-Caveat Lector-

So dark, and yet too true...



By Stephen V. Kane

Few have said it yet. Somebody needs to. We are on the verge of WWIII.

The signs are here. Armies massing in a tinderbox around the oil fields of
the Mideast. Armies massing on the India-Pakistan border, another flash
point in the world. Amidst a war of words that has ended in war before,
the two sides are sending each other’s diplomats home. North Korea is
busily turning its nuclear facilities to the sincere task of creating
enriched uranium for nuclear missiles. America the just has seen the rise
to power of a dangerously misdirected mind, amidst an election sham, while
US Senate power balance changes due to airplanes falling out of the sky,
electronic ballot machines whose code is posted on unsecure servers, and
vituperative character attacks against decent men and women seeking office
for the good of the majority. That government has now turned bellicose, a
dangerous development considering the awesome military hardware it

Secret plans have been unearthed in the past forty-eight hours to further
attenuate the rights of US citizens, including secret arrests and seizure
of property; detention without counsel and without notification
(disappearances); even plans to expunge the citizenship of anyone caught
in a ‘terrorist’ organization, where the government defines what a
terrorist organization is. All with no recourse to the courts.

And war. Every tyrannical and totalitarian regime needs war. They will say
they don’t want world war, but world war consolidates and perpetuates
their grip on power.

World war breaks out easily from a major confrontation as that in Iraq. As
the major war transfixes the world, myriad minor ones break out, as
nations use the cover of the big events in Iraq and India and Korea to
settle scores elsewhere. China will wait until the USA is war-weary, and
will then strike Tawiwan/Formosa to ‘reunite’ them to mainland China.

Nukes will be used in WWIII. There are too many of these terrible weapons
stockpiled around the world to be secure. Some fool will unleash them, and
once he does, all bets are off. Retaliations and counter-retaliations will
wreck large sections of the biosphere.

Isn’t it terribly ironic that the world survived the prospect of nuclear
annihilation in the cold war, only to see it ignite in the remote and
historically less significant places of the world? For forty years US and
USSR nuclear arsenals aimed at every major population center on two
continents stood ready to launch. And for forty years diplomacy and spying
kept the giants respectful of each other. Now the fear is that a desperate
rogue state backed into a corner will set one or two off. And what is US
diplomacy doing? Backing these states into a corner.

Under the cloak of world war our enemies will find a way to deliver, and
ignite, a nuclear warhead on our soil. These enemies will not rest until
they have delivered this nuclear reaction to what they see as US

Only by extraordinary, police-state laws and enforcement can the wartime
government ‘protect’ the people. They will eliminate, in fact already have
eliminated, many freedoms. If you disagree with them on any level they
will monitor your phone calls and emails. If you persist in your dissent
they will arrest, detain and deport you. Ultimately, they will execute
their political enemies under the same confusion, blood, and death of the
wars they so desperately need to cover their failed attempts to govern a
peaceful nation peacefully.

The intentions of the US government are not, in fact peaceful. Bush is an
oil man placed into power by oil interests. The strategic prize is the
Iraqi oilfields. Yet as a domestic political matter, only by war and the
accompanying smoke, fog, and confusion of war can the Bush men consolidate
their extremely tenuous grip on control over their ‘homeland.’ War
provides them the necessary cover. The fear that war brings overwhelms the
resistance by a people who feel powerless in the face of rapidly changing,
overwhelming history.

But when the smoke clears – and it will clear – the United State will be
dishonored. The dishonor will not arise from the policies of this
misguided administration, but will be pointed at us, the American people.
All of us. Just like Nazi Germany, where the signs of a rise to power of a
depraved and dangerous element were unmistakable, the signs are here as
well, to anyone careful enough to read them. The Germans resist this war
because they know all too well the dire consequences that are in store.

There is no beer-hall putsch as in Munich. But there is a national
election that saw tens, if not hundreds of thousands of voters
disenfranchised in one state. Electronic voting machines were almost
certainly tampered with in certain elections. A virtual news blackout
exists in the mainstream media of any developments critical of the ruling
elite. A President is put into office through campaign promises and
slogans that are outright lies. His government may have impeded an
investigation that would have forewarned the nation of 9/11. The appointed
government, with a shaky electoral mandate, has embarked on a war that is
unsupported at home, and vigorously rejected abroad: They assemble a
massive army *before* trying diplomacy, to start the war anyway. Polite
congressmen try to pressure the government subtly to stand down, expecting
they will as reason says they must.

And yet like Germany in 1932 the intelligentsia, the press, and the rest
of government grossly miscalculates the depravity of the situation. They
will realize, only too late, they are dealing with a far greater, far more
dangerous situation than they ever dreamed. They are dealing with a ruling
faction that intends to rewrite the rules to an extent that nobody ever
dared think possible in the USA.

Part of that new set of rules involves war. It doesn’t matter that the
world condemns it. It won’t matter if five million people march in New
York City on February 15. Once the fog of war settles in, none of that
will matter. Once the guns begin to roar, the Bush Cartel, as it's been
called, will write the dark history.

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