another.
And then maybe people will start taking their protests
directly to the bankers, fascist CEOs, Communist
social engineers, top clerics and the Kings and Queens
who really responsible for this mess.


U.S. Ready to Back New U.N. Measure on Iraq, Bush Says
France's former army chief of staff, Jacques Lanxade,
told a French newspaper that the nation could send as
many as 12,000 troops to Iraq if it comes to war.
French media have reported that the country's military
is engaged in a hurried effort to retrofit munitions
so they would be compatible with American weapons.

U.S. Ready to Back New U.N. Measure on Iraq, Bush Says

ASHINGTON, Feb. 6 — The United States stepped up the
political and military pressure on Iraq today,
signaling that it would welcome a second United
Nations resolution authorizing war to disarm Baghdad.
It also ordered the 101st Airborne Division to the
Persian Gulf, where more than 100,000 American troops
are massed, a total that could double by the end of
the month.


President Bush said he was open to seeking a new
Security Council resolution to support using military
might to rid Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction,
and challenged the Council to back up its words with
action to force President Saddam Hussein to comply.

"The United States would welcome and support a new
resolution which makes clear that the Security Council
stands behind its previous demands; yet resolutions
mean little without resolve," Mr. Bush told reporters
at the White House.

Anticipating an effort by Iraq to string out the
inspections and to drive a wedge between members of
the Security Council by appearing to cooperate, Mr.
Bush made clear that he would have none of it.

"Saddam Hussein can now be expected to begin another
round of empty concessions, transparently false
denials," the president said. "No doubt he will play a
last-minute game of deception. The game is over."

Even as the Bush administration kept open the
diplomatic door, the Army's 101st Airborne, which is
the military's largest air assault unit and is known
as the Screaming Eagles, received orders to send more
than 15,000 troops and nearly 300 combat helicopters
from Fort Campbell, Ky., to the Persian Gulf, military
officials said.

The decision to send the division, which has fought in
America's battles from World War II to Afghanistan,
underscores the importance the Pentagon is placing on
fast-moving forces in a war with Iraq. It also appears
to set one of the last major military pieces in place
before an offensive begins to oust Mr. Hussein.

Once the 101st Division's equipment is loaded aboard
ships in Jacksonville, Fla., and other East Coast
ports, sailing time to the Persian Gulf is about three

The latest deployment order came as there were signs
that Iraq was beginning to bend under the military and
diplomatic pressure. An Iraqi scientist agreed to be
interviewed in private, without a government witness.
United Nations officials said it was also possible
that Baghdad would soon allow U-2 surveillance flights
over its territory.

A day after Mr. Powell presented evidence to the
Security Council that he said showed Iraq was
deceiving inspectors in its determination to conceal
or obtain nuclear, chemical and biological weapons,
many experts said there were signs that France was
preparing for a possible shift in position.

France's only aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle,
sailed this week from the southern port of Toulon for
exercises in the Mediterranean. French media have
reported that the country's military is engaged in a
hurried effort to retrofit munitions so they would be
compatible with American weapons.

France's former army chief of staff, Jacques Lanxade,
told a French newspaper that the nation could send as
many as 12,000 troops to Iraq if it comes to war.

Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, speaking during a
trip to India, said: "We're not systematically
pacifist, but we think war isn't nice, and we don't
want war. We know that it's the last resort that could
be considered when all other options have been

American officials are weighing several possible
formulas for a new Security Council resolution,
including a text that would not explicitly call for
"all necessary means" against Baghdad, the Council's
most direct language for war.

American and British officials have also considered
including a ultimatum with a very short deadline —
perhaps as little as 48 hours — that would give Arab
nations an 11th-hour chance to persuade Mr. Hussein to
step down peacefully.

Consulting closely with Britain, the Bush
administration would like to lay all the legal
groundwork for military action by mid-March, the
diplomats said. Pentagon officials have said the
military would be best positioned to strike anytime
after mid-February.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html <A HREF="">Archives of [EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>

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