-Caveat Lector-

Arab News
There Is a Strong Smell of Oil in the Air
Uri Avnery
Published on 23 February 2003

This is not a war about terrorism. This is not a war about weapons of mass
destruction. This is
not a war about democracy in Iraq. This is a war about something else.

As for terrorism: Saddam Hussein is a cruel dictator, but the idea that he
might be connected with Osama Bin Laden is ridiculous. Saddam heads the
Iraqi section of Al-Baath, a very secular party. Bin Laden is an Islamic
fundamentalist, and Al-Qaeda aims at the destruction of all secular regimes
in our region. The official who invented this particular lie is either an
ignoramus or a cynic who believes that one can fool all the people at least
some of the time.

As for weapons of mass destruction: The US supported Saddam when he
used deadly poison gas against the Iranians (and their Kurdish allies in Iraq).
At the time, America was interested in stopping the Iranians. Today there
are chemical and biological weapons in most of the countries of this
region, including Egypt, Syria and Israel, and one of them has nuclear arms.
As for democracy: Americans don’t give a damn. Some of their best friends
in the Islamic world are dictators, some more, some less cruel than
Saddam. As the American adage goes: “He is a son-of-a-bitch, but he is our

If so, what is the war about? In one word: Oil. There is a strong smell of oil
in the air. Without smelling it, one cannot understand what is going on.
But once one grasps what it is all about, the actions of Bush & Co., while
cynical and hypocritical, are utterly logical. These, then, are the American
war aims:

-- To take over the immense oil reserves of Iraq, among the world’s biggest;

-- To ensure American control of the nearby huge Caspian Sea oil reserves;

-- To reinforce indirect American control of the oil in all the Gulf states.

Control of most of the world’s oil reserves will free the Americans, at long
last, from the whims of the oil market. Their hand, and theirs alone, will be
on the tap. They, and they alone, will fix the prices of oil all over the
world. If they will want prices to rise, they will rise. If they will want them
to go down, they will go down. With one single movement of the hand,
they will be able to deal a crushing blow to the economies of Germany,
France and Japan. No country in the world will be able to stand up to
them in any matter. No wonder that Germany and France oppose the war.
It is directed against them.

It follows that the Americans do not intend to enter Iraq, establish
democracy and leave. The very idea is ridiculous. The US enters Iraq in
order to stay there, for years and decades. Its physical presence in the
Arab and Muslim world will create a new geopolitical reality.

Of course, this is not the first time that a great empire uses its military
power to promote its economic dominance. History is full of examples.
Indeed, one could say that all of history is an example. But there has never
been a superpower like the US, with no rival left, using its immense military
might in order to ensure its domination of the world economy for
generations to come.

>From this point of view, the coming war on Iraq — a “small” war, militarily —
will have historic significance. For sure, Bush will try to set up some native
Iraqi government, in order to disguise and lend some legitimacy to the
American occupation. There are any number of volunteers, ready to serve
as Quislings. Then again, Bush may prefer some new Saddam Hussein, a
dictator appointed by them. But war is war. War usually starts with a well-
prepared plan, but even the “best” plan, backed by the mightiest military
power, can go awry. The Arab masses may rise against their American-
supported, corrupt, lackadaisical governments.

How will this affect Israel? Or, to use the old phrase: “Is it good for the
Jews?” The relations between Bush and Sharon are almost symbiotic. In
Sharon’s view, the massive presence of the US in our region strengthens
Israel and will enable him to implement his hidden agenda. But, as one says
in Hebrew, “the fat tail of the sheep has a thorn in it”. The permanent
occupation of Iraq turns the US into a kind of “Arab” power, with a vital
interest in the stability and tranquility of the region. It will want to
prevent by all means chaos in the Arab countries — before, during and
after the war. Sharon and his generals are, on the contrary, interested in
as much chaos as possible, in order to use it to “transfer” millions of
Palestinians to the other side of the Jordan. There is a definite conflict of
interest between Bush and Sharon.

Sharon, an extremist but prudent person, knows that he must not under
any circumstances infuriate Bush. He will act cautiously. He has lots and
lots of patience and lots and lots of stubbornness. He will try to obtain
from Bush permission to transfer (at least some) Palestinians, to murder
Arafat (“If Saddam, why not Arafat?”) and to break the Palestinian people.
Bush, on the other hand, will want Israel to stay quiet, very quiet. At this
time, he may use the Israel threat in order to ensure that the Arabs, too,
will stay quiet, very quiet. He will threaten the Arab rulers, who are
mortally afraid of an uprising of their peoples, that if they do not behave,
he will let Sharon off the leash.

Is all this good for Israel? From the economic, social and security points of
view, the answer is negative. We are entering an era of adventurism, with
adventurer No. 1 at the helm of our state. The earth will shake in our
region, and nobody can foresee the dangers approaching us. Only one
thing is certain: This will not bring peace. I do not belong to those who
can speak about war with equanimity. I have seen war, I know its face. I
see the thousands who will be killed, the tens of thousands that will be
wounded and maimed, the hundreds of thousands that will become
refugees, the ruined families, the sea of tears and human suffering. I join
the millions all over the world who say NO.

Uri Avnery is an Israeli journalist, writer and peace activist.

Arab News Opinion 23 February 2003

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