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-Caveat Lector-
From: "northerntowns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [september_eleven_vreeland] The Craft
excerpt from:
quote is 3/4 down
'It is not difficult to ruin a man,' he said. 'And I will tell you
how it is done time and again. There are more than half a million
brethren under the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge. Standards have been
falling for twenty or thirty years. It is too easy to enter the
Craft, so many men of dubious morals have joined. The secrecy and
power attract such people, and when they come the decent leave. The
numbers of people who would never have been considered for membership
in the fifties are getting larger all the time. If only five per cent
of Freemasons use - abuse - the Craft for selfish or corrupt ends it
means there are 25,000 of them. The figure is much closer to twelve
or thirteen per cent now.'
Christopher explained that Masonry's nationwide organization of men
from most walks of life provided one of the most efficient private
intelligence networks imaginable. Private information on anybody in
the country could normally be accessed very rapidly through endless
permutations of masonic contacts - police, magistrates, solicitors,
bank managers, Post Office staff ('very useful in supplying copies of
a man's mail'), doctors, government employee bosses of firms and
nationalized industries etc., etc. dossier of personal data could be
built up on anybody very quickly. When the major facts of an
individual's life were known, areas of vulnerability would become
apparent. Perhaps he is in financial difficulties; perhaps he has
some social vice - if married he might 'retain a mistress' or have
proclivity for visiting prostitutes; perhaps there is something in
his past he wishes keep buried, some guilty secret, a criminal
offence (easily obtainable through Freemason police of doubtful
virtue), or other blemish on his character: all these and more could
be discovered via the wide-ranging masons network of 600,000
contacts, a great many of whom were disposed to do favours for one
another because that had been their prime motive for joining. Even
decent Masons could often be 'conned' into providing information on
the basis that 'Brother Smith needs this to help the person
involved'. The adversary would even sometimes be described as a
fellow Mason to the Brother from whom information was sought perhaps
someone with access to his bank manager or employer. The 'good' Mason
would not go to the lengths of checking with Freemasons Hall whether
or not this was so. The 'target' was presented as a Brother in
distress by a fellow Mason, especially a fellow Lodge member, that
would be enough for any upright member of the Craft.
Sometimes this information gathering process - often involving a long
chain of masonic contacts all over the country and possibly abroad -
would be unnecessary. Enough would be known in advance about the
adversary to initiate any desired action against him.
I asked how this 'action' might be taken.
'Solicitors are very good at it,' said Christopher. 'Get your man
involved in something legal - it need not be serious - and you have
him.' Solicitors, I was told, are 'past masters' at causing endless
delays, generating useless paperwork, ignoring instructions, running
up immense bills, misleading clients into taking decisions damaging
to themselves.
Masonic police can harass, arrest on false charges, and plant
evidence. 'A businessman in a small community or person in public
office arrested for dealing in child pornography, for indecent
exposure, or for trafficking in drugs is at the end of the line,'
said Christopher. 'He will never work again. Some people have
committed suicide after experiences of that kind.'
Masons can bring about the situation where credit companies and banks
withdraw credit facilities from individual clients and tradesmen,
said my informant. Bank can foreclose. People who rely on the
telephone for their work can be cut off for long periods. Masonic
employees of local authorities can arrange for a person's drains to
be inspected and extensive damage to be reported, thus burdening the
person with huge repair bills; workmen carrying out the job
can 'find' - In reality cause - further damage. Again with regard to
legal matters, a fair hearing is hard to get when a man in ordinary
circumstances is in financial difficulties. If he is trying to fight
a group of unprincipled Freemasons skilled in using the 'network' it
will be impossible because masonic Department of Health and Social
Security and Law Society officials can delay applications for Legal
Aid endlessly.
'Employers, if they are Freemasons or not, can be given private
information about a man who has made himself an enemy of Masonry. At
worst he will be dismissed or consistently passed over for promotion.'
Christopher added, 'Masonic doctors can also be used. But for some
reason doctors seem to be the least corruptible men.
'Only the fighters have any hope of beating the system once it's at
work against them,' he told me. 'Most people, fighters or not, are
beaten in the end, though. It's . . . you see, I ... you finish up
not knowing who you can trust. You can get no help because your story
sounds so paranoid that you are thought a crank, one of those nuts
who think the whole world is a conspiracy against them. It is a
strange phenomenon. By setting up a situation that most people will
think of as fantasy, these people can poison every part of a person's
life. If they give in they go under. If they don't give in It's only
putting off the day because if they fight, so much unhappiness will
be brought to the people around them that there will likely come a
time when even their families turn against them out of desperation.
When that happens and they are without friends wherever they look,
they become easy meat. The newspapers will not touch them'.
'There is no defence against an evil which only the victims and the
perpetrators know exists.'
Senior Whitehall Civil Servant and Freemason
Quoted in Stephen Knight's The Brotherhood
Stephen Knight died suddenly, just 18 months after the publication
of 'The Brotherhood'.
The cause of death was listed as a cerebral tumor.
He was 33.
It (Satan) is that Angel who was proud enough to believe himself God;
brave enough to buy his independence at the price of eternal
suffering and torture; beautiful enough to have adored himself in
full divine light; strong enough to still reign in darkness amidst
agony, and to have made himself a throne out of this inextinguishable
Brother Eliphas Levi
Historie de la Magie
Pages 16-17
One of the most hidden secrets involves the so-called fall of Angels.
Satan and his rebellious host will thus prove to have become the
direct Saviours and Creators of divine man. Thus Satan, once he
ceases to be viewed in the superstitious spirit of the church, grows
into the grandiose image. It is Satan who is the God of our planet
and the only God. Satan (or Lucifer) represents the Centrifugal
Energy of the Universe, this ever-living symbol of self-sacrifice for
the intellectual independence of humanity.
Sister H.P. Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine
Pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533
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