-Caveat Lector-

‘Scoop’ On Iraq
by Matthew Rarey
February 20, 2003

First Published: LEWROCKWELL.COM

The tin-pot dictatorship of a poor country with a rich natural resource
becomes the focus of a war plotted by foreign powers and commercial
interests, then fomented by a clueless press. So goes the plot of Evelyn
Waugh’s novel Scoop, a hilarious satirical assault – on Realpolitik, Third-
World governance, and journalism – which offers Cassandra-like
premonitions of today.

Waugh wanted to write a novel inspired by his newspaper experience
covering the greatest feat of Italian arms since Julius Caesar: the 1935
tank-vs.-donkey conquest of Ethiopia. The resulting book resembles The
Quiet American, if written by P.G. Wodehouse.

Scoop stars William Boot, a country aristocrat who writes a nature column
for the Beast newspaper. Through a case of mistaken identity with an
ambitious popular novelist also named Boot, he is assigned to cover the
expected revolution in a fictional East African country, Ishmaelia. Although
he has no idea what he is doing and he cannot understand the cryptic
telegrams from his London editors – who know what to say in their
editorials, but need supporting "facts" – Boot eventually gets the big story.

Arriving in Ishmaelia, Boot finds himself a lamb among apathetic wolves —
fellow correspondents interested only in submitting daily copy rather than
taking a long view of events in order to discover the larger truth. (Their
press passes are aptly printed on forms originally meant for prostitutes:
"The space for thumb-print was now filled with a passport photograph and
at the head the word ‘journalist.’") One day Ishmaelia’s press director, the
snazzy Dr. Benito (an Al Sharpton-type character with Vernon Jordan
pretenses), announces an expedition to a fictional spot where he tells the
press they will get the scoop on Ishmaelia’s impending revolution. The
hacks take this safari to nowhere just to escape Jacksonburg, the sleepy
capital named after the ruling family, a pride of Waspish shysters proudly
educated at Adventist U. of Alabama. All go except Boot, who, having
looked at a map, knows the journey is a sham.

Alone in town, Boot meets a British financier-adventurer who (literally)
parachutes into town. This shadowy figure gives him the real low-down:
the country is rich in gold deposits coveted by the Germans, Soviets, and
British. The British are betting on buying out the Jacksons, Benito is the
Soviets’ man, and the Germans favor an expat named Smiley to lead a
fascist coup.

With the press corps conveniently gone, Benito overthrows the Jacksons
and proclaims the Soviet State of Ishmaelia. Only William is left to tell to
the world. Unsure how to break the news, the savvy financier advises him
how to package the story for home consumption. "I am committed to very
considerable sums in this little gambit," he tells Boot. "I possess a little
influence in political quarters but it will strain it severely to provoke a war
on my account. Some semblance of popular support...would be very
valuable" to guarantee the "only one thing that can set things right –
sudden and extreme violence." As the chap seems to know what he is
talking about, Boot lets him write his dispatch for him.

Alas, His Majesty’s best become unnecessary thanks to a drunken Swedish
missionary who throws a counter-revolution that restores the Jackson
dynasty. In the end, the British presumably get the gold rights, and Boot
returns to England a famous journalist. Yet, despite being showered with
accolades for brilliant reportage, Boot abjures journalism. Observing
badgers for a nature column is preferable to prostituting oneself to
headline-hungry editors, thank you.

Life has a way of imitating art, however jolly good fun, and turning it into
tragedy. Indeed, Scoop’s similarities to the impending war against Iraq are

Like the readership of the Beast, which carried Boot’s "sensational
message into two million apathetic homes," most Americans ignore foreign
affairs beyond the headline news. So most of them are unaware that Iraq
has a treasure akin to Ishmaelia’s gold: the second largest proven oil
reserves in the world – 112 billion barrels to Saudi Arabia’s 262 billion.
(According to estimates by the US Department of Energy, Iraq may have up
to 220.) The fact that this dimension of a war against Iraq is nary
mentioned in media coverage, and studiously ignored by the Bush
administration, fails the full disclosure that citizens living under a
government "of the people, by the people" deserve. Even Scoop’s boozy
correspondents were innocent of such a sin of omission: they did not
know there was gold in them thar hills.

While propagandists hype the "Butcher of Baghdad" as a new Hitler –
although his neighbors are so terrified of Adolf, Jr., that they demand
bribes to allow us to "defend" them – his likeliest successor has made
backroom concessions that have not hit the front page. The Bush-backed
leader of the Iraqi National Congress, Ahmed Chalabi, has assured
businessmen that Iraq’s existing oil contracts, such as those with the
French and Russians, will be nullified. "American companies will have a big
shot at Iraqi oil," says our own guy Smiley.

This is welcome news for American (and presumably British, but not
French) oil firms. The American-led development of Iraq’s oil industry –
which has been operating at low capacity under UN sanctions – promises
to undercut the Saudi- led OPEC by ensuring a gusher of cheap oil. If the
war and its aftermath go smoothly, American voters would have reason to
thank Mr. Bush every time they gas up.

Politics naturally invites skepticism. Yet, such a skeptical take on the
impending war does not necessarily suggest that staging "Giant II" in the
Iraqi desert is the main reason for war. But it certainly sweetens the
imperial doctrine of defusing the Middle East by forcing "regime change,"
country-by-country if necessary. The subsequent US control of oil
sources, versus the mere access to them guaranteed by the free market,
is a powerful weapon – one America will need to effect the
unchallengeable global dominance envisioned by Mr. Bush’s National
Security Strategy. This document, released last September, is a blueprint
for empire that would make Wilson blush and Washington crimson with
rage. Burbling beneath the antiseptic bureaucratic-speak is a witch’s brew
of hubris, greed, and good intentions that poisoned empires of old. But
never mind: history’s lessons may be important, but they never apply to
the present. Hence, the bold new National Security Strategy is rarely
mentioned by the press in the context of Iraq, and never by an
administration to whom speaking the word "oil" is as taboo as uttering

Although this administration wishes to project and defend American global
hegemony by any means necessary; although Mr. Bush and leading
administration officials are oil men, and Mr. Bush received more campaign
contributions from the oil industry in 2000 than any elected official
accumulated over the entire decade of the 1990s; and although
Americans’ righteous anger over Sept. 11 has been channeled into killing a
dictator and occupying a country that had nothing to do with those
attacks, why is the scoop on Iraq ignored? Three reasons suggest

The first concerns American journalism’s preference for "he said, she
said"-style reporting, which makes it easy to skim the surface of events.
Like the correspondents in Scoop who attend Potemkin-style press
conferences and take government officials at face value, the so-called
"objective" reporting which is the meat of American journalism is no match
for investigative reporting that respects no constituency but the truth.

The second may be fear of losing access to White House sources. This
administration knows how to give critics the silent treatment. What media
outlet wants to lose out on the action?

The third reason is informed by the second: the fear of suggesting that a
popular president might be less than forthright about his war aims. Perhaps
this fear is deepened by the reporter’s reluctance to rely on less-than-
sexy secondary sources to get the scoop because the primary one, Mr.
Bush, loathes reporters. Not that he considers himself answerable to
anybody, anyway. As Mr. Bush is quoted in Bob Woodward’s Bush at War:
"I’m the commander – see, I don’t need to explain – I do not need to
explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being the
president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why I say something,
but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation."

Silence. The Leader has spoken. (The happy side to presidential Caesarism
is that Mr. Bush’s refusal to answer questions prevents the occasion of
hearing him extemporize. To paraphrase Waugh’s criticism of a hapless
author, hearing Mr. Bush grapple with the English language is "to
experience all the horror of seeing a Sevres vase in the hands of a

The similarities between Scoop and Iraq recall another meeting between
fiction and reality. In "The Godfather," mafia son Michael Corleone tells his
fresh-faced fiancée that his father’s methods are no different from those
of leading elected officials. The WASP from small-town New England won’t
believe that:

Kay: "You know how naive you sound, Michael? Senators and presidents
don’t have men killed."

Michael: "Oh, who’s being naive, Kay?"

End of conversation.


- Matthew Rarey is a member of The Washington Times editorial board, but
does not write for the board in the above article which first appeared at

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